When Love is right,
you see it in each other's eyes,
you feel it in each other's arms,
you taste it in each other's kiss.
When love is right,
you hold onto it
with all your heart and soul...
and nothing
could feel more right
than the love
You and I share.
What Is Love?
Love is the way
that our lives intertwine.
Love is the feeling
of your hand in mine.
Love is each look
and each meaningful touch~
the unspoken language
that tells us so much.
Love is the laughter and joy
that we share,
but most of all,
Love is just knowing you're there.
by Emily Matthews
I Love You...
because of all the things you are
and because of all that I am
when I'm with you.
I Love You...
because you have shown me
in hundreds of beautiful ways
what love means.
Background by: Missouri Angel