Welcome to My Palace


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hi! If you are a revisitor you may have noticed no new updates in a while. This is because I have moved all of this page and my new stuff to my NEW page PURPLE WATERS I ahve been updating that page alot more and i hope you check it out. I' We also have the 4th winner now of the totally cool page award!. The winner is Lauren for her page Lauren's Homepage .
Something else I forgot to mention if you follow the adopted heart or the bear at the bottom of the page you can go to sites that are about child abuse, a very important issue in today's world, and read up on it.Also please visit my page for Tesslynn and get some facts on CHILD ABUSE. I hope you enjoy my page. And if you want you can exchange links with me. Either a simple text link or a banner to your page, just notify me by signing the guestbook or by e-mial. And if you want to trade banners you have to tell me where to find your banner.

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To subscribe to my mailing list jsut put your e-mail address in the box and click join (it's free). My mailing list is going to be somewhat like a newsletter i guess you'd call it. If you sign up you will be e-mailed bi-monthly (probably) with horoscopes (those are done by another person, Katy (thanks!)), puzzles, trivia, opinion columns, music reviews, movie reviews, Advice Column, poems, Great Girl and Great Guys (people in the news doing great things), what you wanna say, and up-coming events at My Palace. I hope to see you sign up!

*NOTE: some of the graphics here are my own design, and some are not. And the poem I had posted here is now on "Tips of Butterfly Wings.

NEXT PAGE (about me)
Cyberpet Page
My Dawson's Creek Page
UPDATED - POETRY PAGE (Tips of Butterfly Wings)
Award Page
NEW- Blue Sunshine (my stories or stories sent in)
Movies & Films

Links to other sites on the Web

Unicorn Friendship Center
Galactic Galaxy
Moxie Girl

Please help support the 'Adopt A Guardian Angel' program. By doing so you are virtually taking the hand of a neighbor and joining us in creating a never ending circle around the world that will empower us to stand up and be the voice for all children of this planet! Show them we care enough to make a difference! In reality, by displaying this link back to our site you are helping us to meet our goal of creating awareness, education, recognition, prevention and intervention and that is the first real step towards breaking the cycle of abuse and stopping all forms of maltreatment!

Children Are Worth Saving Web Site

This Kewl Teenz site is owned by Staci


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