Duchess Kate's Page (formerly Christina's Page)
Welcome to my page! I'm Duchess Kate, better known as Christina, or possibly Caitren, and in some extreme cases, Agent 009. I run Enchanted Roses Design (note: was known as Kit's Pages, but I like Enchanted Roses Design so much better, don't you?) and I also have an Internet Cartoon (IC) called "The Rings."
I am one of seven weird people called the Crazys. The site isn't up yet; until it is, go to Sarah's Crazys Page, recently taken over by Sarah. I am the Crazys' historian, seeing as I have the best memory for details, and I really like history, this job fits perfectly. I'm into costume history as well as lifestyles and I'm really stuck on two areas: the Middle Ages (but only from 1300 to 1600) and the early 1800s in England. American history lacks something compared to other countries. So I don't really pay much attention to it.
Okay, you can forget about seeing "Fairies" here. Too much work!
Instead, I am putting up a small half-IC about a country called the USK and several families living there. Look for it in October. But you can preview the first two pages of one of the stories in "Feather Pen Products".
Since I don't knew how to use that scanner yet, I can't put up my Ioan page. But just wait until, say, October and it might be a different story.
So keep going down the page... maybe you'll run into something interesting, or maybe the best part will be the links to other pages. Whatever. Just keep scrolling downward... yeah... that's it!
Bye for now, Duchess Kate (not a real duchess; trust me, you don't want to hear the story behind that name)
Other odd links around this site:
The Rings- The fifth story is still up;
and later this month I might just add the sixth story. But let me get going in school
Ha ha ha! I finally added "Cher Tomato's Page!" Go
there now if you want to find out what the hell-o this non- IC is about.
Feather Pen Products- This
month, there's a bit more done on "Jenny's Trail," and a new story with 13
parts, "The Day of the Femmes."
The TV Corner- New for
September: "Sailor Moon" and a few other things!
Links outside of here in no particular order:
Sarah's Super Site- The sister site to this one.
The Crazys' Place- Okay, so this one has yet to go up, but you'll see, it will be good.
The Crazys' MB- a message board for the above site.
The SCA, Inc.- The definitive website about one of the best organizations ever! (aside from the Crazys, of course)
The Official Carlson Septuplets Page- This is the original, no matter what anyone tells you. No copy too good, no imitator too crafty can ever reach this point.
The A&E Website- I just had to put this one on the front page, seeing as it's a great channel.
In due time, there will be more. Although, to tell you the truth, I wouldn't hold your breath waiting.
Well, I hope you've enjoyed my site. Many of the graphics came with Microsoft FrontPage; however, I did design the background and the little pics by the site features. Remember, this one was created by Enchanted Roses Design (otherwise known as Kit's Pages [ruby_jesse@hotmail.com]) and if you've got any helpful hints, send 'em there.
Coming soon to this site: The Fairies, an IC about -what else?- fairies.
See ya 'round, and may your summer be filled with sun, fun, and whatever you want it to have.