Well, let me officialy present myself. My name is Filip Miljkovic.
My friends mostly call me Pipi, and in some rare occasions either
Fico or Felipe.
I was born on the 7th of September 1998 in Banjaluka, and certainly I was neither brought
by any stork, nor found in any cabbage field... Yap, those are just the stories for small children...
Anyway, I am considered as a very advanced and progressive baby. Having almost 11 months, I've already
learned to walk, and I can even speak a few words, that unfortunatelly nobody else
is able to understand.
My favourite word is "ljrljrljrljr", and it doesn't mean anything, but
I just love it and I repeat it on and on... Seems to me as a kind of mantra...
The other words are "brrrmm, brrrmm", which represents a metaphor for
all kind of vehicles, "am, am", I say it when I see something that could be eaten.
Finally, there is "kkkkkhhh", which is the unique name for all kinds of
cats and dogs.
My loving parents don't seem to be quite satisfied with that, because they wanted me to learn
to speak those old-fashioned phrases, such as "Mummy" or "Daddy".
But as a baby who was born on the doorstep of the new millennium, it is such a normal
thing to have more alternative behaviour than it could be expected of a baby.
In the next pages of this web-site I won't be showing you my ego-trips and I certainly
don't intend to present myself as a philosopher that's talking about meanings of life.
On the contrary, I just want to present you some slivers of my life and get you know
with the persons that surround me everyday.