"News" - The reporting of "facts" from one person to another eg "Whats the news?". On our website were not going to plague you some carefully constructed right wing rubbish inbetween commercials. OH NO! NOT HERE! When we talk about news we mean the important things in your life and, more importantly, our lives. So this is the page your gonna find out about whats "going down" with the "crew" as of this "moment". OK i've used far too many speech marks so i'll let you get on and find out about your favourite band's lives, you nosey parkers you!
Comrade Red: I went to Greece. It was fun. Skunkmonkey and Miles were busy at T in the park, so i went with our "favourite to be singer" and some great friends. Included was the legendary Tom Smith of Dysuria fame, and Rob "Bounty Hair" Harniman, star of German gay porn film "der big boy ist frichen wid ein doggy". All in all it was hilarious, people got drunk, guns were fired, tractors were tap-danced on (actually) and we all got burnt. I'm sure i can find some pictures of the events soon, so stay tuned.
One of our band insults people in a whole new country!
Miles and myself have just returned from our research trip to the T in The Park festival in Scotchland. The visit proved most helpful, we saw some quality bands (notably Muse, Massive Attack, The Pixies, Stellastarr, PJ Harvey and for some bizarre reason Kings of Leon) and a few rubbish ones. The natives, although primative in apperance and speech, proved suprisingly freindly, apart from an abundance of nu-breed scottish super-chavs known as "NEDs". Miles had his phone stolen, so any beautiful girls or record company execs will have to wait to get in touch with him (all those fliers in phone boxes carry his old number).
Amazingly, we also managed to get suburnt, possibly because it NEVER GETS DARK
back to HQ
i have just watched Michael Moore's new movie "Fareneheit 9/11". i think it is something definitely worth seeing. However you felt before about Bush/Blair/Iraq before (i was, admittedly, a degree indifferent) this film is more than liekly to elaborate, if not totally change, you point of view. highly intelligent.
It also has some good fodder for protest songs, so after Miles and Comrade have seen it, im sure we will write some leftwing, pascifistic masterpiece probably entitled "Bushfire" or maybe "Hail to the theif"
(oh bollocks)
The Recording Process
Below are a few photos we took, capturing what its really like to be part of the music/magic/mayhem of Stutter recording our first EP
The talented and downright decent Joe (also of Token Ray Gun Department fame) lending his skills for the production of this masterpiece
Stutter Studios: interior and exterior