Hello there, I'm glad you found me!
My name is Diddley, and this is my habitat.
Here you will learn about me, my other dino friends, the rainforest, bugs and...well...come see for yourself!
That's me up there on that welcome sign.
I am a triceratops dinosaur, but sometimes I am also called a three-horned.
I was alive about 70 million years ago and was the biggest of all the horned dinos weighing about 5.4 tons, full grown. I ate plants, tough palms and other shrubs, so I'm known as a herbivore.
My face is almost beak like, sort of like a parrot, and my teeth are scissors sharp, making it easy for me and my cousins to eat those kind of shrubs. We traveled in herds and our horns made it easy for us to scare away others that wanted to hurt us or our young.
There are many stories about why we are extinct (not living anymore) like: an explosion of the solar system, changing of the climate so we didn't have enough to eat, and the waters on the earth getting too cool. Sadly, however, we have been gone now for 65 million years.
I am here with you today as a young 9 year old fourth grade dinosaur who loves science and I'm ready to show you some things I have discovered about other dinosaurs, volcanos, the rainforest and...yeesh....bugs!!
I have a lot of friends at my elementary school
where they have many books about me. If you look in the library of your school or your neighborhood, you can find things about me too.
Enough about me, if you're ready let's go on and see what else I have in store for you, but first, I'd like it if you would say hello in my guestbook. Course, if you are in a hurry to go on, there are others along the way.

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