SARITA RODIGUEZ - 12/28/00 23:06:46 My Email:LOTLIZARDS123Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5\24\98 Your favorite Barney video: WAITING FOR SANTA Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: TOSHAWE
Comments: I LOVE BARNEY! I like the way he sings and dances and goes on magical adventures!
Comments: I have the new barney i got for christmas and my mom can not get it to work so if you could help me out i would appericate it thanks
Comments: nice book by tiff
Comments: Darian thanks you for having this home page, so that he see more of barney on his computer.
Comments: we love you barney!
Comments: good page lucas likes the music
Comments: I love Barney ans his friends because they are so funny.
Comments: I LOVE YOU BARNEY FOR EVER LOVE, ALIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***************
Comments: this is bailys mom can u send him and email from barney he would love it
Comments: This is a fantastic thing. My son ,Hunter(4 yrs old)and i enjoyed it. THank You, Daniel Wardlow
Comments: My children love you! We have a 7 year old and we watched you for about 4 years,then can our 2 year old and she loves you and now we have a new baby that will love you too.
Comments: I love you barney.
Comments: I always start and end my day with Barney. I've already learned to work the VCR so I can turn it on at any moment during the day or night. Keep up the good work!
Comments: I Love YOU
Comments: i like your page thankyou.
Comments: ,,,,,,t,gt,g,t,ytkyyttuykikykiyiuykyiluyluylytytkyjtjytjyyyyyytkkuiyjameeeeere! What she's trying to say is she loves Barney!!!!!
Comments: I need to find out how to program my son bareney doll.I tried to go to the my barney website and it didn't work.Christmas is coming and I need to find out how to program this barney.Please e-mail me at (asap)!!!!!
Comments: I Love You Barney.
Comments: barney i always see your shows u are the best keep it up
Comments: i love barney and his frie3nds alot and i think he is great to watch in the mornings .i especially like baby bop . this site is cool
Comments: my son is almost 5 months old and he is captivated by the barney show. he loves the songs and gets really excited when he hears them. thank-you for this wonderful entertainment.
Comments: we all love barney
Comments: Lots of sing alongs
Comments: This is really nice page. My grand-daughters have really enjoyed everything, especially the songs and games.
Comments: Please make somemore software for my computer. Thank you,
Comments: I love Barney
Comments: Dear Barney You Are My Friend Love, Ariel
Comments: Please write to me at 15746 s.w. 292 st.#43 Homestead,FL 33030 I donot have computer I using my friends, I see your show every day I love you Barney and Friends. Please write to me, I will be waiting for your letter. bye.... Ruben Jesus Soto please write to me. 15746 s.w. 292 st. #43 Homestead FL. 33030
Comments: i love you and i love watching your shows i love the way you and the kids play and sing together.
Comments: We love you Barney!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comments: i watch your tapes at least 20 times a day.
Comments: alyssa loves barney its her fav. show.
Comments: this is a very educational site for kids and I think its great.
Comments: I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comments: I love Barney vey much and i love his songs he is a great person and keep up the good work
Comments: i love barney
Comments: I love watching Barney
Comments: Barney you are awsome
Comments: I really love you Barney. I'm trying to get the interactive Barney. Thanks Garrett
Comments: IT IS GREAT
Comments: likes you he is ariels little brother and sierras older brother.we also have a 13 year old sister .
Comments: She is 3 and is ariels little sister
Comments: Barney i have always liked your show and always will!
Comments: lik the songs
Comments: Why do you like being Barney! And ask all your little sick friends do they like the job! And do me a favor and cut Babybob's little blanky apart! Then you don't have to worry about it during your little shows! She's to big to care!
Comments: Bareny I love you. You are my best friend and my altime favorite hero. You are better than superman. (My mommy typed this) I told her to type that for me because it is true and I can't spell very good. Barney, I love you! I hope you love me. Kiss ssssssssssy! MMMMMuccccccaaa! Tiffany Parish P.S. Email me at cheerchic071789 @ evey day!
Comments: Dear, BArney I love you barney . I like your songs. I really like that song I LOVE YOU. I thank you are so nice.
Comments: thanks alot. i want you to send me songs and pictures
Comments: im filling this out for my little brother he loves barney this is a really nice page
Comments: I love you Barney
Comments: My daughter loves barney.
Comments: i love uou barney
Comments: I Love You Barney!!
Comments: I watch Barney every day, and watch his movies also.
Comments: my daughter loves barney shows and videos as well as songs. I enjoy the fact that my daughter is being educated positively by the shows. thank you mom
Comments: This is comming from mom I enjoy letting my son watch you videos.He loves for me to sing you songs at bedtime.He learnes alot from watching you.BARNEY you are the best thanks for all you do Best Friends Tammy Holder
Comments: my son loves you barney so very much he is going to be two and sings every song he really like to sing the "i love you" song he sings it to go to sleep can we maybe get a pitcure of you to hang on the wall he would love it so would i his mother and thanks for teaching so many things on your viedo's
Comments: I love all your shows and dances. But most of all i love you!!!!!!
Comments: I am only 16 months old but I love Barney!
Comments: How do I get to a site where I can play Barney games? Love Shania Ivette Ley
Comments: Dear Barney, How are you my little sister Alexandria loves you very much and watchs your show every day she loves when you sing and dance could you please send her a pictuer of barney and friends with a autograph of the gang and you so please take your time to writ out a couple of names and send it to -16441 Iona Ave. Lemoore, CA 93245 Love, Angela Gutierrez
Comments: Barney, I like your show and I love you very much can you send me a picture of you for my b-day.I just started school and my friends are at my class. From , Amanda
Comments: I really enjoyed the did my sister who is 3. BEN
Comments: i think your show is great for kids. My daughter doesnt like learning that much she doesnt think that its fun. I really think she would like it better if she could be on a barney show cause she loves barney and would listian to him ,thanks
Comments: We LOVE Barney ad his friends!
Comments: My mommy and I listen to you evry morning and the way to pre-school and any time we are driving. I watch you evry weekday after school. I have your sing along book and your doll and even your tooth brush. Ilove you Barney.
Comments: I Love You Barney and Baby Bop and BJ
Comments: I Love You Barney!!!!
Comments: And remeber barney I love you
Comments: Ilove u u luv me!
Comments: i love you barney
Comments: 10/29/00
Comments: barney, baby bop and b.j., My name isAlex. we used to watch when alex was 4 years old. Now we have a computer that can send you readable email. International music is fun.We can hear it to our delight. Please write back. From Alex
Comments: I am a big Barney fan and all I want to do is watch your movies. In December I wil be coming to see you on Stage at the Hampton Colosium. I can not wait I wish I could get to see you in person. I Love you so much Barney!! Love Jacob Montfort
Comments: We love Barney, but my grandma doesn't know the songs. If there is a place where she can learn them it would be really great.
Comments: very cool site
Comments: my 2 year old loves you show!!!!
Comments: i love barney very much
Comments: you are a mother fucking bitch
Comments: We love your show,,
Comments: Barney loves me and I LOVE YOU
Comments: Thank you for letting Taylor visit Her mom
Comments: I love you!!!!!!!!
