Tyree - 05/07/00 21:26:58
My URL:http://acid.port5.com/
My Email:tyree@alltel.net
Favorite animal: Penguin
Great page!
I finally got around to coming here. I love all your cyber pets, they're so cool! :)
Knikki - 01/14/00 01:38:41
My URL:/knikkib7
My Email:KNIKKIB7@aol.com
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: ~*~*~*~*~*~Sprinkle~*~*~Sprinkle~*~*~Sprinkle~*~*~*~*~*~
You've been dusted by a Fantathian Fairy!!!!
This sweet little fairy came floating through
Happy Holidays from all of the Spirit Fairies and Wee Ones!
Here is a gift for you from DRealm of the Fairies...
Comments: Comments: Comments:
~*~*~*Sprinkle, Sprinkle*~*
::Flys down with her little purple quill and writes....
"Hi my name is Fairy Ambrosia
I am a Site Fights Spirit Fairy.
I am writting in your book to add cheer and luck to your world
Dont forget to put a cheer in SHOUT IT OUT
Fairy Ambrosia
DMagical Misty Fairy - 01/01/00 16:21:28
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies
My Email:dmagical_mistyfairy@yahoo.com
Favorite site: The Site Fights
Sometimes, we thought we wouldn't last.
But, since we have, the time is now,
Come on Fairies, let's show them how.
IT OUT!loud and strong,
We'll show that this millennium will be strong.
We're here to make friends, spread the spirit and have
And we won't quit till our job is done!
Please visit us at
DRealm of the Fairies,
Where life is a bowl of cherries.
We laugh, we giggle, we fly into the nights,
Because we are cheering for The Site Fights!
One more thing that you must hear,
I wish you a very Happy New Year!
SPIRIT DFROG - 12/30/99 04:37:48
Fairy Ariadne - 12/28/99 20:22:02
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies
My Email:Ariadnesilvermoon@hotmail.com
And left some fairy dust and holiday spirit behind for you.
The Holidays are here, show your spirit to everyone
Let them know that you have joined in the holiday fun!
Summer Fairy - 12/27/99 01:30:01
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies
My Email:barbygirl25@hotmail.com
Favorite animal: DRealm of Fairies
Summer Fairy here!
To Wish you a Happy New Year!
To Wish you luck in everything you do!
Crystal Blue Fairy - 12/23/99 16:14:20
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com
My Email:crystal_blue_fairy@yahoo.com
Favorite animal: Dog
Favorite site: The Site Fights (of course)
to leave a cheer
and brighten up your day.
So lend a ear
and let's all cheer
for the fighters of the day.
without a doubt
and hopefully you'll see
we'll walk that mile
and leave a smile
and chase their fears away!
Crystal Blue Fairy
Fairy DMiss Kim - 12/22/99 18:50:06
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies
My Email:FairyDMissKim@hotmail.com
Favorite animal: Turtles/Froggies
Favorite site: DRealm of DFairies
~!*!~!*!~!*!~!*!~!*!~ SPRINKLES ~!*!~!*!~!*!~!*!~!*!~!
~!*!~!*!~!*!~!*!~ TICKLES ~!*!~!*!~!*!~!*!Wishing you A Merry New Year!!!!!I hope you like it here!!!! Keep up the spirit!
~Spreading the Spirit Throughout the Site Fights~
Spirit Snow Dew-Seryn Spirit Leader
spirit proudmommasfirst - 12/14/99 04:22:28
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/spiritof/
My Email:proudmommasfirst@cheerful.com
Favorite site: D'realm of D'spirit
I came to wish you luck in the fights
And to wish you a happy holiday season in what ever
You may celebrate
And have a wonderful new year
Quill BearHugs - 12/14/99 03:32:59
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/dragon2/inkwell/TheInkwell.html
My Email:ilovetsf@writeme.com
~*~WHOMP~*~ Oh darn it! I missed the party! I've been so sick, my little wings couldn't get me here in time! ~*~pout~*~ But I can help clean up!
I hope you had a ball at your party, and make sure to invite me to the next one! And if you want to throw one for one of your friends, be sure to visit The Inkwell
hi, loved your site!!! I voted for you in the site fights! I am also Fighting, Good luck!!!!
Wee One Vicky - 12/14/99 00:29:18
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/me1/v.elvina/index.html
My Email:vicky_2001@kittymail.com
Favorite animal: whale
Favorite site: I'm not sure.
I heard there was a party so I thought I'd come and see. When I came I saw a site that
amazes me! I thought I would say Good Luck and I hope you have a great party in your book. Most of all
I came to say "Have Fun."
Now please pass this spirit stick along to help with a little spirit!
![]() I came right over when I found out the news There was a guestbook party just for you So I bring wishes of good fortune and cheer And that you'll find happiness throughout all your years ![]() To Spirit, to Friendship, and You ![]() ![]() |
![]() Twinkleshine Quill is here to give you a cheer ! Your site was glowing so brightly I just had to stop and say "Hello' and sprinkle you with party spirit. so come along and let's have some fun and join our party too. To Spirit, to Friendship, and You ![]() ![]() |
Would you like to nominate a friend for a guestbook party?!?
Then race on over to The Inkwell!
Don't forget to Shout It Out!
*~*~*~ sprinkle~*~*~*
You have been Dusted by a Spirit Fairy from DUnicorns
I am here to give your site a Spirit Check and to wish you GOOD LUCK in The Site Fights. Don´t forget to SHOUT IT OUT and let the Cheers begin.
And pass the spirit on.
