I would like to thank all the EnchantedForest Community leaders! For at last, I got the highest award in EnchantedForest which is the Light of the Forest! I had not expected this award.
Some other images here are by CrankyAngel.com.
This is the end of the page and that is all for now! Do come back again. We will soon have cool designs and stuff! I hope that you had a wonderful and fun time at my website! You are the
Buzz Buzz! Welcome to Ceslestee's Homepage! The bees and I are honoured to have you as a visitor. Feel free to explore around and I hope you enjoy your visit...
This is my website, where you can do lots of fun things here! Other than this website, you can view my other websites, which I've created too! However, my other websites are usually much smaller than this, since this was all my hard work. Do visit Ceslestee's Graphicx. You will find a whole collection of graphics and background sets. Other than that, Ceslestee's Graphicx is designed using Frames. Before we proceed on, please note that Ceslestee's Homepage is best viewed in Internet Explorer Version 5, Text Size : Smaller, 800 X 600 Resolution.
I now have a new website, linked from this website! It is called Ceslestee's HTML Help Corner. This website is specially created for beginners to HTML. I hope that they will be able to learn a thing or two. If you wish to create a website like mine, do visit it then! I am still building it, but the Basics pages are already up! So visit it and start building a website!
Last updated : 19th of May 2001
If you have any comments, you are very welcomed to fill up my feedback form and sign my guestbook!
This award is received on 1st of March 2000Easy Navigation!
visitor.(this counter started in October)
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