Comments: we like it very much
Comments: Thank you.
Comments: not yet...
Comments: I LOVE YOU!
Comments: continue like that u are doing great congratulations
Comments: Great site my daughter loved it! love kim and Emily
Comments: I want Barney to come to the stage in Memphis, Tn again. I want to see him again.
Comments: My 1 year old son love this web page, because of your songs, he listens to it everyday. Thank you for making that possible Barney.
Comments: Do you have any clipart that we can get from your great page?!
Comments: I love barney and enjoy watching the videos and hearing all the songs.
Comments: my name is cathy, my daughter anissa my be only 1 year old but oh how she gets excited when your show comes on and she dances to every song...
Comments: Thanks for the animal stickys with the tape so we can play circus.
Comments: MY DAUGHTER LIVES BY YOUR MOVIES. I love to see her learn and watch your movies woth such interest .
Comments: barney should be played in regular channels
Comments: I would like to hear more stories and music
Comments: i love ur show i watch everyday and everynight before i go to sleep. My mother always recoreds it for me. I dont know which show i love beacuse i love all of them
Comments: Ezra is an Autistic child who has very strong mood changes and gets settle right away when he listens to a Barney song or program. Thank you very much!
Comments: i love you
Comments: we love barney. we can't wait to see him live on stage. Could he please come to maine sometime to see all the kids that love him so much. thanks, sarah, nikole
Comments: My little brother, who filled this question thing out, loves to watch Barney. When he is allowed to watch a movie... his Barney ones are the ones he chooses. Just wanted to tell you that he likes it!
Comments: my daughter loves to watch you she is turning two years and knows the words to most of your songs and can barely speak. Thank you.
Comments: It's a excellent show keep up the good work.GOD BLESS.
Comments: neat!!!
Comments: I love ur show so much and i watch all the times.
Comments: My daddy helped me fill out this form because I can't read yet. I love Barney. Whenever I see or hear Barney, my daddy says my eyes light up and my face lights up as though I were full of sunshine and I have the happiest smile you ever saw.
Comments: I love you barney, Can you tell your freinds I like your show Love Kelsey
Comments: hello barney
Comments: We love your Barney site!!! We are looking into joining your ring!!
Comments: I like barney for my daughter to learn and play...thank you for thinking up such an amazing friend for her to look up to. Please e-mail us if you have a web site to play on. Thank you Makayla souder and her mom
Comments: i love you barney!!!!!!
Comments: Keep up the good work we love ya !
Comments: I wish Barney can be in Conert again, so I can see him. Thank you for making children happy. WE LOVE YOU BARNEY
Comments: Can you tell me where I can rent a Barney costume for my dau
Comments: i love your tv show please write back for my birthday and send me a card please write back your friend jalen
Comments: My daughter Alyssa is 1 year old and Barney is the only show she will watch.
Comments: I have four kids 8 7 3 and a year and they all love barney. We have watched Barney for years. I wish my kids could be a guess on your show
Comments: i love u barney
Comments: I thank you Barney and Friends for making a great inpact on my daughter she has learned alot and has learned to sing along even more learned her numbers and alphabet because of your wonderful videos continue the great work. proud parent, Lydia Ramirez
Dylan - 09/17/00 02:39:51 My Email:MadoniaHBK@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 9 Your favorite Barney video: Rock With Barney Your favorite Barney song: I Like My Head Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Michael Comments: rebecca campbell - 09/16/00 22:31:11 My Email:crazylady0909@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): jan 9 Your favorite Barney video: any Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: colton - 09/16/00 20:08:02 My Email:skarlett2k@aolYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): nov. 16 Your favorite Barney video: barney adv. Your favorite Barney song: in the nite time Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: bj Any suggestions for my page: good job Comments: we liked your page POLA MATAMOROS - 09/16/00 15:35My Email:CARLA@PRDIGITAL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCTOBER 2 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY THE MOVIE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J. Comments: REMEMBER I LOVE YOU.... PAOLA MATAMOROS - 09/16/00 15:33:49 My Email:CARLA@PRDIGITAL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCTOBER 2 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY THE MOVIE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J. Comments: REMEMBER I LOVE YOU...... baylee - 09/16/00 15:06:34 My Email:bgacat@seark.netYour BYour favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: soja jack son - 09/16/00 13:58:25 My Email:Xandu 37986@.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3/15/99 Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Comments: SOJA LOVES BARNEY SONG (I LOVE YOU) SO MUCH HE INSISTS ON HUGGING A FAMILY MEMBER WHEN IT IS PLAYED AT THE END OF BARNEY. HE IS 18 MONTHS OLD HAS GONE THROUGH MAJOR SURGERY AT ARNOLD PALMER HOSPITAL. THROUGH HIS ORDEAL(WE ARE A HAPPY FAMILY)LINE IN THE SO G APPLIES SO MUCH TO SOJA. THE FAMILY FOCUS OF BARNEY MAKES IT A VERY SPECIAL SHOW TO OUR FAMILY, ESPECIALLY SOJA! matt sanderson - 09/16/00 05:43:02 My URL: My Email:august_jade@yahoo.comYour Birthday (so I can seYour favorite Barney video: barney and friends Your favorite Barney song: barneys song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Comments: thank you my son really enjoys barney BRITTANY - 09/16/00 01:03:06 My Email:BBTD32@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03-19-96 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY'S BIG ADVENTURE Your favorite Barney song: "I LOVE YOU..." Comments: BRITTANY LOVES BARNEY SO MUCH. SHE HAS DELAYED SPEECH IMPAIRMENT AND SINCE SHE HAS STARTED WATCHING BARNEY SHE HAS IMPROVED SO MUCH. THANK YOU, BRITTANY'S MOM Zoe & Alexis Brannon - 09/15/00 01:42:32 My Email:dt1rt2@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-08-00 we are twinsYour favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: mommy Comments: we really like you Alexis Christine White - 09/15/00 01:07:31 My Email:Jeanierae55@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 05-31-97 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Great Adventure Your favorite Barney song: BJ Song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Just Baby Bop Any suggestions for my page: It's wonderful Other: I love you Barney Comments: I have to say to Barney something.....about icicles.... I'll talk to him about icicles.Will you be my friend Barney.... Are you a girl Barney? I love you Barney. I miss you. Let's go find some more Barney's.... Heather - 09/15/00 00:52:25 My URL:HeatherB184@aol.comny suggestions for my page: It's wonderful Other: I love you Barney Comments: I have to say to Barney something.....about icicles.... I'll talk to him about icicles.Will you be my friend Barney.... Are you a girl Barney? I love you Barney. I miss you. Let's go find some more Barney's.... Heather - 09/15/00 00:52:25 My URL:HeatherB184@aol.comOther: Love the page! Comments: My son loves Barney! ALL the videos!! Loved visiting your page!!! It was so cute! Zachary Sexton - 09/14/00 22:12:47 My Email:CTCNZ@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12-16-97 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Live in Concert Your favorite Barney song: I love you - Barney Theme Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: mother goose Comments: eric - 09/14/00 18:40:26 My Email:wnvel@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): january 02, 1999 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on BarAny suggestions for my page: its great Comments: thanks for this web page my son (eric) who is 20 months loves it Aidan and Liam - 09/14/00 12:06:03 My Email:VikkiVBeauty@aol.comYour Birthday (so I c/a>Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): january 02, 1999 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on BarAny suggestions for my page: its great Comments: thanks for this web page my son (eric) who is 20 months loves it Aidan and Liam - 09/14/00 12:06:03 My Email:VikkiVBeauty@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/30/98 Your favorite Barney video: Alaphabet Zoo Your favorite Barney song: Peanut Butter and Jelly Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Chip Comments: WE love Barney! Chandler Mckinney - 09/14/00 02:58:44 My Email:NurseSarah98Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 08/28/98 Your favorite Barney video: Barneys Great Adventure Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.:Other: My son loves this site Comments: My son loves Barney and watches it everyday. I think it is a good learning tool and very beneficial. nikolas fults - 09/14/00 01:28:26 My Email:phatzuu@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/6/00 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: old macdonald Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Comments: my son is 2 months and already adores you...i wish you could see and here his giggle. BENJAMIN LEE ACREE - 09/14/00 00:14:47 My Email:Jjboacree@.