Tom  Paris                                               B'Elanna Torres

Here I've collected all the episodes that had P/T mention or P/T scenes in them and have explained them :) They're not all up yet, so come back soon! Enjoy!

During the 1st season, the episode Faces (I finally get the episode title right) aired, with awesome Paris and Torres interaction and comforting. Hinting at the blossoming Paris/Torres relatoinship didn't occur till the 3rd season, however, with the episodes Swarm, Macrosm, Alter Ego, and Coda...

Tom and B'Elanna are in a shuttle on their way back to Voyager during the first scene in the episode Swarm, and Tom starts to flirt with her, asking her out on a dinner date. B'Elanna, of  course, downright refuses. The conversation is interrupted when two from the 'swarm' attack them and they're knocked unconcious. To quote Jim Wright, "Moral: Ask B'Elanna out on a date, and someone's bound to get hurt."

Before Voyager's crew realizes that the epidemic on the planet has spread to Voyager during Macrosm, Tom calls B'Elanna down to the Mess Hall. He had volunteered to help out while Neelix was away, but the stove overheated and insinerated the 12 kilo. potroast he was supposed to cook for dinner, and the replicators blew. B'Elanna walks in, and smiles smugly as Tom explains what happened. Then he tells her that it's her fault, because the replicators *are* part of her division and that Engineering wasn't doing it's job. "Besides, what was I supposed to tell all these hungry natives?" B'Elanna, at this point, makes an excuse and tries to leave. Tom tells her that he needs her. "You need me; I'm touched," she says dryly, and then takes off the panel. The bio neural gel pack is oozing something. She reaches out to look at it, and then pulls back her hand. The infected gel is all over her hand. "B'Elanna," Tom says, concerned. B'Elanna makes a face as she looks down at her hand.

A few hours later, both - as well as half the crew - are infected with the macro-virus. They're sitting together in the Mess Hall, and they banter playfully. Then B'Elanna groans and falls unconcious. Bugs fly out of her neck. Tom's eyes widen, and he calls the Bridge. I'd say the macro-virus really is spreading.

Alter Ego was about Harry and Tuvok fighting over this holobabe, but IMO, the best Neelix plans a luau. Tom and B'Elanna run into each other as they head for the holodeck. Tom compliments her on her dress, calling her smashing. When B'Elanna tells him that Harry isn't coming, he volunteers to go get the ensign while B'Elanna picks up Vorik. "You're pretty confident about your powers of persuasion," she calls after him in the corridor. He turns around and smiles. At the party (Harry ends up coming -- for about a whole five minutes), they talk with Ensign Vorik, who obviously has a Vulcan 'crush' on B'Elanna. The three have an interesting conversation.

In Coda, when Captain Janeway is a "ghost" at her funeral reception, she starts to talk about the different crew members, wondering about Tom and B'Elanna: "...whether they'll ever stop sparring with each other and develop a real friendship."

Then Blood Fever came along. Oh. My. God. Due to a chemical imbalance, B'Elanna goes into Blood Fever, the Klingon version of Pon Farr after Ensign Vorik tried to mind meld with her. She ends up being trapped in underground caves with Tom, and some heavy sexual tension ("This isn't about the gun; this is about sex. And that's not going to happen right here." - Tom to B'Elanna) and kissing follows. Thankfully, Chakotay and Tuvok rescue the two before anything really serious happens, and they head to the surface of the planet, where they find they can't contact Voyager and the transporters are probably down. But B'Elanna's condition worsens, and the only way to stop her from dying is if she 'mates' with someone. The obvious choice is Tom, so Chakotay and Tuvok wander off. Tom apologizes to B'Elanna, but she hushes him and leads him into a secluded clearing. Ensign Vorik, who tampered with Voyager's systems, beams down to the planet and interrupts the two, claiming B'Elanna as his own. B'Elanna will have none of it, and Tuvok comes to the conclusion that if the two fight it out, then the Pon Farr will be purged out of their systems. They fight, and as soon as the fight is over B'Elanna faints. After the mission on Voyager, Tom and B'Elanna run into each other in the turbolift. Tom tells her he wouldn't mind seeing more of her 'Klingon side.' B'Elanna's response as she walks out is, "Be careful what you wish for, Lieutenant."

