Hi everyone,
Welcome to the Nash Family Homepage. As many of you are aware, the internet has become the ideal way to communicate with family and friends. Today we are spread throughout the country and the world. It is not easy to visit everyone when you want to. What ever reason you had before for not visiting or dropping a line to say hello is no longer an excuse not to be intouch. Now, with email, websites, mpegs, digital photos and DVD's, we can easily exchange letters, recipes, pictures and movies quickly with little effort.
I have designed this site especially for members of my family to communicate with each other and keep up with the latest family matters and events. You will find photos of family members from as far back as we can find pictures. We will be able to share these precious moments and memories with each other and our decendants. Keeping a family history is very important and now much easier than ever before.
Please click the Nash Coat of Arms to visit the Nash Family Home Website. Enjoy your visit.
If you want to experience this site with all the full multimedia experience that it is intended. You need to make sure you got an Intel Pentium 3 or better. AMD Athalon is great too. Just make sure you got a Sound Blaster Live or Turtle Beach Santa Cruz sound Card, Now for the hearing empired we are not skimping on the graphics neither. 1062 X 864 graphic resolution and you're in there. Don't be discouraged, a little less is more than adequate.