Hi and welcome! My name is Craig. I am 8 years old. I am glad you came to visit with me.
Well we are in the year 2000. I had a great vacation during my school break. We went to Myrtly Beach and stayed with my Aunt and my grand parents. We were there till New Years Day. I had a blast. Can't wait to go back again. I am now a wolve. We are doing many different activities. We go on many trips. We visited a radio station by where I lived. We had a tour and I won the loudest screem, so I get to talk on the radio. It was fun. We have other upcoming event. Such as touring Home Depot, Bitter Sweet, and we are also going to visit Pizza Hut. I will keep you posted on what we did.
I am now in my second season of playing roller hockey. I sure had fun. Last season was my first time playing rollerhockey. I did really good. I aslo played goalie. This season just started. We have our first practice in February 2000 and our first game is on February 26th. I will let you know how we played. I love
to play on the computer. I have many different activities and games I play.
I would love to have a computer pal. If you get your parents permission you
can E-Mail
me. Please keep it kids safe and friendly. My parents will moniter me.
It's a safe idea!
I have a pet hermit crab. I had two. One died just recently. It was over year and half that I had him. I do have another one. I got it when I went to a school fair. It is now 7 or 8 months old. I take care of them every nite before bed. Hermit crabs feels kinda funny, but you get used to it. He is in a nice fancy shell. Once you get used to it, it becomes very friendly with you. Mine sure did. He knows me and comes out and play. He doesn's hide anymore.
Before my other crab died. I actually saw it change into another shell. It was very interesting. I had to put severaly different ones in there. I had a picky crab. But he finally found one he lifed and stayed in that one till he died.
You can
meet my sister Caitlyn. She is 3 years old. She is cute and I love her.
Also visit
my cousins page. They have some fun and
Before you leave, please sign my guestbook. It is fun when I get to read
I hope you enjoy your visit here.
I have links to the rest of my web site and also visit my family and friends
I have
two guestbook. You may sign either one
for stopping by. Hope you will
This year in school I am in the Chorus. I am also going to be doing some after school activities. One of them is Spring Musical. We will be starting that in mid February. The other one is doing Bowling and Golf. I am sure going to be busy this year.
I am a
Memeber of BSA
Fun things I like to do. I like
to ride my bike when the weather is nice. I also like to rollerblade and
play rollerhockey.
I also play baseball in the springtime. I also play and hangout with my friends. Boy I sure am
a busy boy.
Baseball season is over for me for now. I will be playing again in the spring.
stuff to see. They are
ages 9
and 6.
Expecially when I am learning to read. It is fun!
If you
have a website, let me know so I can come and visit you.
of them.
I will be reading from both of them.
You can
also read my old guestbook if you like.
soon. As this site is always
![]() ![]() Craig. Want to join
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