Welcome to Nathan and Benjamin's page !

(last updated 1/6/04)

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Nathan is now in his fourth year of preschool at the Dell Jewish Community Center. He goes 4 mornings a week. This year he is a Tiger. He had been taking karate 2 times a week and loved it, but we recently replaced karate with swimming lessons. He also attends gymnastics once a week, he recently completed soccer season and will start t-ball in February. He is very athletic. He has more friends than I can keep up with, and tells me that pretty soon he thinks he'll be smarter than Mommy (I think he may be right!). When he grows up, he wants to be a Daddy, a Buzz Lightyear, a doctor and a spaceman. He'll be pretty busy . . . He says he'd also like to attend Yale University . . .

Benjamin is in his second year of preschool at the Dell Jewish Community Center. He attends 3 mornings a week and is in the Ladybug class. He has lots of friends, both at school and in the neighborhood - he is very outgoing and energetic and really keeps his Mommy on her toes . . . He talks continuously - except when overpowered by his big brother and he is starting to pottytrain. He loves his big brother and wants to do everything that Nathan does. He goes to gymnastics once a week and swimming twice a week and will start soccer in February. He is sweet, loving, entertaining and fearless . . .

VISIT OUR PHOTO ALBUM (I apologize that most of these pictures a bit out of date . . . I will try to update soon!):

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