Julius - 08/08/00 07:08:21
My Email:jchen@mba2000.hbs.edu
Address: Shanghai, China
Great poems, great pictures. Yating,they bring you to me so close...
Fang Yuan - 07/12/00 22:16:09
My Email:chinayuan@yahoo.com
Telephone Number: 607-962-4978
Address: Corning, NY,14830
Ya Ting:
It looks like you are working on a C2C Site and Julius is working on a B2B Site. I enjoyed your site.
Haiying & Michael - 05/13/00 02:31:08
Hi, we really enjoyed your website!
Ya Wen - 03/20/00 04:10:26
My Email:yawenh@bu.edu
Dear Angela,
Very good photos.
Still looking forward seeing pictures taken in ISO Union night! Come on!!
Lee Ying - 03/17/00 22:07:59
You are a little bit egocentric! but in overall I think your webpage is very nice, especially for your thoughts.
Julius - 03/17/00 06:30:31
My Email:jchen@mba2000.hbs.edu
Great web site, Angela. I am proud of you being able to write and put all these pieces together.
Dan CHalem - 02/24/00 18:55:45
My URL:http://dchalem.freewebsites.com
My Email:dchalem@bu.edu
Telephone Number: 6177313884
Great Site. I loved the pictures that you posted. How about some pictures of your BU friends?
Rob Spayne - 02/24/00 05:10:02
My URL:http://people.bu.edu/rtspayne
My Email:rtspayne@yahoo.com
Telephone Number: (617) 734-5416
Address: Brookline, MA USA
Hi to both of you two. This is really a great site. I enjoyed reading and looking at the pictures. You guys really are on a great journey together, and it shows here in your site!
Nicole W. Ruskey - 02/22/00 17:28:00
My Email:nwruskey@earthlink.net
Telephone Number: 323-467-8648
I thoroughly enjoyed reading and looking at your
web page, thanks to Lesal telling me about it. I
feel privileged to have been there when you first
arrived at Harvard Square and then to have you
celebrate your first New Year's Eve in the
States.I look forward to your exciting future
together. You are two very special indivi
Patricia Fossati - 02/19/00 04:49:01
My Email:pfossati@bu.edu
Telephone Number: 617 247 0564
Address: 390 commonwealth Ave # 406
Dear Angela,
The site is great. Congratulations.
I am very happy that you are coming to the reunion. I need help to elaborate a menu/list to suggest the girls what to bring. I was thinking that might be easier if the girls bring apetizers and the boys drinks. What do you think? Please let me know.
I am lokking foaward to seeing you.
Yating Angela Niu - 01/27/00 14:28:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Fountain/6166/Index_Page_Frame.htm
My Email:yating@bu.edu
Telephone Number: (617) 5760808
Address: R802, 11 Peabody Terrace, Cambridge, MA 02138
I sincerely welcome anyone who visits my site leave your words here. Thanks.