When Kes lives her life backwards, she jumps six months forward from the present when Before and After aired and finds herself in the holodeck where the luau program is running. She goes over to Tom, but before she can tell him what's happening to her B'Elanna runs up, apologizing for being late and kissing Tom. Of course, poor Kes has never met B'Elanna before in her life, and doesn't know who this woman his. She guesses correctly, though. Before (actually after, but who cares?) in the episode Tom let it slip to Kes that B'Elanna was someone "very special" to him.

During Real Life, Tom joins B'Elanna, who is engrossed in a datapadd, in the Mess Hall. He asks her what she's reading, and before she can successfully hide the padd he grabs it from her and scrolls down. She's reading Woman Warriors at the River of Blood. It's a Klingon romance novel. Tom flirts with B'Elanna, telling her, "Maybe it'll give me some ideas about how to make your heart quicken.". B'Elanna smiles. "It's not a technical manual, Tom," she reminds him. "Depends on what you mean by 'technical,'" he teases back. They're flirting, if you could call it that. *grins* She explains what technical is, and he says he thinks that definition works. "I can't promise I won't put a dagger in your throat," she said with a grin. The two start talking about the Doctor's family, then the ship starts to shake and they're called to the Bridge.

Two evolved dinosaurs (better known as the Voth) store away on Voyager to 'observe' the crew during part of Distant Origon. Using Tom and B'Elanna as an example, they discuss the 'mating rituals' of the two. Tom and B'Elanna, oblivious to the two, argue about a bet they made. Tom wins the bet. "Holodeck 2," he tells her, and adds that she'd better not duck out of *this* date. "B.Y.O.B." She doesn't understand what he means, and says so. "Bring your own bat'leth," he teases, then leaves Engineering. B'Elanna rolls her eyes.

Displaced starts out with B'Elanna and Tom arguing about the Klingon martial arts program Tom invited B'Elanna to. She blows up, and he calls her hostile. They start fighting in the corridor, but the fight ends when a confused Nyrian appears before them. More Nyrians start appearing on the ship while more of Voyager's crew start disappearing. While B'Elanna and Harry are in Engineering trying to figure out the cause of the switches, she asks him if she's hostile. The look on Harry's face is *priceless*.

Eventually, the entire crew winds up in a holo-habitat fashioned for them by the Nyrians, who are now in control of Voyager. When Tom comes to ask for a report from B'Elanna about the Doctor, she apologizes. Things start to go smoothly, until the Doctor adds in his two cents about the relationship. This causes Tom and B'Elanna to start yelling at each other (again), and B'Elanna mutes the Doctor. Tom storms away, and the Doctor gives B'Elanna a look. She reluctantly un-mutes him, but the damage of the fight is done.

The next day, when the Doctor finds a doorway leading out of the habitat, Tom and B'Elanna (along with a 'neighbor' who was able to come into their habitat) head in one direction down the corridors while Janeway and Tuvok head in the opposite direction. The Nyrians soon discover the escaped crewmembers, and send security detachments after them. They capture the crew's neighbor, but Tom and B'Elanna manage to escape by entering a habitat with an Arctic-like climate (the Nyrians cannot stand the cold). Hiding from their captors, B'Elanna tries to hide the fact that she's cold but isn't very successful. Klingons hate the cold even more than the Cardassians. Tom tries to warm her up (by rubbing her hands -- *teasing* get your mind out of *that* gutter =P sorry, couldn't resist :), but when they head back to the portal she starts to protest. He grabs her and tries to convince her to stay awake and to keep going, but she protests. Janeway and Tuvok find a way to beam the two back to Voyager's habitat. Still in each other's arms, they quickly step away from each other.