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCTOBER 17, 200 Your favorite Barney video: good day good night Your favorite Barney song: i love yYour favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Comments: Perry Cuthrell - 09/13/00 21:42:04 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02-23-99 Your favorite Barney video: Barney goes to school Your favorite Barney song: Itsy Bitsy Spider Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Grandmother Goose Comments: anastasia - 09/13/00 15:06:35 My Email:ladsonsarah@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): dec 13 1998 Your favorite Barney video: goes camping Your favorite Barney song: i love barney Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: bj,barney,baby bop Comments: hi barney this is Anastasia i love your videos,songs fr YOUR,FRIEND TASIA SEAN ALBRIGHT - 09/13/00 06:33:27 My Email:jmstarr58@cs.comYour favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: mileisha diaz - 09/12/00 22:01:19 My Email:amaldonado9@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5/5/97 Your favorite Barney video: barney go to school Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: katy Comments: i love you barney i have 3 years - 09/12/00 00:08:38 Comments: Jaimie Nalitt - 09/11/00 22:42:49 My Email:Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Flying Circus Your favorite Barney song: If you're happy and you know it Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Comments: Karli Boatright - 09/11/00 19:34:00 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03-02-99 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: I love you, You love me Comments: kimberly - 09/11/00 17:06:25 My Email:DPositive2Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/11/98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's great adventure Your favorite Barney song: I Love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everybody Any suggestions for my page: more!!! Other: ThanksComments: ABBY - 09/11/00 13:05:22 My Email:MANDJMHS2@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1/31/97 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY`S CIRCUS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU! Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: SCOOTER MCNUT Other: TOUR PAGE IS GREAT! Comments: sierra stone - 09/11/00 03:11:23 My Email:rtsalways@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5-21-00 Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: min Comments: Anam Charania - 09/10/00 17:46:57 My Email:CoOliE450Your Birthday (so I canYour favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: i love u Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: All kids Any suggestions for my page: it's great Other: nothin Comments: I LOVE YOU alexei - 09/10/00 17:31:04 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 20 june Your favorite Barney video: barneys greatest adventure Your favorite Barney song: look at me I am three Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: katty Any suggestions for my page: make some games Comments: I love your show and I watch it every day. I am your bigest fan! TT - 09/10/00 05:06:31 Comments: TT was here! - 09/10/00 03:26:08 Comments: <Jeanette - 09/10/00 03:06:13 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): april 13 1997 Your favorite Barney video: barneys great adventure Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everyone Comments: your show is great we love you barney Kaimyn Beal - 09/09/00 22:08:28 My Email:madelynrbaker@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03/01/99 Your favorite Barney video: Circus Your favorite Barney song: I love you Comments: Carlee - 09/09/00 17:23:41 My Email:CarleesMom@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06/04/98 Your favorite Barney sonComments: My daughter loves Barney and I think it is very educational. Unlike some children shows. Cristy Williams Candice McClain - 09/09/00 13:49:57 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06/02/96 Your favorite Barney video: The Chase Your favorite Barney song: Theme song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BJ Comments: Casey Bell - 09/08/00 23:48:42 My URL: My Email:casey072497Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 07/24/97 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Great Adventure Your favorite Barney song: I Love you Comments: Kariana D. Cabrera - 09/08/00 21:32:05 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Live (Spanish Version) Your favorite Barney song: I Love Song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: Marshall & Maggie Wallace - 09/08/00 19:11:54 My Email:Slimtone@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-18-96 &4-11-99 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in Space Your favorite Barney song: I Love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J. Comments: masonamaral - 09/08/00 18:23:13 My Email:bg1769Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8 17 96 Comments: )_L - 09/08/00 16:02:27 Comments: abby jones - 09/08/00 14:16:31 My Email:jtdunc1@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06-21-97 Your favorite Barney song: This Old Man Comments: martin s. kendrick, jr. - 09/08/00 00:26:17 My Email:mskendricksr@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): march 6, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: barney and the seasons Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: b.j. Comments: sabrina lynn negron - 09/07/00 23:48:03 My Email:ndeannen@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02-15-1998 Your faComments: MARCUS CARDENAS - 09/07/00 23:36:35 My Email:WWW.RAYMONDRAYSRUS.AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/08/97 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY IN CONCERT Your favorite Barney song: BUTTERFLY Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: SCOOTER&MISS EDA Comments: christopher - 09/07/00 01:37:46 My Email:littledice55@aol.comYour favorite Barney song: Firetruck Song Comments: Hi Barney, How are you? Christopher will - 09/07/00 00:26:41 My Email:candycool23@aolYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): december30 Your favYour favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: Kiante Elliott - 09/06/00 21:57:31 My Email:kiantesgramma@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Nov. 16, 1996 Your favorite Barney video: More Songs From Barney Your favorite Barney song: If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. Comments: I love you Barney! Destiny - 09/06/00 18:34:50 Comments: Samantha Hurd - 09/06/00 16:53:23 My Email:Bearwwjd@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): JUNE 24, 1992 Your favorite Barney video: Waiting for Santa Your favorite Barney song: Sisters Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop,Comments: Have a reunion for older members ALLURERIAH - 09/06/00 02:46:18 My Email:SHERLYBd@AOL.COMYour favorite Barney video: FRIENDSHIP SONGS Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: EVERYONE Comments: michaela hoegerangel kisses - 09/05/00 21:28:36 My Email:angelkisses1009@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/09 Your favorite Barney song: Ilove you. Comments: alyssa olmstead - 09/05/00 13:08:34 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-1 97 Your favorite Barney video: barneys big suprise Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besidComments: my daughter alyssa loves barney and friends she watchs it everyday at 8:00am and she owns tons of your shows JERMAE L. EDWARDS - 09/05/00 03:44:34 My Email:ssjj@bellsouth.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/07/95 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY ADVENTURE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU....... Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: TASHA Any suggestions for my page: NO. Other: I LOVE BARNEY&FRIEND Comments: I WOULD LOVE TO DO A SHOW WITH BARNEY. I HAVE A 6 YEAR OLD BROTHER THAT WANT TO BE IN A SHOW WITH BARNEY. BARNEY PLEASE MAKE THAT HAPPEN THANK YOU. BARNEY I HAVE TRUST IN YOU. STEPHEN R. EDWARDS - 09/05/00 03:33:11 My Email:ssjj@bellsouth.netYour favorite Barney video: BARNEY GREAT ADVEN. Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE U...... Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: DERICK Any suggestions for my page: NO. I LOVE U BARNEY Other: PLEASE EMAIL ME BACK Comments: I LOVE THE SHOW Sheriyah Matthews - 09/05/00 00:19:36 My Email:tcbabygurl@yahoo.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Dec.27,1995 Your favorite Barney video: Brushing my teeth Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: cathy Comments: I like barney and they should make more barney show. Ciara Burke - 09/04/00 20:31:41 My Email:Gburke4161@aol.comYoYour favorite Barney video: Barney goes to the Beach Your favorite Barney song: I love you you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Squirrel Comments: John Paul Kieler - 09/04/00 19:05:06 My Email:whizzroll@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): February 24 Your favorite Barney video: Camping Your favorite Barney song: Green Frog Frog Frog Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: only Barney Any suggestions for my page: I only like Barney Other: Thomas eyes Comments: I want Barney eyes. I am three. Avery Bryant - 09/04/00 15:36:39 My Email:Ssherece@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a cYour favorite Barney video: Barney's Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Jason Comments: We think your shows and videos promote family values and in still character in our youth to make the productive citizens and most of all better christians with the help of God. We love you. Keep up the great work. Christian - 09/04/00 15:07:02 My Email:labug@earthlink.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1/4/99 Your favorite Barney video: Lets Pretend w/ Barney Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tina Comments: This is a cute site. To bad we can't keep out the inmature viewers on the guest book. (Mom) Todd SchaffMy Email:Schaffer153@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5/21/98 Your favorite Barney video: songs Your favorite Barney song: Mr. Sun Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Other: I love you. Comments: TANNER&MCKENZIE SULKEY - 09/04/00 13:43:00 My Email:ESULK@Comments: - 09/04/00 12:54:53 Comments: Joey - 09/04/00 01:02:42 My Email:IceQueen@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): November 4 Your favorite Barney video: Sing and Dance Your favorite Barney song: Grandpa's Farm Your favorite person on Barney besComments: jasmine - 09/04/00 00:30:50 My Email:jtrjtmt@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 27 Comments: - 09/03/00 21:29:23 Comments: hello how are you barney fine thats good bye - 09/03/00 18:58:04 Comments: sam miller - 09/03/00 17:35:19 My Email:skir0531@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): MARCH 18 Your favorite Barney video: Birthday Barney Your favorite Barney song: i love you u love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everybody Comments: i love barney. i watch it evert day. at b kailey robillard - 09/03/00 14:06:15 My Email:kenkneezgurl@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): nov 22 Your favorite Barney video: everyone of them Your favorite Barney song: get silly and laugh with me and i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: hannah Any suggestions for my page: keep it up Comments: i love you to. Ismael Farias Jr - 09/03/00 13:15:59 My Email:crzytunes@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/28/00 Your favorite Barney song: If all the rain drops were lemon drops & gum drops Any suggestions for my page: have some learning games the way sesame street does Comments: - 09/02/00 23:04:58 Comments: Jackson - 09/02/00 22:56:17 My Email:sseasterling@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): May 13, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Circus Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: jessica boyer - 09/02/00 22:28:31 My Email:xxbabydoodle@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): april 21 1998 Your favorite Barney video: barneys 1st movie Other: coloring pages Comments: Gabriella Wollett - 09/01/00 21:04:50 My Email:Wollett@epix.netYour favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all Comments: Brandon Wollett - 09/01/00 20:50:31 My Email:bfbsta@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): March 9, 1993 Your favorite Barney video: barney adventers Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: miss edda Comments: barney is my favorite kids show love ya barney TOM - 09/01/00 18:33:24 My Email:NCTRUGRATS@.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): MARCH21 1996 Your favorite Barney video: CAMPING Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU <Any suggestions for my page: MORE PICTURES Comments: I LOVE BARNEY. BARNEY BABY BOP AND BJ ARE MY FRIENDS. THEY TEACH ME GOOD LESSONS. Samantha Muro - 09/01/00 04:07:41 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 16 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all Any suggestions for my page: more new pictures Other: more songs Comments: My niece Samantha really loves Barney she is only two yrs.old. I wish you could make more adventure movies madi - 09/01/00 02:02:45 My Email:arice10848@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4-6-99 Your favorite Barney video: sing and dance with barney Your favorite Barney Comments: - 08/31/00 19:47:11 Comments: johnniece - 08/31/00 19:38:59 My Email:apepita1@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): october 2nd Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: all of them YourOTE --> - 08/31/00 19:47:11 Comments: johnniece - 08/31/00 19:38:59 My Email:apepita1@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): october 2nd Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: all of them Your favorite person on Barney besidesAny suggestions for my page: no Comments: I love barney and i enjoy watching him every day Kelli Lynn - 08/31/00 13:26:40 My Email:aerochick88@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): september 13 Your favorite Barney video: circus Your favorite Barney song: Barney theme song Comments: aaliyah - 08/31/00 01:05:43 My Email:sabney7292Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): january31 Your favorite Barney video: whenbarey and friends went camping Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all of them Comments: ilove it SARAH BEVERS - 08/30/00 21:5My Email:A1965SARAH.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12-4-97 Your favorite Barney video: ALL Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: SKOOTER Comments: - 08/30/00 20:56:39 Comments: corey day - 08/30/00 19:13:54 Comments: SABRINA - 08/30/00 19:09:01 My Email:BGIAMBUSSO@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01/26/2000 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY & FRIENDS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BABY BOP Comments: ME AND MY BEST FRIEND BIANCA - 08/30/00 19:03:56 My Email:BIANC256@CS.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-19-1999 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY & FRIENDS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BJ Comments: ME AND MY BEST FRIEND SABRINA WATCH YOU EVERY MONDAY Trinity - 08/30/00 16:52:33 My Email:Franny1215@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 13,1998 Your favorite Barney video: Barneys Sing and Dance Your favorite Barney song: If all the raindrops were lemon drops and Gumdrops Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all of them Comments: Stephen - 08/30/00 02:31:30 My Email:mommy4three@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/29/96 Your favorite Barney video: Waiting For SantaYour favorite Barney song: "I love you" Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Micheal Comments: Dear Barney, I love you very,very much!I watch your movies every day.How many movies have you made? I like the color of you and your big white smile! I also think that Baby Bop's bow is cute. I like how B.J. says cool.You are the best Dancer.Do you know why it is aining outside all day? Where do you live? I went to Two of your concerts and I liked them a lot.Why do you have so many friends? I have a little brother.My jamies are nice and cozzy!! Why do you have too many projects? Love Always, Stephen Yohsan - 08/30/00 00:55:26 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): july2 Your favorite Barney video: barney the movie Your favorite Barney song: clean up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.:Any suggestions for my page: perfect job Comments: Taylor Devlin - 08/29/00 23:51:30 My Email:danielledevlin@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): March 10, 1999 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in Concert Your favorite Barney song: