Jordan Zerby - 08/25/98 14:04:36 My Where are you from?: Bellefonte, Pennsylvania,USA Who is your favorite train?: D199 the diesel | Comments: I am 3 years old and love Thomas and all his friends. I enjoy looking at all the different web sites and printing the pictures so I can color them. I enjoyed your web page very much and seeing how much thomas is loved by other kids all over the world. |
Sam Santoro - 08/20/98 13:46:57 My URL:http://www.CCAC.EDU My Where are you from?: Murrysville,PA,USA Who is your favorite train?: Edward | Comments: There is a great catalog called Totally Thomas. They have a website, and will send you a catalogue. I am 6 years and have about a hundred trains. I saw the real Thomas this summer. Are you scared of "Percy's Ghostly Trick"/ I am! My friend Jamie like trains too, but not as much as me. Your friend, Sam |
Andrew & Mary-Kate - 08/13/98 04:44:53 My URL:/Heartland/Hills/6992 My Where are you from?: Vanderhoof, BC Who is your favorite train?: Thomas, James, Percy | Comments: We love all the trains - glad you do too!!!!! ![]() |
Michelle Bentley - 08/05/98 13:17:53 My Where are you from?: Datil, New Mexico USA Who is your favorite train?: Edward all my life | Comments: What a great website! I'm glad that Thomas is still so popular fifty years later. |
Annette - 08/03/98 20:37:39 My Where are you from?: Norway Who is your favorite train?: Toby | Comments: Kuli sia e det her!Cool page!! -Your big sister- -Annette- the singer Keep the tone |
Graham McAlpine - 08/02/98 20:36:33 My Where are you from?: Jarrow (North East England) Who is your favorite train?: It's got to be Thomas | Comments: It's actually my son Daniel who is fascinated by Thomas and his friends. Daniel is now 17 months old and loves viewing Thomas pictures and photographs on the computer (when he is'nt watching a video for the umpteenth time!!) . Anyway, congratulations on y ur web site - it's well presented and informative. |
Benjamin Caldwell - 07/30/98 23:54:28 My URL: My Where are you from?: New Jersey Who is your favorite train?: Thomas is # 1 | Comments: Hello! I love your Thomas the Tank page! I just joined the Thomas the Tank web ring and you are the next site listed after mine. I am three years old but will be four soon. My Mommy is writing this for me!:-) |
- 07/24/98 19:15:32 | Comments: |
Jason Mathis - 07/03/98 03:33:38 My Email:Giant Icky@AOL.COM Where are you from?: Albuquerque, NM. USA Who is your favorite train?: Douglas is my favorite we own, but on tv thomas and gordon | Comments: Love your webpage. I have a twenty-one month old named David, and he loves Thomas just like your little one. Has to carry his trains with him to bed and also to have his diaper changed. Never says hi to grandpa on the phone, just says "trains". Knows ll of them by name. Hope to find some actual pictures from the tv series like you have on your webpage, print them, blow them up, and make them into a calendar. . . |
Hi! I saw your site and thought it was great. I know how difficult it is to keep a quality site. Good Job! Let me know if you want to exchange links :)
Lillian - 06/27/98 13:18:19 My URL: My Where are you from?: North Norway | Comments: Håper du fortsatt blir å like hjemmesiden din Daniel etter at den har fått flere sider med bla. Ole Brumm og andre ting du liker. Store klemmer fra Lillian |