Charley maried Minnie Mclain, 2 boys Dwain & Darrell.
& I cant fill in on these. Zola married Carl Allen. 2
children Arthur married Ruby Heatherly. 3 children.
Both are married & have children, Larry, maried & has
3 children. all married & has children.
Zola still lives in Ava. Orvil & Ada live in
Springfield. Earl & Doris lived some time on the
lake.Then moved Springfield. They bilnged to/ The
Ada had 3 children Wilma Lucile, married Fred Archer. Warren married first time a Kunckey girl just out of service. they seperated no children. he married a Indanna girl & has two children Belly Jean Marrie & has a daughter Ada Ruth isent married but she has a son Then a little surprise hapened they had a boy. J. W. (James Warren). My only grand son.
I have 3 great grand sons. all the rest are girls Mildred married a Miller. They have 3 girls July, Nancy, & Cathy. Judy has 2 girls Julie & Cathy, Nancy has 2 children Jennifer & Dave. they live in Colorado springs Cathy & Mike live in Ark. he is M. C, of a musical show. he is a musican. cathy works at a Wall-Mart store no children. Judy lives in Springfield & runs a gift shop at Wickmans green house her & her husband dident make a go og it Julie finishes high school this year. she works at J. C. pennys part time Kathy is still in shool
I had a letter from Helen (Earl & Blanches) girl
their son lives in Indepence Kans. Herold is about
ready to retire his wife has retired Herold had a son
by his first wife, 'Lieele' Herold married & has 2
little boys. they all are quite relingous & belongto
the curch GOD Holieness, head quarters at Anderson
Inda. (Not the talk in toungs tho) I thought a while,
"Little Harold was going to be a preacher. any way if
he is Ive not heard it. I may Have told you things
you dont care for if so just mark it out.
Im writing on paper so you can sorte it & put in what
you want
Earl, Arthur & Orvil all were ball games fans Earl
broke an ankle playing ball. he was a catcher. Arthur
just played any place. Orvil played any place. he got
hit in the face
Through out the years of doing genealogy research I
have corresponded with many people. I have learned
wonderful things from some of these letters and am
very greatful. Even though some of these letters did
not help me in my direct line, I am sure they could
help someone out there; maybe even you. That is why
I have decided to post the letters that I feel could
be beneficial to someone else. I will add letters as
time allows so please check back often to see what is
Good luck and enjoy!
Note: All letters are posted as written without
corrections of any kind.
Im sorry to be so slow getting this back to you.
June my niece wanted to get all this on her Tree so I
let her take it & she was going to get it back to me.
Darrel & Dwain knows June they were neighbors in
Springfield. your address was in the ones she took
with her so I couldnt write you. I called her this
a.m. she said she sure would get them to me this
week. Ill probably have to call her again.
her youngest daughter has moved here with her 3
children. she is busy with them. there a divorce
brewing. The kids are all small
Well I cant mail this today, but I well get it
in the mail as soon as June gets over here.
1-17 It weeks later but at last she got it over here
& Ill try to get in the mail today I think Ive told
every thing I know sure hope Ive added some you
didant know. Orvile, is here too, he is so shaky he
said he just could'nt do it so he brought it to me
Charley was born in Tarkio. I just wrote what I had,
you can do it the way you want to
Any time you need something just tell me if Ive got
Ill sure send it to you
Thomas Monroe MCullough, was born in Douglas County
near the Pleasant Green skool house. Dec 10 1869.
Died Mar 17 1953 married Anna Lola Florance Ellison.
Anna Lola Florance Born in Ark. ( I dont know where)
Sept 30 1887. her parents were (Baldy) Jim Elison &
Cathern (Katie) Phillips. she was very small when the
family moved to Douglas Co. she died Mar 3 1965.
both her & husband are burried in the Ava Cemetery.