Knickerbocker Comments: Laban - 08/29/00 23:34:48 My Email:labantate@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/16/99 Your favorite Barney video: more barney songs Your favorite Barney song: butterfly song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: b.j. Comments: Greer Rutt - 08/29/00 21:13:39 My Email:rodalinina@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03/31/1999 Your favorite Barney video: counting with barney Your favorite Barney song: "i love you" Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: scooter Any suggestions for my page: interactive barney Comments: I love your show. I watch it everyday! keegan - 08/29/00 00:22:37 My Email:csabritmummy@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): February 24th Your favorite Barney video: magic castle Your favorite Barney soComments: christopher dean ali - 08/29/00 00:21:07 Comments: Faith - 08/28/00 22:58:46 My Email:LCCSFB@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01/13/99 Your favorite Barney video: Imagination Island Your favorite Barney song: IF Your Happy and you know it Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Min Comments: My daughter thinks that Barney is the greatest! - 08/28/00 22:09:37 Comments: Denise branch - 08/28/00 04:14:24 My Email:elijah32799Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): Jan-21 Your favorite Barney video: the one when bj Your favorite Barney song: oh were oh were has my tetty bear gone Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michel Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: I love your show im 14 and still walch it. Jasmine krooss - 08/28/00 01:49:02 My Email:r203015@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): october 20,1998 Your favorite Barney video: sing and dance Your favorite Barney song: i love u Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: stella Comments: I love u barney. You are the greatest. - 08/28/00 01:42:12 Comments: Malcolm - 08/28/00 01:35:28 My Email:mclark8937@aol.comYour favorite Barney video: Dino Dancin Tunes Your favorite Barney song: Baby Bop Hop Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Shawn Any suggestions for my page: Great Pictures Comments: stephanie leon - 08/28/00 01:22:28 My Email:lyksaleon@latinmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 8 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: mom papi Any suggestions for my page: its good Comments: congratulations beautiful page Caleb Gatwood - 08/28/00 01:08:13 My Email:LandMGAT@AOLYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1/7/99 Your favoritYour favorite Barney song: ALL Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: NONE Comments: JAMES KASZA - 08/28/00 00:35:37 My Email:VONNEY22@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): MAY 7,1998 Your favorite Barney video: THREE WISHES Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: THE KIDS ON THE SHOW Any suggestions for my page: NO Other: NO Comments: BARNRY I JUST WANTED TO SAY THANKS FOR EVERY THING I ALWAYS WATCH YOUR SHOW AND I REALLY LIKE IT. HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON BYE!! FROM YOUR FRIEND JAMES Caroline Kasza - 08/28/00 00:29:23 My Email:Your favorite Barney video: 3 Wishes ( barney & the back yard gang) Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: teh kids that come on the show and sing and play with you Any suggestions for my page: to make the guestbook more private so only the person who wrote it and barney can see it Other: nothing Comments: this is a very good web site for me barney. i may be only 2 years old but i love waching your show and singing along with you and the whole gang. b arney i love you !! hope to see you soon bye !!! your best friend caroline Caroline Kasza - 08/28/00 00:18:26 Comments: Jorden Lee Hansen - 08/27/00 23:14:36 My URL: My EmaiYour favorite Barney video: sharing Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: the little bird Comments: Brittany - 08/27/00 22:58:19 My Email:Drewbrit3@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): May 28 Your favorite Barney video: Night Time Your favorite Barney song: The More We Play Together Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stacie Any suggestions for my page: none Comments: - 08/27/00 21:20:10 My Email:mass43215@aol.comComments: Audrey Taylor - 08/27/00 20:28:25 My URL:dt4780@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/14/97 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Great Adventure Your favorite Barney song: twinkle,twinkle little star Comments: My daughter is only 2 yrs. loves Barney. She has learned so much from wayching him. kylie ristich - 08/27/00 16:59:01 My Email:suehhoo@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/17/1998 Your favorite Barney video: barneys birthday Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Comments: MICHAEL - 08/27/00 16:55:18 My Email:LJVGOLF@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Your favorite Barney song: IMAGINATION Comments: briana johnson - 08/27/00 03:11:49 My Email:wfaniel@tampabay.rr.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): dec 16, Your favorite Barney video: rhyme time rhythm Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: ms. etta Comments: i thank you for all the educational programs.Barney and friends are wonderful my 2 year old daughter adores barney she is learning her abc's and 123's. keep up the good work. katlyn Sanford - 08/27/00 02:40:44 Comments: ASHLEY - 08/26/00 23:00:33 My Email:MCH334Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): Your favorite Barney video: ALL Your favorite Barney song: THUMPKIN Comments: lexi - 08/26/00 22:42:16 My Email:kristieb@surfsouth.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 28, 1997 Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: - 08/26/00 22:02:11 My Email:mylilgiannaYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 020899 Comments: canyon lenhart - 08/26/00 21:05:17 My Email:forbiddenarts@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/15/97 Your favorite Barney video: shapes and colors Your favorite Barney song: mr. tinkerput song Your favorAny suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: no - 08/26/00 19:08:13 Comments: JaQuan - 08/26/00 18:47:03 My Email:kim@always-online.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/3/98 Your favorite Barney song: I luv you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: littlegirl Comments: CARLY - 08/26/00 13:19:56 My Email:FRINKY515@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1/1/99 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEYS BDAY Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE U Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BJ Comments: <ILYSSA - 08/26/00 13:18:31 My Email:FRINKY515@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/12/94 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEYS BDAY Your favorite Barney song: SEVEN DAYS Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BABY BOP Comments: JOSEY BURKE - 08/26/00 04:17:06 My Email:JMJJBURKE@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 08/23/97 Your favorite Barney video: ADVENTURE BUS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU, YOU LOVE ME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: MICHAEL Any suggestions for my page: KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK Comments: Amanda Bond - 08/25/00 1Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3/27/98 Your favorite Barney video: Happy Birthday Barney Comments: Katelin - 08/25/00 01:52:26 My Email:Kldemehiser25@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 072098 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Live In NY City Your favorite Barney song: Wheels on the Bus Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Comments: Mathew - 08/24/00 23:23:29 My Email:jimk1959@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 17 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Barney goes to camp Your favorite Barney song: pattycake Comments: AnMy`Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): Feburary 22, 1991 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Great Adventure Your favorite Barney song: The Green Grass Goes All Around Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mother Goose Any suggestions for my page: it is nice Comments: I like this page Aubrey - 08/24/00 18:12:25 My Email:palusz@earthlink.