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Donate Free Food - 08/26/99 02:45:39
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html


Donate Free Food

 Click for a note from
the United Nations
World Food Program

Animated gifs, backgrounds and more... - 08/24/99 22:19:01
My URL:/SoHo/Cafe/4690
My Email:anime@aol.com

Good work, congratulations....

Ocasiões - Telemensagens - 08/20/99 03:41:42
My URL:http://ocasioes.webjump.com
My Email:pneves@geocities.com


Brazilian ring - 08/13/99 07:58:45
My URL:/TheTropics/Paradise/4079/
My Email:brazilring@geocities.com


Brazilian's Ring Join AllAdvantage.com

Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 05:26:27

Hallo. Ich mag Ihr homepage. Es ist interessant. Wie lang sind Sie auf dem Internet gewesen? Sowieso gehe ich aus, mehr Netzseiten zu surfenen. Gutes Glück!.

Anna - 03/14/99 02:48:50
Age: 28
Where you live: North Carolina

Hi Ryan and Cory! I've heard so much about both of you from your dad. I'm a good friend of his that lives many miles away. I just wanted to tell you that you did a wonderful job on your page and I can't wait to show my 5-year-old daughter! She'll love t e pictures! Great job!

Grandma and Grandpa - 01/10/99 20:58:16
Age: Older than dirt
Where you live: Behind eagle tree

Love your webpage. Real neat guys. We miss seeing you.Hope you had a great Christmas.We still have our Christmas tree up.

uncle john and aunt tracy - 01/05/99 03:12:03
Favorite Cartoon: jonny quest
Age: 29
Where you live: in my house

it's nice to see your picture hope to see both of you soon

Susie - 11/11/98 14:19:00
Favorite Cartoon: Bugs Bunny
Age: 31 yrs "not young"
Where you live: The Land of OZ

Wonderful page guys. I really enjoyed the visit. you both did a fantastic job. *hugs*

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