Babynat's Bag O'Baubles

Hi! I'm Babynat and I'm really excited to have a page to share my baubles with you.
Mommy is doing all this stuff for me 'cos I'm still too little.
The baubles in my bauble bag each represent a part of my world.
So, come along with me and I'll show them to you.
Just follow my Bauble Guide below and there's also my
Baublelinks at the bottom of every page to guide you, should you be lost!
And please sign my guestbook on your way out 'cos I'd like to get to know you too!

Babynat's Bauble Guide
Come & celebrate my birthday with me! |
If you'll like to know more about who I am, click on this bauble! |
Allow me introduce you to my family! I'm sure they'll love to meet you too! |
Clicking this bauble here will show you the songs and games and toys that Mommy and I share together! |
This page contains some recipes of the stuff that Mommy makes me eat. Try them if you dare! |
Check out my monthly progress report to see how I'm doing! |
Cuties by the dozens in my photo album! |
My very own pageful of Pooh pictures and links! |
Special thanks to the people who provided graphics for my site. |
Web-rings that I belong to. |

Yipee! I've got an AWARD!

Thanx Enchanted Forest! And to my CL, Luckystar!
(Aug 28,1998)
Hooray! Another AWARD!

Thanks again Enchanted Forest!
And to ZooMom who reviewed my site!
(Nov 22,1998)
And Another!

(Dec 11,1998)
Babynat's Baublelinks

[About Me]
[My Family]
[Fun Stuff]
[Food Stuff]
[Progress Report]
[Photo Album]
[Pooh Page]
[Graphics Credits]
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