This is Nick and Tony. Nick is in 2nd grade and his teacher is Mrs. Gregory. His best friends are Josh and Jake. Nick enjoys watching The Rugrats and playing Nintendo.
Tony is in pre-school and his teachers are Miss Michelle and Miss Tammy. Tony's best friends are Dillon and Tonya. Tony also likes to watch the Rugrats. Tony recently completed a project for his 100th day of school (with mom's help, of course).
Nick played on a baseball team last spring and summer. His team was called "The Green Bombers" and their standing was 11-1. Nick was #24 and did a great job playing outfield and catcher. He also played soccer during the fall. He was on the Billings Team and his uniform was #25. He was a guard. The final standings were 4-3-1.
Nick and Tony have pet fish, a pet snail, and a pet crab. They have lots of different fish. Among the type of fish that they keep are guppies, tiger barbs, and cherry barbs. The crab pinched Nick, a few days ago when we were cleaning out the fish tank.Ouch!
My name is Tracy. I'm Nick and Tony's mother. When I'm not working, I like to shop and take Nick and Tony on outtings. I work as an assistant to the mentally disabled. It's a challenging job, but I really enjoy it. I enjoy cooking and I am going to add some dessert recipes to this page. If you have any suggestions for recipes that I can add, please email me. Thanks!
You've Got a Friend in Me is from Toy Story