Janeway manages to get Voyager back, and the crew returns to their ship. B'Elanna finds Tom in the luau resort program, and they make up :~)

Tom and B'Elanna discover a holonovel in the databanks during Worst Case Scenario. The setting for the holonovel is early in Voyager's first year in the Delta Quadrant, and is about a Maquis mutiny. The two try to keep it a secret, but soon half the crew knows. There's one thing wrong with the program, though. It doesn't have an ending. Eventually, Captain Janeway finds out about the program and brings up the subject at a senior staff meeting. She asks who's run the program, and Torres, Paris, Kim, and Neelix sheepishly raise their hands. Then she asks who the author is. No one knows. She orders them to ask the crewmembers under their command, but Tuvok informs her that a debriefing is not necassary. *He* is the author, and patiently explains that the program is not a holonovel - it intended to be a training program for junior Starfleet security officers in case of an actual mutiny, but once he realized that the two crews were getting along together he stopped working on it. He refuses to finish writing the program, so Tom volunteers. He and Tuvok are in the Mess Hall discussing the holonovel - Tom doesn't want Tuvok's help at *all*; he wants to finish the story by himself - when Neelix and B'Elanna come up. They both have a few 'ideas' for the program. Tom, in a sly tone, suggests that he could add a steamy love scene between the chief conn officer and the  Maquis engineer. B'Elanna only gives him a look. In the end, Tom and Tuvok don't finish the program because Seska booby-trapped the original program, and most of the senior staff has lunch together, discussing possible ideas for a new holonovel.

B'Elanna Torres's Day of Honor does *not* go well. She has a horrible morning, and things are not going well in Engineering. Tom sympathizes with her, and asks if she's going to run the holodeck program they created for her Day of Honor. He asks her to dinner, but she turns him down, saying she's going to have a lot of work to do. B'Elanna runs the Day of Honor program, but before ten minutes pass she gets ticked off with the head Klingon and leaves. Tom corners her in her quarters afterwards and asks what happens. They start to talk, and then get into a fight. Tom leaves, angry with her. Poor B'Elanna stays curled up on the couch. Afterwards, Engineering - with Seven of Nine and Tom Paris's help - runs an experiment with transwarp technology. Things go awry, and the warp core starts to breech. B'Elanna evacuates Engineering, but stays behind to see if she can stop the core. Tom refuses to leave, and helps drag her out of the room before the explosion. On her way out, Torres ejects the core. "Welcome to the worst day of my life."

Janeway sends Tom and B'Elanna in a shuttle to rescue the warp core. The two make small talk, but turn professional as soon as they find the core. An alien vessel is trying to put a tractor beam on it. The two try  to disperse the tractor beam, but the energy is sent back to them and the shuttle's structural integrity starts to fail. They pull on EVA suits, and beam out to space just in time, for the shuttle explodes. They talk and flirt, but things take a turn for the worse when most of their oxygen leaks. With seconds of air left to breathe, B'Elanna tells Tom she loves him. They curl up together in space, and Voyager reaches them just in time.

(Revulsion) Three Days Later...

Tuvok gets promoted to Lieutenant Commander, and Janeway holds the actual promotion ceremony in the Mess Hall. Both Tom and B'Elanna attend, but before Tom can corner her she hightails it out of there. Tom catches up to her in the corridor, and explains that he knows she probably didn't mean it so why dwell on the past? B'Elanna explains that she *did* mean it, but that she doesn't expect him to reciprocate. As she babbles on, Tom murmurs "Shut up," and kisses her firmly on the lips. They're still kissing when someone interrupts them. "Lieutenant." The two whirl around to find the Doctor there with a smug look on his face. B'Elanna hurriedly excuses herself. She and the Doctor wind up going on an away mission together, and while in the shuttle the Doctor hints at her blossoming relationship with Tom. "What's *that* supposed to mean?" she accuses.  During the mission, B'Elanna gets seriously injured, but she and the Doctor manage to escape back to the shuttle and head back to Voyager. In Sickbay, she and Tom flirt, and make plans for the evening.

Scientific Method is *the* Halloween episode; 'nuff said. Aliens start to perform experiments on the crew, and the crew doesn't find out until it's almost too late...

