The Halo Garden Of Sudden Memories: Offers a place where grieving parents can share those precious sudden memories that they have had of their child. Many times, simple conversation or unrelated events, trigger sudden memories that bereft parents had no idea they possessed. Often, these memories suddenly appear out of the blue, sometimes years after our children have left this earth.
The Halo Garden's Wall Of Fallen Heroes: Has
been created so that we may never forget that many of our children gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we may all live in a free nation. This chapter includes heroes of all ages who served in the U.S. military and were either Killed In Action (KIA), are Missing In Action (MIA), or are Prisoners Of War (POW). Their names, military branch, rank, unit, dates and untimely fate are listed on each of their wall plaques.
The Halo Garden Of Dreams: Is provided as a place to share dreams that bereaved parents have had of their departed child. Often times grieving parents do not experience any dreams of their children for several months, or even years, after their departure. Because dreams have a way of slowly vanishing from our memory, this chapter is a place that is available for you to submit your dreams in order to keep them vivid in your mind forever!!!
The Halo Garden Of Messages From Heaven:
Has been created in order to share spiritual messages that bereaved parents have received. Many bereaved parents have experienced
the phenomena of receiving premonitions that their child was going to depart from this earth. Too, many grieving parents
are certain that their child somehow knew that they were going to soon become an Angel. Furthermore, numerous bereft
parents have been blessed by having their child literally communicate with them from Heaven.
The Halo Garden Of Website Tips:
Is offered for those parents who desire to create a memorial website in honor of their child. This chapter offers assistance with locating a web host server, graphics, backgrounds, and midi music. Links to websites that provide
free guest books, help with learning HTML coding, and paint shop pro tutorials are also provided.
The Halo Garden Of Angel's: Provides links to memorial websites created by parents who are grieving due to the loss of a child.
The Halo Garden Of Butterflies: Is provided in order for you to dedicate a butterfly in memory of your child. Each dedicated butterfly is identified by your child's full name. Butterflies are available for dedication to all children, and are not linked to memorial websites.
The Halo Garden Of Dates To Remember:
Has been created so that our childrens Birthdays and Departure dates can be easily remembered by all who love and care about them.
The Halo Garden Of Poems:
Is provided in order to share poems that hold a special place in your heart. Many bereaved parents add a sentimental poem or two to their child's memorial web sites. Many of these poems are written by fellow grieving parents.
The Halo Garden Of Resources:
Has been created in order to provide links to an abundance of grief resources that are currently available for bereaved parents. Each of these child loss support groups are sincerely dedicated in their heart felt desire to be of assistance to those who are grieving due to the loss of their child.
Meet The Authors:
The Halo Garden wishes to recognize each individual as an author of "From One Bereaved Parent... To The Next..." Without
your selfless input, suggestions, ideas, submissions, and sincere desire to help fellow bereaved parents, the creation of this
site could not have been possible.
Link To Us :O):
The Halo Garden would be honored to have our link placed on your website. If you have found our site helpful, and would like to pass us along to other grieving parents, this chapter provides several very simple copy and paste codes for you to use in order to add our link :O)
Copyright Disclosure:
The Halo Garden realizes that some of our content is similar to all child loss support web sites. Our added copyright notice has been placed in an attempt to protect not only this website, but also in an attempt to protect all websites that are on the internet as well. |