I'm making these pages for my little brother Johan Fredrik Daniel.  Daniel is now 5 years old he likes to play whith Pokèmon. He also like to Winnie the Pooh or Ole Brumm as we call him hee in Norway. 

You're visitor number since 26 June 1998

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    Winnie the Pooh  ( Ole Brumm )

 Thomas The Tank Engine & Friends ( Lokomotivet Thomas )

Mickey & co

Peter Pan

The Lion King

The Aristocats


J.F.Daniel`s Photoalbum

Take a look at J.F.Daniel`s Adopted Dragon's by clicking HERE

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J.F.Daniel`s WebRings

His biggest sister has been a EnchantedForest Community Leader since
4 November 1998

This site won its first award 7 December 1998