Welcome to DA'GUY'S English 1 Site

the purpose of this site is to provide information on Portuguese culture to anyone who might want or need it

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The Portuguese American Connection

Famous Portuguese Foods


FicklinVineyards Portuguese Wine

Library of Congress Potuguese immigration storys

Taking a Stand for Their Dreams: Portuguese Immigrants in California

Portuguese English Dictionary

Portuguese Radio Station

The Portuguese in the United States

Personal Story of a Family

Portuguese Historical Museum

Portuguese Eurasian Association

Portuguese Catholic Church Oakland

Book Reviews

The Portuguese-Americans
By: Leo Pap
This Factual book chronicles the Portuguese immigration into the United States. The author give a lot of facts and staistics which are useful to the hardcore researcher, while keeping the book fairly interesting for the average reader. Overall, the is an excellent resource and a great book for information on how, when and why so many Portuguese people came to the United States.

Portuguese Cooking
By: Carol Robertson
This book is about Portuguese foods. I think studying the food groups of different groupd of people is very important.It ended up being very hard to find a good book that Focused completely with portuguese foods, but when I finaly found it, ir was worth the wait

Other Resources

If you have access to college resource pamphlets, they are about the best resources to be found on a subject such as portuguese in America. The pamphlet catalogue at COS has an abundance of useful, relevant information regarding the Poruguese people in California specifically and the U.S. in general.
One of the best things about these pamphlets is the fact that somebody else has already sorted and filed all the information to ensure that it is relevant to the topic you are studying. Definitely one of the more ueful resources.

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