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Aug 23 1998 Your favorite Barney video: barney 123 Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Cathy Comments: We really enjoy your program Haley - 08/24/00 16:31:36Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09-16-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Circus Your favorite Barney song: rainbow song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella Comments: We think Barney is great. My daughter is almost 2 years old. She knows most of her ABC's and she can count to 10. She knows most of her colors. Everything she knows, she learned with the help of Barney. tatiana hargrove - 08/24/00 14:13:52 My Email:babyhair76@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): september 5 1998 Your favorite Barney video: all of them! Your favorite Barney song: silly hat Comments: Thailer J. Johnson - 08/24/00 02:49:25 My Email:theboyismine69Your favorite Barney video: N/A Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: N/A Any suggestions for my page: N/A Comments: - 08/24/00 01:49:26 Comments: ALYSSA - 08/24/00 00:33:13 My Email:BIGSISSIE100@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/12/94 Your favorite Barney video: LIVE IN NEW YORK CITY Your favorite Barney song: EVERYONE IS SPECIAL Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: MIN Comments: I LOVE BARNEY - 08/23/00 23:55:21 Comments: Noah Lee Diaz - 08/23/00 13:09:34 Comments: Rani - 08/23/00 00:08:14 My Email:Vesai0395@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 3, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: Barney goes to outer Space Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: ROBERT - 08/22/00 23:12:11 My Email:SANDRAFROGGER@.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1/30/99 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY AT THE BEACH Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J Comments: AUSTIN ADAMS - 08/22/00 23:08:26 My Email:SUMMERG458@AOL.COMYour Birthday (Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Ashley Comments: Caitlin Hall - 08/22/00 14:34:05 My Email:cdpghall@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Mar 10 Your favorite Barney video: Camping Your favorite Barney song: I Love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kristen Comments: Estevan Meza - 08/22/00 02:40:31 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): September 18, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in Concert Your favorite Barney song: ABC Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Steven Comments: ME as been Andrew and Estevans parent I think your program is very nice and it really educates the childrd we LOVE YOU BARNEY!!!!!!! Andrew Meza - 08/22/00 02:22:48 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/10/98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in Concert Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Hanna Comments: Alexandra Noel Geno - 08/21/00 22:48:07 My Email:emirjime@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): oct. 14 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Live in N Y city Your favorite Barney song: London Bridge is Folling Down Comments: Jaredjael Gonzalez - 08/21/00 19:36:32 My Email:lidiamarcell@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card):Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: ,,,,, Any suggestions for my page: i like it Comments: Zachary - 08/21/00 00:19:15 My Email:Indiana2769@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4/5/97 Your favorite Barney video: all the Barney videos Your favorite Barney song: I Love u and u love me Comments: DAKOTA STIDHAM - 08/20/00 18:57:56 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): NOVEMBER 30,1998 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY'S BIRTHDAY Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: TINA Comments: SPEAKING AS DAKOT DAKOTA STIDHAM - 08/20/00 18:56:42 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): NOVEMBER 30,1998 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY'S BIRTHDAY Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: TINA Comments: SPEAKING AS DAKOTA'S PARENT, WATCHING BARNEY HAS TAUGHT HIM A LOT OF THINGS. HE CAN SING SOME OF THE SONGS THAT BARNEY SINGS AND HE'S EVEN LEARNING TO SHARE HIS TOYS WITH HIS FRIENDS. THANK YOU FOR PROVIDING BARNEY TO ALL THE LITTLE CHILDREN. baylee mellott - 08/20/00 18:33:15 My Email:lilbudder123@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-12-96 Your favorite Barney video: walk around the block Your favorite Barney song: does your hair hang low Your favorite person on Barney besides Comments: Kyle Josef - 08/20/00 18:18:07 Comments: Jessica Jackson - 08/20/00 16:37:06 My Email:TIRTOAD@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-20-97 Your favorite Barney video: CAMP WANNARUNAROUND Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: STELLA Comments: thomas - 08/20/00 16:34:59 My Email:imt43@theglobe.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): december 19 Your favorite Barney song: if you're happy Comments: i love barney and watch him everyday Gaylin - 08/20/00 02:33:27 <Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Christmas video Your favorite Barney song: I Love You You Love Me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop is my favorite Comments: natasha Kunigus - 08/20/00 00:30:51 My Email:Unique020876@gateway.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/17/1996 Your favorite Barney video: barney goes camping Your favorite Barney song: barney theme song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: linda Comments: - 08/19/00 23:52:44 Comments: - 08/19/00 21:25:35 Comments: Austin - 08/19/00 15:56:55My Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12-14-98 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: all of them Comments: shannon - 08/19/00 15:08:46 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8-17-98 Your favorite Barney video: the one where he dies Your favorite Barney song: poop on you to Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby stupid Comments: McKenzie Rae - 08/19/00 01:36:50 My Email:spankie730@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7-30-99 Your favorite Barney video: imagination island Your favorite Barney song: the green grass gross all around Your favorite peAny suggestions for my page: you should play your songs on your pages Other: nothing Comments: this is my mom's email cause i'm to little to have one but my mom loves you just as much as i do we love you barney. JOEY - 08/19/00 01:02:42 My Email:MISKOPEACE2000@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5/9/97 Your favorite Barney video: MANNERS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: CATHY Comments: BRIEANNA BLEAU - 08/18/00 23:37:55 My Email:FLUFFYBAG@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01/30/1997 Your favorite Barney video: GOOD DAY/ GOOD NIGHT Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOUYour favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: ROBERT Comments: I LOVE BARNEY! DOMINIQUE - 08/18/00 20:24:20 My Email:LeDrai@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): august 18,1995 Your favorite Barney video: Barney LIVE in New York City Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: the winkster Comments: i love you Barney Dara Hayes - 08/18/00 19:16:50 My Email:Kmhdlh@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3/31/98 Your favorite Barney video: circus Your favorite Barney song: I love you, You love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: The kids Isabella - 08/18/00 17:45:34 My Email:bolmexusa@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-22-98 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: Keira - 08/18/00 14:39:40 My Email:Atlastafarms@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-22-97 Your favorite Barney video: All Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Michael Comments: Even though I'm only 2, I watch you everyday. I have and am learning alot. Thank you. sammy meyer - 08/18/00 13:33:31 My Email:crm392@aol.comYour favorite Barney video: barney birthday Your favorite Barney song: mr. knickerboker Comments: chelsea cuevas - 08/18/00 02:24:49 My Email:deeanagee1Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/17/94 Your favorite Barney video: barneys halloween Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: CURTIS Any suggestions for my page: SOME GAMES Comments: I WOULD LIKE TO DANCE ON YOUR SHOW. AND ALSO SING WITH YOU AND ALL OF THE KIDS ON YOUR SHOW. I WENT TO SEE YOUR SHOW LIVE AT THE ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER. I THINK YOU ARE GREAT AND YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND. I WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN ON STAGE. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH. BYE, BYE! HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON! chelsea cuevas - 08/18/00 02:24:10 My EmaiYour favorite Barney video: barneys halloween Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: CURTIS Any suggestions for my page: SOME GAMES Comments: I WOULD LIKE TO DANCE ON YOUR SHOW. AND ALSO SING WITH YOU AND ALL OF THE KIDS ON YOUR SHOW. I WENT TO SEE YOUR SHOW LIVE AT THE ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER. I THINK YOU ARE GREAT AND YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND. I WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN ON STAGE. