Paper Doll Menagerie
Welcome to my collectiion of hand drawn paper dolls and outfits.  Here you will find paper dolls and outfits drawn by me in various sizes, colors  and shapes.  Please print and enjoy any of the dolls  and outfits you like.
Updated February 11, 2002
Gray Panthers
Paper Dolls and fashions in the over 60-year old category.
Yuppie Generation
Paper Dolls and fashions in the 35-45 year old category.
Generation "Y"
Paper Dolls and fashions in the 12-19 year old category.
Baby Boomers
Paper Dolls and fashions int the 45-60 year old category.
Generation "X"
Paper Dolls and fashions in the 20-30 year old category.
The Movies
Paper Dolls and fashions designed for my favorite movies and tv shows.
Paper Doll Gallery
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