Whazza u name__________________ U-Hage_______ Whazaa u howsa nummer____________ U-Streeta_____________
Whazza-U-Bag? Hitta Man___ Lona-Arranger___ Prostitutta__ Izza U Girl or Boy? (If uzza girl, Oh-Boy!)_____ Justta Checka Wun. (Wiezza Guy)
Putta Downa Wearra U Worgga Now_____________________ Wazza U Inna De Bigga Ouse?_____ For Whatzza U Inna De Bigga Ouse? I Shoota Wun Guize___ I Keednappa Sum Body’s___ Proteckshun Ragget___ Udda Things___________________ U Wanna B De Bigga Shotz, Dumdaze?? Yasse___ No___ Eh:___
U Likka Eata Garlic?___ Pizza?___ Salami?___ U No Ow 2 Makke De Cement Shooz?___ U Driva De Car?___ Gadillac___ Buick___ Linken___ U Likka Spagett?___ Galamari?___ Girlze?___ Boyze?___ (Just peek a one--no foola rounda cus I slappa U face)
U Sees De Godfather? (Or justa de movie?) Widda U Antry U Gonna Getta Somtink U Reely Lika. ................ 1 pr. darke glasses 1 lb. mozzarella cheeze 1 black shirte widda white tie 1 kiss (later, onna U cheek) 1 pr. pointe shooz 1 wite hat, widde blacke brim 1 pr. cement shooz (come later when you foolaround) 1 spumoni (tutti-frutti) Frank Sinatra 8x10 picchur 1 Appy Face Button
Goode Stoff (Iffa U notta Sure, I Talle U Whatta U Getta, Wizaguy)
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