Are you a mermaid, a merman, or a lover of the merfolk?
Are you concerned about the dying belief in our magical race, too?

Join the campaign... Help save the merfolk!
Take one of the images below and place it on your own page, with a link back, so others will be aware.

After you've placed the image on your site, please sign the registry to let the world know you're a part of the campaign!


<A HREF="/EnchantedForest/Fountain/8998">
<IMG SRC="merfolk1.gif" WIDTH="220" HEIGHT="100" BORDER="0">

<A HREF="/EnchantedForest/Fountain/8998">
<IMG SRC="merfolk2.gif" WIDTH="220" HEIGHT="100" BORDER="0" ></A>

<A HREF="/EnchantedForest/Fountain/8998">
<IMG SRC="merfolk3.gif" WIDTH="220" HEIGHT="100" BORDER="0"></A>

PC users, hold mouse over image, right-click, and choose "Save As" (Mac users, click and hold) to save the file onto your computer.  You'll then need to UPLOAD the image to your web page. After you have uploaded the file, the code below the image will work, just paste it in your page's HTML code! :)

For more information on how to upload, visit this page.

If you're not sure how to access your HTML code, just save your page to your computer (if it's not already on there), open it in a text editor such as Windows Notepad, paste the code, save it, and upload it back to your server.

Mermaids ... what are these mystical, graceful creatures?

In Greek mythology, a mermaid is a female (and partly human creature) who lures seamen to destruction with her irristable singing.

In European folklore, mermaids (sometimes called sirens) and mermen (male mermaids) are natural beings who, like fairies, have magical and prophetic powers. They love music and often sing. Though very long-lived, they are mortal and have no souls.

Sirens in early mythology, however, were described as having the upper body of a beautiful woman, but a feathered lower body, as that of a bird.

Click Here to see many more wonderful mermaids from Elfwood's collection! They're original, and open for commentary too. =)

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This campaign was started on 11/10/98.