Melissa, you have to have anime on your page before you're hentai free! Silly rabbit. If I can make a half-way decent anime page, I can put it in your links section, then you will have anime!!!
Love the page!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Love Lauren
Jessica - 11/26/99 20:28:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/7177/index.html
My Email:horses_rule_the_world@yahoo.com
Favorite animal: horses
Favorite site: i dont know
Hello fellow Unicorn. I love your page so much - it is great. The mustang you adopted is so cute. Come by sometime and visit my site. Best of luck!
amelia - 11/23/99 13:45:42
My URL:http://www.gurkpages.com/me/caspian17/myworld.html
My Email:caspian17@excite.com
Favorite animal: horses
Favorite site: The site fights
really great site- I love all animals-
one that would be really interesting would be koala bears. They are really not bears but marsupials like kangaroos!:)
Hope you do well in the fights- I voted for you:)
spirit proudmommasfirst - 11/23/99 08:47:57
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/spiritof/
My Email:proudmommasfirst@cheerful.com
Favorite animal: all
Favorite site: D'realm of D'spirit
Spirit Proudmommasfirst Here to Sprinkle you with good Luck wishes! May you're time at the site fights and with D'Unicorns be time spent well please visit me You are always welcome http://www.fortunecity.com/millennium/happy/409/christmas.html
DTrapeze - 11/21/99 21:56:45
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/circus
My Email:dpbuddy@thesitefights.com
Favorite animal: cat
Favorite site: The Site Fights
~~***~~Sprinkle~*~Sprinkle Hi you have been dusted By Fairy Gardenia.I stimulate feelings of peace and protect all children.
I have stopped by to wish you Good Luck in the Fights and to give your Site a "Spirit Check".Don't forget to Post a Cheer in "SHOUT IT OUT"! Let the Cheers Begin!
Sorry I couldnt leave you anything but my Wand is broken and hope to get it fixed soon!!!
Fairy Amidala - 11/16/99 13:32:34
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/
My Email:taylynn@crosswinds.net
SALUTATIONS!! As I was flying over the skies today, I spotted your site from far away. Thought I'd do a spirit check and wish you good luck in the Fights this week. Hope you have loads of fun!! Don't forget to SHOUT IT OUT! Lots of Spirit & Sprinkles, |
A Site Fights Fairy
In The Site Fights,
Fairy Elidan
Has come to say
That she dusted
Your lovely website today!!!
Here's a Spirit Stick to pass along the way!!
Good luck with the Site Fights and don't forget the meaning of the Spirit!!
*~*tickles and hugs*~*
Fairy Elidan from DUnicorns
Don't forget to Shout It Out!
Pinto Half Arabians, National Show Horses, and
Hi! We finally found some time to get on the web and visit some of our favorite
We have been working hard training our new foal "Windy's
Choice" and upgrading
own web pages. You are invited to stop by and have a good look, sign our
guest book, and if you have a banner or picture to link back to your web page
our guest book. We are looking for more articles for our Equine
Health pages if you can suggest an author
and subject I will try to include
it in the near future.
![]() Spirit Belle has come, To Bring you lotz of spirit fun, And... Spirit sprinkles Spirit shimmers Spirit sparkles Spirit glimmers Mixed together for days and nights Of spirit luck in the site fights ![]() |
hi! thanks for visiting my site and signing my guestbook! You have a great page here!! I enjoyed my visit! thanks.
misty - 10/31/99 13:11:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Trail/5107
My Email:tigergirl@ozemail.com.au
Favorite animal: tigers and dogs
I am new to setting up my own web page and I was looking around at other sites and come across yours I would just like to say that your site is cute and I am glad that someone is dedicating a site to animals where would we be without them, I have a little
terrier called Fabio and I could not love him any more if I tried. Keep up the good work.
DPrism - 10/28/99 19:14:12
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies
My Email:dprism@thesitefights.com
I've come a trick or treating
A-knocking at your door
To fill my sack with spirit
And friendships galore
Fairy Mystic Blossom - 10/28/99 02:39:12
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies
My Email:celenearia@home.com
Favorite animal: Unicorn
Favorite site: DRealm of the Fairies
A little sprinkle of my dust,
A tickle from my wing,
I've flown to your site from high above,
To dust, to play, to sing...
Your wonderful site,
Has crossed my eye,
So I have jumped into this book,
Just to say hi...
I am a little Wee One,
And dusting is what I do,
I fly throughout the Site Flights,
Spreading dust from me to you...
Good luck in the Site Flights,
I wish you all the best,
In hopes that you will go very far,
And put your site to the test...
I'm sad to say,
My stay must end,
So my last words are,
Goodbye my friend...
***Remember to Shout It Out here... http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/cgi-bin/shout/guestbook.pl
Wee One Krissy - 10/24/99 03:07:40
My URL:http://www.thesitefights.com/fairies/
My Email:DRealm of DFairies
Favorite animal: butterfly!
Favorite site: http://void.simplenet.com
![]() Why not come SHOUT IT OUT!!!! and tell everyone about it!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ~Y*O*U~H*A*V*E~ *E*EN~F*A*I*R*Y~D**S*T*E*D~ ~K*R*I*S*S*Y~ Great site, Melissa!!! Good luck in TSF!!!! Your little butterflies are soooo cute!!! |
~*~*~* SPRINKLE, SPRINKLE*~*~*~ Hi there, this is Fairy Ambrosia. I am a Spirit Fairy for The Site F
ights. I am here to sprinkle you with spirit and cheer. Please spread the cheer by posting in Shout it Out!!! ~*~*~* SPRINKLE, SPRINKLE*~*~*~