They spent most of their life on a farm & raised
their family there. 3 children were born in Tarkio
Mo. (Ada, Orvil & Charley) they had Earl & Arthur
when they moved to Tarkio. Zola was born after they
moved back to Douglas Co.
Tom & Lola were married Dec 29 1902 Their children
were Malissa (born dead)
William Earl Jan 23
Arthur James Thomas Born Oct 13
Ada Myrtle Born July 14 1902
Orvil Agusta Born Dec 4 1903
Robert Charles "
Zola born Feb 14
Earl married Blanch Wimmer. she died then he married
Doris no children he died in ? & is burried in White
Chapel here in Springfield
Arthur married Eva Hayne she died he married Boma
Reed. No children Ada married Cecil Brazeal he died
Mar 17 & is burried in Ava Cemetery. They spent all
their life on a farm untill They got to old to keep
it up. then sold the farm & moved to Springfield.
Where Cecil died on Mar 16
Ada sold the property & moved to a high rise for old
people. (Thats where I still am)
Orvil married Alta (No. 1) a son Clyde. Alta and
Orvil were divorsed, (No. 2) Dola) No. 3 was (No 4)
was Marie, she died. (No 4) (No.5) was Inez. she is
now in hospital with a stroke. she was a cousin of
Zola's husband. No children.
of God Holieness. (Not the tongue talkng) & were very active in church work. Doris is re marring to day Sept. 30. I dont know his name. Doris was the mother of 9 children. only 3 at home when her a Earl married. Doris was sure a fine person. They Earl & her were very happy.
Arthur & Eva had 2 girls Avanell & Elda June. Avanell
married first a high school boy. then she married a
White. June married a White but no kin. Avanell has 2
boys 1 is adopted & one is born to them they live in
New Mexico. Avanell isent very healty. June lives
here in Sjpringfield. she has an awful god husband
they have 3 girls all married. one divorsed. one has
3 children 2 boys & a girl, she has just moved back
to Springfield & in the prosess of a divorse from a
drinking & not very work wise.
one time & caved his jaw in. Base Ball was the thing in the country we always had a team to keep them in gloves & things us wemen woud go to soles & serve pie & coffee to buy ball games things. We had a truck & always had a load to go. one time Dwain was at our farm & was riding on old horse & fell off. I ask him was he hurt, he said no, "just wended",
Im going to send you what I have you can compare. Marth dident say her child opal was about grown & maby married before Marth maried the Johns. Opal spent her life taking care of her. then Marths sister. Opals daughter had a Brain tumor & lived a long time & was helpus. I don't know if opal is still alive or not, if so she is quit old
Wilma & Fred just got back from Calif. their daughter had to have surgery. they were gone 2 weeks. Sandra couldent have babies so they adoped 2 boys both babies when they got them one is 6 & the other is 2. Cathy cant have babies so guess they will be adopting one later on.
I live in a high rise. it has 9 stores & each floor has 16 apartments. each has a big bed room a large living room & a very small kitchen. Im pretty well satasfied. the kids don't worry about me
bing alone. Which Im sure not. I have my door open & when I dont want co. I shut my door. When I cook a pot of beans each one on my floor gets beans. We are a sharing bunch The high rise where I live has 9 floors & 8 apartments on each floor. Its just for older people.
In all families there things we dont care about. Im telling you ours. Thats why I dont care for family history.
Mary Jane Martin was married at the age of 13 her husban was killed she found him dead on a brush pile she had one child & soon a nother one was born Aunt Tilda & uncle Jim. (he died young with measels). The next baby was Thomas my father. Then Aunt Liz Then aunt Beck then uncle Bob The next was aunt Cathern some knew who their fathers were. none were sure. Any way Grandma raised her family with out help. & every one was well thought of uncle Bob was counted rather lazy & aunt Cathern wasent to smart, guess Im rong there she knew how to get some one to bring her food for her cats. Minnie can probably tell you about her. she lived in Springfield. she died there.
(This letter was written by Ada McCullough Brazael, she forgot to sign it.)
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