Tom makes an excuse to the Doctor while he's on duty in Sickbay, and makes a site-to-site transport to the Jeffories tubes, where B'Elanna is working. He offers her flowers, and apologizes for missing their date the night before. They start to kiss, when B'Elanna pulls back, thinking someone is watching them. Tom soothes her. "I must be completely paranoid about being caught in a compromising position," she giggles, and the two go back to kissing.

The next day in Engineering, Tom comes down with a lame excuse about the navigations array. "The schematics are at my upper work station," she says with a sly smile. Once alone, the two start making out on the computer console. "What was that?" B'Elanna murmurs. "You're always imagining something," Tom tells her back, still kissing her. This time, however, B'Elanna isn't just imagining something. Tuvok walks in on them. After he leaves, Tom catches up and asks if he's going to tell the captain. Tuvok says he will not. Relieved, Tom joins up with B'Elanna on the way to the senior staff meeting and they discuss who should walk in first to the meeting. "So you go first and I'll follow."

Captain Janeway is not nieve and she has a little talk with them after the meeting is over, saying that half the ship is gossiping about them. Afterwards, Tom and Harry go to the Mess Hall, and Harry teases him about his relationship with B'Elanna. Neelix starts to have a seizure, and they take him to Sickbay. Many other crewmembers start to become ill.

When B'Elanna and the Doctor find out that aliens are behind it, B'Elanna is incapacitated and the Doctor transfers himself to the holodeck, where he contacts Seven. Seven fires at one of the aliens on the ship (the Doctor adjusted her optical implant so she could detect them), and the game is up. After recklessly flying through a binary nebula, Voyager's crew is back to normal. Well, almost. Tom and B'Elanna have dinner together in Tom's quarters, and after several interruptions, they start playing devil's advocate, saying that their entire relationship could have been some big experiment. Smiling, they start to kiss. "I'm curious as to how this relationship is going to turn out," he murmurs as they kiss. B'Elanna only smiles.

Day 47 (no, I'm not joking) of the Year of Hell. After another battle against the Krenim (which does a ton of damage to Voyager), Tom heals a seriously injured B'Elanna and tells her she'll be okay. She asks him if that's his expert opinion. "That's a promise." At the very end of the first part of Year of Hell, Captain Janeway orders the crew to abandon ship. She explains that she and the rest of the senior staff are staying behind to rescue Chakotay and Tom. As she mentions Tom, she squeezes a forlorn B'Elanna on the shoulder.

Random Thoughts had a few sweet P/T moments, although none with both lieutenants together. We find out that Tom bought B'Elanna a present, and later on he desperately tries to convince the captain and Chakotay that they have to rescue her when she is captured by a telepathic race who are going to cleanse her memories of hostile thoughts after she unknowingly broadcasts a strong emotion that a telepath picks up and starts killing other people with that thought.

Before Voyager's crew catches on to the aliens in Waking Moments, Tom has a terrible nightmare and doesn't wake up until B'Elanna drops by, reminding him that they had a breakfast date - which he missed. Since she just got off her shift before their breakfast date and his starts in fifteen minutes, there's no way they can have breakfast together. Tom exclaims that he hates this. "We never see each other!" She tells him she's free Friday, and they debate which holoprogram to use. Finally they compromise on Tahiti, and kiss each other. Then Tom heads off to the Mess Hall to grab a cup of coffee, and B'Elanna heads for her quarters to catch up on some much-needed sleep.

During Hunters, when B'Elanna is still down-loading the letters, she calls Tom down to Astrometrics. There's a letter coming in for him from his father. He acts half-soaked about it, and makes an excuse to get back to the Bridge. She gets mad at him, and tries to tell him so without losing control. She nearly bursts into tears as she informs him that half of her friends - the Maquis - have all been slaughtered. Of course, Tom walks over and gives her a warm hug, rubbing her back. He apologizes and tells her how sorry he is. When the link to the network disconnects, B'Elanna loses Tom's letter, and makes it a point to tell him in person. "You could assume that he said he loves you, and that he's proud of you," she tells him. "Yeah, I think I will."

