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Lizzie's Favorites

Lizzie has lots of favorites. She's a pretty happy girl.
I'll be changing this page as my favorite things change when I grow. Come back and keep updated on me

Lizzie with her Barney toy
My favorite TV shows are ...
I love Barney, Telletubies, and Elmo and Big Bird. I just started watching Blues Clues, and can already sing the songs. (The best part of watching Lizzie watch TV is seeing her singing the songs and doing the motions.) I know all the songs they sing on Barney. I like to sit in my little green plastic chair, in my boppy or on my riding horsey when I watch TV, but mostly I sing and dance around when they do the songs.
Ariel is the Little Mermaid My favorite videos are ...
I have Elmopalooza, The Little Mermaid, and Barney shows. The Little Mermaid is my favorite. I have Peter Pan too but I don't like it yet. (I've tried getting her to watch Fraggle Rock and Winnie The Pooh and Kids Songs videos but she insisits I put in the same Elmo and Barney videos.)
Lizzie's first crayons My favorite toys are ...
My favoritest toys are my bunny and my blankee that Grandma made me with a ribbon and ruffle. The toys I like to play with are my talking Barney, and anything that makes music. I got a Teletubbies coloring book for Christmas and love coloring now.
Lizzie at the computer
I also like to play with my computer games. I have Jump Start Baby and Sesame Street Toddlers. They are a lot of fun. Email Mommy if you want to know what they are like.
Lizzie riding her horsey
I like to play outside in my sandbox and slide down the big slide on the swing set. We have four slides in our back yard. I like to sit in the Cozy Coupe but I can't make it go yet. I love to push toys - my baby buggy, my stroller, my shopping cart, and my activity walker. I have walked as far as 1 and 1/4 miles. When we can't go outside, I can ride my horsely inside.
Lizzie feeding herself
My favorite foods are ...
Milk is my favorite. I call all beverages MILK. I love to eat dry cheerios, apples, and hot dogs. I also love to eat noodles; Mommy calls this spaghetti. This week, I just had a cheese sandwhich made in a flour torillia, that's my new favorite!


Art Projects I've Done

Finger Paint, Coloring, Paint with Water
More on this later...


What's Next For Me?


I'm already wearing a size 4T clothes and size 7 1/2 shoes. I like casual dresses and onsies best. I like light weight pjs with pants and shirts separate. A lot of my clothes are pink and have ruffles or bows. I'm a very feminine girl so far. Mommy tries to keep shorts on me under my dresses, so I can't tear my diapers off. I like to wear my clothes sort of loose, that's why I already wear a size 4T but only weigh 30 lbs.


My Uncle Rodney and Aunty Becky got me a Winnie the Pooh teaset for Christmas and my Aunt Rachel has some doll house furniture that I play with in Lubbock, so I think I want to get a dollhouse with some plastic furniture soon.

I love playing with my toy dishes and food that my Daddy's friend Debbie gave me. I have the kitchen set and barbecue grill to pretend to cook the food. I like to pretend to cook and clean with Mommy and Daddy. Maybe I'd like to play with a toy broom or vacuum or lawn mower.

I just started learning to pretend. One time I fed my bunny some of my spaghetti dinner. I have a shopping cart and two baby strollers, but I don't have a real baby doll yet to feed and change her clothes and give her a bath.


A Day My Life:

I wake up in the morning. Mommy gets mad when I wake up before the sun. She tells me to go back to sleep until I see the sunshine in my window. I hate to have my diaper & clothes changed. Sometimes I wake up really slowly. I like to rock with Mommy and drink a cup of milk with my blankee and bunny with my Mommy while we rock. Then, in the morning I watch TV. I love Playhouse Disney and PBS. Mommy does her bible study and works on the computer while I watch Barney, Telletubbies, Blues Clues, Barney - again, Arthur, and Sesame Street. She gets me breakfast of toast, bananas, or cheerios. I can say MORE, CEREAL, NANNAS and MILK.

At 11:30 a.m. it's my naptime. I usually sleep between 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours. Then I have an afternoon snack. Mommy tries to wait to eat lunch with me, but sometimes she can't wait, cuz I sleep so long. In the afternoon we usually go driving in the car, go shopping, or go outside. Sometimes we have to stay inside and watch a movie and play blocks or dolls or coloring.

When we go driving I like to listen to Radio Disney, "It's the radio station just for kids." We do something a little different every day. On Mondays we stay home and I help Mommy do laundry. She loves me to help her fold laundry. I like to put the clothes into a dryer and pull them out of the dryer.

Every other Tuesdays I go to Mom's Time Out at Denton Bible Church for 5 hours. I even get to take a nap and eat lunch there! On the other Tuesdays, we meet some kids at the playground to play at the park. At the park their are 5 different slides and a tunnel to crawl through. There's also a swaying bridge and ladder. I love to climb the ladder and steps. I like the slides but I hate the swings.

On Wednesdays we do mid-week shopping. We've been buying our milk at Braums. I like that cuz I can go inside and play on the slide and they sell ice cream there. But if we need more than just milk, Mommy takes me to the Super Wal-mart. I hate to stay in the basket anymore. I don't like to ride backwards, and I like to walk by myself - there's more to see.

On Thursdays, I go to church school for two hours while Mommy takes a Bible Study. I sing songs and color pictures and listen to the older children while they read bible stories. We play inside with blocks and balls and toys.

Then on Fridays Mommy and I do errands for Daddy or stay home to do clean-up at the house. We sing the cleain-up song and do the ten-second tidy! I'm a big helper.


My Bedtime Routine is...

My bedtime routine is much like my morning routine. At 5 o'clock we eat dinner, sometimes I eat in my high chair while Mommy cooks the rest of the dinner. Sometimes Daddy is home and we all eat together.

Six o'clock (or 6:30 p.m.) is bathtime and I love my bath. I can say BATH and TUBBY and undress myself for my bath while Mommy runs the bath water. I throw all the bath blocks into the tub plus several other toys and a boat. I like to swim, pour water on myself and on the walls, and I like to lay down on my back and play night-night with the wash cloth. Sometimes Mommy has a hard time getting me out of the tub in time to rock and drink my milk. I always scream and cry when it is time to get out and get dried off. I kick and scream while Mommy or Daddy puts on my night-time diaper and pj's.

But then I'm happy again cuz it's time to rock with Daddy and drink my milk. Sometimes Mommy will color with me and read me books. Sometimes we watch a movie on Disney Channel. Then at 7:30 Daddy puts me to bed. I have to have my bunny and l like to have my blankee and my wind-up teddy bear sings to me. I sleep from 7:30 or 8:00 p.m. to 6:30 or 7:30 a.m. every night.



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