Pokémon League

What's The Pokémon League?
The league is a chance for Pokémon players to make friends, play Pokémon, solve Pokémon puzzles and other activites, and trade Pokémon cards.The league works like the Gyms that Ash visits in the world of Pokémon. The Gyms are places where you  learn about and practice Pokémon matches. Many game stores set aside space for the Pokémon league once a week.
The league is a great way to get better at Pokémon.  If you're in the Pokémon league, you'll earn points.  As you get more points, you'll earn Trainer badges and other great prizes. 

How Can I Earn Points?
There are lots of ways to get league points, no matter what kind of player you are. You'll earn points for:
Attending a league event
Bringing a new member
Completing a league activity
Completing a set of Pokémon cards
Helping a gym leader with league activites
Playing a game
Winning a game
Teaching the game to a new player

Remember that every point you earn helps you get official Trainer badges and other prizes. And you don't have to play every week, you can also just do the activities or trade cards.


Some Pokémon players have earned points in a test league while others play at one of the 600 Pokémon tournaments across the country each week. In late August, the best Japanese and American players will face off in a Tropical Mega-Battle in Hawaii. And sometime next year the best players in the world will meet somewhere in a huge Pokémon tournament.

How Competitve Is It?
The league is for everyone. They will match you with other players your age.  Many players use Pokémon theme decks while others just play with their favorite Pokémon and some will invent their own decks.


How Do I Get Involved?
Just ask stores that sell Pokémon near you about the Pokémon league or check out Wizards of the Coast online at www.wizards.com/pokemon

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