Japanese Pokémon Price Guide
Fossil (Series 3)
November 1999

Products listed in the Price Guide are:
1. Produced by licensed manufactures
2. Widely available
3. Have market activity on single items
4. Generally represents the full retail selling price
5. All cards based on mint condition (damaged cards are generally sold for 25% to 75% of mint value).

(HR) Holographic Rare
(R) Rare
(U) Uncommon
(C) Common
(NNO) No number on card in bottom right corner
** Price going up

Japanese Fossil
(Series 3)
Complete Set (48) $200.00
Booster Box (60 ct) $450.00
Booster Pack (10 cards) $10.00
#023 Ekans(C) $0.50
#024 Arbok(U) $1.00
#026 Raichu(HR) $15.00
#028 Sandslash(U) $1.00
#041 Zubat(C) $0.50
#042 Golbat(U) $1.00
#054 Psyduck(C) $0.50
#055 Golduck(U) $1.00
#072 Tentacool(C) $0.50
#073 Tentacruel(U) $1.00
#074 Geodude(C) $0.50
#075 Graveler(U) $1.00
#076 Golem(U) $1.00
#079 Slowpoke(C) $0.50
#080 Slowbro(U) $1.00
#082 Magneton(HR) $12.00
#088 Grimer(C) $0.50
#089 Muk(HR) $12.00
#090 Shellder(C) $0.50
#091 Cloyster(U) $1.00
#092 Gastly(U) $1.00
#093 Haunter(HR) $15.00
#094 Gengar(HR) $15.00
#097 Hypno(HR) $15.00
#098 Krabby(C) $0.50
#099 Kingler(U) $1.00
#106 Hitmonlee(HR) $15.00
#110 Weezing(U) $1.00
#116 Horsea(C) $0.50
#117 Seadra(U) $2.00
#126 Magmar(U) $1.00
#131 Lapras(HR) $15.00
#132 Ditto(HR) $18.00
#138 Omanyte(C) $0.50
#139 Omastar(U) $1.00
#140 Kabuto(C) $0.50
#141 Kabutops(HR) $15.00
#142 Aerodactyl(HR) $25.00**
#144 Articuno(HR) $22.00**
#145 Zapdos(HR) $15.00
#146 Moltres(HR) $15.00
#149 Dragonite(HR) $25.00**
#151 Mew(HR) $38.00**
NNO Dice(C) $0.50
NNO Energy Search(C) $0.50
NNO Fossil(C) $0.50
NNO Fuji Old Man(U) $1.00
NNO Recycle(C) $0.50

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