Hi! Welcome to our home page. I am glad you came to visit. My name is Craig and I am 9 years old. My sisters name is Caitlyn and she is 4 years old.
We each have our own web pages. There are fun things and games for kids. Even adult too. So take your time and enjoy.

Thank you for stopping by.

When you are done, feel free to sign in the guestbook. (This guestbook is Caitlyn's and mine. When you go to our web site we have our own private guestbook. So feel free to sign them too.)   

This is my sister Catilyn's Palace. She is 4 years old and she loves to read her guestbook, with our mommy of course. She has some adopted stuff and fairies and lots of fun things to look at. She also has a storybook up too. So make sure you stop there.

This is my place. Come visit me also. If you like Dragons. I have a page up of just dragons and adopted ones also. I also have a game to play. When you are there I love to read my guestbook too. So come on over some time.

This is my Mom's home. She has some really interesting stuff there. It is children safe. Take the time to stop by.

Ashley and Alexandria is our cousin.
Visit there page. They have some neat stuff there.
Even adopted pets and things.
It is really cool.

Drop us a mail sometime. We like to have to email pals. As long it is children safe.

Please do not remove any image from this site. It is copyright by C and C Designs.