The episodes The Killing Game I and II tied up the Hirogen quartet. Most of the crew (including Tom and B'Elanna) have their memories repressed so they actually believe that they *are* their characters in the holonovel. The Hirogen have picked a World War II simulation in a small town near Paris, France, as the setting. Tom and B'Elanna's characters in the holosimulation are Bobby, an American officer, and Brigitte, a French girl, who were sweethearts but lost touch when the war started. Brigitte is now pregnant with a Nazi officer's child (in RL Roxanne Dawson was pregnant; hence the smock that B'Elanna wore throughout most of Season 4). As for Tom and B'Elanna, once they regain their minds again, it's too late before the Nazis come rushing into the bar. They, along with Seven and Tuvok, become hostages. Tom ponders out loud, wondering if B'Elanna's child is a boy or a girl. Seven informs him that it's only a holographic projection. B'Elanna sighs, and says that it's a very *good* holographic projection: she feels twenty pounds heavier. The Nazi officer who is the father of Brigitte's child is one of the ones holding them hostages. He starts going on and on about how "Brigitte" deceived him and how disgusted he is that she's carrying his child. B'Elanna of course, has no idea what the heck he's talking about, and asks blase throughout their discussion. This makes the guy mad, so he slaps her. Tom stands up for her, really angry. The only thing that stops the Nazi guy from killing Tom  is the Hirogen officer. Thankfully, Voyager's crew wins the simulation, beats the Hirogen, and re-take their ship. A truce is called, and they continue peacefully on their way home. (Yeah. Right. *sarcasm intended*)

(Note: I did not like this episode at *all*, but since it did have P/T I'm going to mention it) In the beginning, Tom was hiding away in the holodeck working on a '69 Camaro. The episode, Vis a Vis, has Tom switching minds with this alien, who ended up being really mean to B'Elanna and almost killing the captain. After Tom and Steth get switched back, Tom takes B'Elanna to the holodeck and shows her the now finished Camaro, apologizing for his recent behavior. They get into the car, and start kissing.

When Tom and Harry get stuck on the Demon-class planet, B'Elanna pleads with Chakotay to let her join the away team. He tells her that he needs people who have cool heads. That's the *wrong* thing to say. She gets mad, accusing him that he doesn't think she can control herself. He tells her that she's too close to this. Her answer? "You're damn right I am. If someone you loved was missing you'd be the first one out that door, and you know it!":-)

Night: Voyager is in the middle of a very dark section of space that contains no stars or solar systems. After being in the 'void' for a month, the entire crew has a serious case of cabin fever. Tom and B'Elanna pass the time together playing a revised version of chess. Both are bored stiff, and somehow are able to get into a big fight. Tom complains that she's angry twenty-four hours a day, and B'Elanna yells at him for his lame humor. Neelix tries to get them to stop, but only when he starts to hyperventilate do they realize what's happening and take him to Sickbay.

Drone: Now why is B'Elanna wearing lingerie? I couldn't help saying that. And when the Doctor says, "I'm not a peeping Tom," I couldn't help start to laugh.

In Extreme Risk, B'Elanna's depression worsens, and she starts trying to injure herself just to feel the pain and to see if she's "still alive." Tom tries to help her once, but she just shuts him out and retreats back to her quarters. When Chakotay and Janeway ask Paris if he knows what's going on, he tells them he has no idea. "She never complained about being hurt. But then again she's barely speaking to me lately." Chakotay forces B'Elanna to deal with herself, and in the end she's on the road to recovery.

Once Upon a Time: When Tom, Tuvok, and Wildman are stranded in the Delta Flyer with a limited supply of oxygen left, Tom makes a recording for B'Elanna filled with teases (heck, she just got through a depression and now he has to die), and ends with "So long."

Short summaries for Infinite Regress, Nothing Human, 30 Days, Gravity, Course: Oblivion, Juggernaut, Someone To Watch Over Me, 11:59, Barge of the Dead, Tinker, Tenor, Doctor, Spy, and Alice will be up soon!