Check out
what's new with my web page in the updates
section. The timestamp in the menu tells when
I last updated.
a message on my Message Board! It's
just like a guestbook, but you can talk to
other people who visit this site.
My Stuff section is full of 'stuff'!
You have my permission to use any of the
files for your web page. You can find animated
gifs, images, music,
videos, and java
Links section lists a bunch of sites
that I think are good or from people I know. Thanks
to Hersh, there's a video game
section for links to Emulation web sites and
those of you who remember my old web page,
(and those of you who don't) I found making
it boring. Jeannette isn't a great topic for
a web page. It's better to have a more
general web page instead.
this web page is much faster. There
aren't nearly as many applets to load. I also
left out the background music and picture. I
don't think web pages need all that "eye
candy" on it. A good design is more
don't really know what this web page will be
about. It has no purpose so far. I need your
suggestions, so e-mail me or post a
message on the Message Board! (like
you will...)
people have visited my
web page.
