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Ample time will be given in-class to finish all assignments but considering
the time restraints of the day and the varying speeds at which students
work, homework may be necessary. Weekend homework is never assigned
and the time spent on nightly work will depend on each individual child
and their study habits. At this age, it is often hard to convince students
that they can be preparing for class without completing a written assignment.
I often suggest and find it helpful when students review assigned readings,
study science or social studies notes, review math facts, study spelling
words, or even read a library book in preparation for an Accelerated Reader
test. However, if you begin to see that your child has an overabundance
of nightly work, let me know so that together we can discover the
The most important tool your child will learn to use this year is the
Assignment Planner and notebook. The planner will be used daily and
is meant to be an organizational tool and form of communication between
home and school. Each day your child will be required to record all
assignments in their planner. At the end of the day, students should
place a check mark beside each completed assignment and a star beside those
which need to be finished at home. The planner will be kept in your
child's notebook and should be signed by a parent each night. Planners
will be checked daily. Planners that are completed and signed will
receive a sticker. Those that are incomplete and unsigned will receive
demerits. If a child receives a sticker for each day of the six weeks,
a grade of 100 will be given in the subject of the child's choice.
Please note that the planner has a journal section which I use for
teacher notes if necessary. Parents can also use this section as
a form of communication.
All grades are averaged together to arrive at a final grade.
All assignments are due 24 hours from the time they are made unless otherwise
noted by the teacher. Any assignment not received on time will be
recorded as a zero. Late assignments will not be accepted.
Graded papers will be returned each Friday with a Weekly Report cover
sheet to be signed by the parent and returned to school on Monday.
As a way of communicating your child's progress, a three-week grade
report will be sent home each grading period. This report is in addition
to the regular report card. The report will indicate your child's
grade average in each subject. The report should be signed and returned
to school the next day. If you have any questions about your child's
progress at any time, please let me know.
All students are entitled to the best education possible. Therefore,
disruptions in the classroom will not be tolerated. I believe that
all children are responsible for their own actions and the choices they
make. Consequences will be given for negative choices while
rewards will be given for positive ones. A special trip is planned each
year and reserved for only those students who never serve a detention.
Last year, we attended a Smokies baseball game!
of Action
The Plan of Action is my weekly newsletter. The newsletter
is attached to your child's Weekly Report and sent home on Friday of each
week and is posted weekly to our classroom website. The Plan of
Action includes my lesson plans for the following week, test dates,
project due dates and other genneral information. This is just another
way I try to keep you informed.
Each Friday your son/daughter will bring home all their graded and
checked assignments for the week. Attached to the top will be a cover
sheet which will detail your child's progress during the week. The
Weekly Report will indicate if your child failed to complete an assignment
or received a zero for failing to turn in homework. In addition,
their will be a summary of your child's behavior including both positive
and negative choices. If your child received any demerits for negative
choices, this will also be noted. At the bottom of the Weekly Report
is a place for parents to sign and make any comments. The report
is expected to be returned to school on Monday.