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH. BYE, BYE! HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON! kaitlyn kregulka - 08/18/00 01:07:01 My Email:tkregul@pop3.utoledo.eduYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 030299 Your favorite Barney video: more barney songs Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Comments: < Baylee Kay Igo - 08/17/00 23:46:41 My Email:baykay99@aolYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06/14/99 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: Ilove you Comments: Ronell Alimboyoguen - 08/17/00 23:42:48 My Email:sla515@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): November 10,1997 Your favorite Barney video: Barney goes to school Your favorite Barney song: clean up! clean up! Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Min Any suggestions for my page: nothing Other: nothing Comments: Send me a barney tape.... thanx barney... @---<--- shelby - 08/17/00 21:30:39 Your favorite Barney video: barnylive Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: cristen Comments: i love your show andddd youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Michael David Janca - 08/17/00 01:31:05 My Email:BJR71348@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5-13-99 Your favorite Barney video: sing and dance Barney Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: Michael David Janca - 08/17/00 01:30:39 My Email:BJR71348@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5-13-99 samantha - 08/16/00 18:59:50 My Email:topgunsam@yahoo.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 20 Your favorite Barney video: barney in space Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: squirrel Any suggestions for my page: more music Comments: - 08/16/00 14:52:48 Comments: Anna Chuld - 08/16/00 12:05:48 My Email:DaycareDonna00@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/14/97 Comments: - 08/16/00 02:27:25 My Email:ALLSTAR A15Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 27 1997 Your favorite Barney video: campfire sing_along Your favorite Barney song: back yard gang song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tina Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: WE LOVE BARNEY................/ DANI HUTCHINS - 08/16/00 01:22:42 Comments: megan - 08/15/00 15:46:18 My Email:patsy11798Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01/17/98 Your favorite Barney video: let's play school Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: bj Comments: tonia turak - 08/15/00 14:23:31 My Email:osweetgirl@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/25/98 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: babybob Any suggestions for my page: none<Comments: i love bareny and all his friend Stania LaShae Bostick - 08/15/00 04:24:05 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/02/98 Your favorite Barney video: barney circus Your favorite Barney song: mr.sun Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everyone Comments: BRIANNA - 08/15/00 04:02:56 My Email:DEBDOESHAIR@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/31/97 Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: KIDS Comments: Katelynn Fox - 08/15/00 00:15:42 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9-19-98 Your favorite Barney video: Christmas with BaYour favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: mother goose Comments: KYLA - 08/14/00 03:10:49 My Email:JSOREAL@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 24JUN98 Your favorite Barney video: CELEBRATION Your favorite Barney song: TWINKLE LITTLE STAR Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: LISA Comments: BLAKE PAYNE - 08/14/00 02:16:48 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/01/98 Your favorite Barney video: ALL OF THEM Your favorite Barney song: ALL OF THEM Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: HANNA Any suggestions for my page: KEEP IT UP Other: WE LOVE BARNEY HEComments: BARNEY PROVIDES GREAT ENTERTAINMENT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AND VERY EDUACATIONAL FOR MY ONE YEAR OLD AND FOUR MONTH OLD. KEEP UP THE VIDEOS. WE LOVE YOU BARNEY. YOUR BIGGEST FANS, THE PAYNE'S Morgan Bowles - 08/13/00 23:55:57 My Email:Bowles3X@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3-22-2000 Your favorite Barney video: I like them all Your favorite Barney song: all of them Comments: leonardo - 08/13/00 23:20:46 My Email:patriciaURUGUAY@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04/02/98 Comments: i love barney and bj - 08/13/00 20:09:26 Comments: Tyler Renshaw - 08/13/00 18:42:13 My Email:Dawnandchad@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August22 Your favorite Barney video: Colorsandshapes Your favorite Barney song: Baneythemesong Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Chinese girl Comments: ALAINA - 08/13/00 18:01:30 Comments: - 08/13/00 15:34:46 Comments: OLIVIA RUTH JENKINS - 08/12/00 23:42:12 My Email:NESSABMW@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6/3/98 Your favorite Barney video: SHAPES Your favorite Barney song: TEN AGAIN Your favorite persComments: kobe royse - 08/11/00 23:28:01 My Email:royse0915@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6/24 Your favorite Barney video: barney circus Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: ?????? Comments: cool dude CONDRY HYNDMAN - 08/11/00 19:24:07 My Email:WH552@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): MARCH 26 2000 Comments: alicia beaton - 08/11/00 00:59:09 My URL:newglasgow My Email:december17th1980Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): barney and friends Your favorite Barney song: just them Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: none Any suggestions for my page: none Other: none Comments: - 08/10/00 23:55:28 Comments: JONATHAN - 08/10/00 20:56:52 My Email:SWEEETTITS81@YAHOO.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): SEPTEMBER 3,1998 Your favorite Barney video: IT'S TIME FOR COUNTING Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: AJ Comments: I LOVE BARNEY, BARNEY HELPS ME FALL ASLEEP EVERY NIGHT! kaycee - 08/10/00 16:02:53 My Email:elmokayc@aol.comYour BirthdYour favorite Barney video: imagination island Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: - 08/10/00 14:54:16 Comments: YUO RULE BARNEY I LOVE YOUR SHOW.YOU ARE THE BEST AND I COULD JUST KISS YOUR LITTLE PRECIOUS NOSE. I LLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEE YOU. ruby - 08/10/00 13:38:07 My Email:cushing191Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 12 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: - 08/10/00 11:10:48 Comments: - 08/10/00 06:28:56 Comments: jaelyn - 08/10/00 04:00:02 My Email:jenndocs@yahoo.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04-15-99 Your favorite Barney video: More Barney songs Your favorite Barney song: I love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Jeff Any suggestions for my page: good job Comments: Barney is so purple beth baker - 08/10/00 02:43:02 My Email:wheeler136@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/9/71 Your favorite Barney video: sharing Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: booker T bookworm Comments: jennifer and kirsten - 08/09/00 21:32:42 My URL: My Email:lhsdancer2001.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): april 19 Your favorite Barney video: barniey and friends Your favorite Barney song: i love u Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J Any suggestions for my page: its great Comments: i came on here with my friendas moms doghter shes 3 she loves u erin kelly - 08/09/00 20:38:26 My Email:mjf9538@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-17-98 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: the theme song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Comments: i love you barney AMy Email:Idalvg@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): June 12 Your favorite Barney video: Barneys Great adventure Your favorite Barney song: Please and thankyou Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: bj Comments: - 08/09/00 04:21:00 Comments: carson - 08/09/00 02:38:23 My Email:carbecdocYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-01-1998 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: all of them Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all of them Comments: i'm only 21months all i know how to say is barney Taylor - 08/08/00 22:27:29<Comments: RONAJE - 08/08/00 21:11:16 My Email:RONAJEMAE@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-26-98 Your favorite Barney video: COLORS AND SHAPES Your favorite Barney song: THE RAINBOW SONG Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: TASHA Comments: - 08/08/00 20:23:06 Comments: - 08/08/00 19:35:38 Comments: ethan - 08/08/00 12:07:01 My Email:lce57@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/22/98 Your favorite Barney video: backyard show Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite persComments: you did a nice jobs for the kids thanks - 08/08/00 00:32:03 Comments: Brianna Nead - 08/06/00 18:37:07 My Email:Broksbabe007@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): august 6 1998 Your favorite Barney video: talent show Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: derek Comments: i love you! KEVIN MCKEE - 08/06/00 18:29:26 My Email:Ooobehaveshagme@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12-14-95 Your favorite Barney video: the camping video Your favorite Barney song: clean up song Your favorite person on Barney besidesComments: i love barney! KRISTIN AYALA - 08/06/00 17:46:29 My Email:aarmy77@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/22/97 Your favorite Barney video: TALENT SHOW Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU! Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: KRISTEN Comments: I LOVE BARNEY, BABY BOP, AND BJ! thomas - 08/06/00 04:08:43 My Email:CFunSilly2000@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): november 28 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: i love you we love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all Comments: this is my 2 year old grandson he loves barney his mom is not a fan s curtis jones - 08/06/00 01:03:33 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): march13 1998 Your favorite Barney video: imagination island Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: derek Any suggestions for my page: more pictures Other: i love you!! Comments: - 08/06/00 00:36:02 Comments: Gianna Torres - 08/05/00 15:22:40 My Email:FTorres22Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): September 24, 1998 Comments: TIFFANY WERTZ - 08/05/00 12:29:45 My Email:CYUDREAM@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a cardYour favorite Barney video: ALL OF THEM Your favorite Barney song: GOOD MANNERS Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: NONE Comments: I LOVE BARNEY - 08/04/00 22:04:38 Comments: nicolascadenasalamanca - 08/04/00 20:41:18 My URL: My Email:chiquisal@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): august 20 Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: babybop Comments: i love you Kaitlyn Powere - 08/04/00 18:08:20 My Email:Powers1@ix.netcom.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02/18/98 Your favoriYour favorite Barney song: the Barney Song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby bop Comments: Barney is my friend, I like him very much! jared - 08/03/00 20:47:28 My Email:mlshell@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): sept 13 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: peanut butter and jelly Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: bj Any suggestions for my page: it is gteat Comments: bridget - 08/03/00 18:50:46 My Email:lynchpbj@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 14 apr 98 Your favorite Barney video: rock with Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comm Olivia - 08/03/00 18:47:21 My Email:hidran@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02-04-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: please & thank you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: hannah Comments: Barney when will you come do a concert in new england? Olivia - 08/03/00 18:44:47 My Email:hidran@aol.comComments: MEGHAN GROH - 08/03/00 04:45:28 My Email:SIRWENDELLGROH@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6/26/97 Your favorite Barney video: SHARING Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Any suggComments: MY BABY LOVES BARNEY, HAS THE INTERACTIVE WITH THE PC & TV emily susan cockle - 08/02/00 17:38:09 My Email:hannahlynn27@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4-27-99 Your favorite Barney video: rock with barney Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: chris Comments: JADA STEWART - 08/02/00 16:59:14 My Email:SIMPLYSHEILA@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): april 6,1999 Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: bj Comments: samantha - 08/02/00 16:57:51My Email:kcatbat11Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3/31/00 Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: derik Comments: - 08/02/00 03:40:32 Comments: Click Me Kill Barney DAMMIT!!! - 08/02/00 00:58:33 My Email:killbarney@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): fuck you Your favorite Barney video: Barney's funeral Your favorite Barney song: Kill Barney Sing-a-Long Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby BopAny suggestions for my page: a lot Other: «^»( ((><)) )«^» Comments: YOU STUPID FUCK. BARNEY IS A GAY ASS HOMO IN A BIG ASS PURPLE DINOSAUR SUIT. HE RAPES THE KIDS ON HIS SHOW MAN!!!!!!!!! Mario Claxton, II - 08/02/00 00:24:14 My Email:MarioCLilyo@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1/7/99 Your favorite Barney song: Clean up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Ms. Etta Comments: Dallas Shuler - 08/01/00 23:59:12 My Email:MShuler353@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 30 Your favorite Barney video: Circus Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.:Comments: I Love You! My sister and I think you are the best. GRAINNE - 08/01/00 23:45:21 My Email:NOLIMITSYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 20-3-97 Your favorite Barney video: THE BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Your favorite Barney song: ANTS GO MARCHING Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: SEAN Any suggestions for my page: A MUSIC BOOKOF SONGS Comments: I LOVE YOU AND WATCH YOU ON T.V. EVERY DAY.WE HAVE ALL YOUR VIDEOS ALSO.MUMMY WOULD LOVE A PIANO MUSIC BOOK WITH YOUR SONGS IN IT SO WE CAN ALL SING THEM AT HOME. Nicolette Ervin-Rogers - 08/01/00 23:40:09 My Email:moeiesha@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): May 5, 1996 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's HallowYour favorite Barney song: Coins in my pocket Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Hannah Comments: I love you Barney. What is your favorite video? How can I join your fan club? Please tell mommy how so she can do it for me. KY-ARRA - 08/01/00 23:24:05 My Email:MSANDREASE@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3/25/99 Your favorite Barney song: apples and bananaa Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Comments: Michael McDonald - 08/01/00 23:13:56 My Email:amcknottYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): June 13, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: Barney goes Camping Your favorite Barney song: Baby Bop Hop YouAny suggestions for my page: Thank you so very much Comments: Amanda - 08/01/00 22:18:06 My Email:sunflower88558@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): october1 Your favorite Barney video: barney's birthday Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: b.j. Comments: - 08/01/00 17:25:02 Comments: dEREK - 08/01/00 17:04:13 My Email:DIXIEGURL86@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): I,31,98 Your favorite Barney video: HOME SWEET HOME Your favorite Barney song: TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR Your favorite person on BarnAny suggestions for my page: I LUV YOUR PAGE Comments: - 08/01/00 16:09:53 Comments: CLARISSA - 08/01/00 03:30:04 Comments: Valeria I. Rivas - 08/01/00 03:19:23 My Email:tigger6921@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): agust / 19 / 1995 Your favorite Barney video: magic circus Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tina Any suggestions for my page: put please coloring pages Comments: me lo puden mandar en espan~ol porque soy una nin~a que habla en espan~ol christopher - 08/01/00 01:57:51 My Email:askrocc@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/22/98 Your favorite Barney video: barney songs Your favorite Barney song: i love you Any suggestions for my page: need activities Comments: caroline kasza - 08/01/00 00:05:26 My Email:vonney22@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): april 9, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: three wishes ( barney and the backyard gang ) Your favoriYour favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: the children that come on the show . its fun to here them sing and have fun with them Any suggestions for my page: there is no suggestions for your page but it was great for me Other: nothing Comments: this is a very good web sites for me . I love you barney you are the best. ill be watching your show ever day. see you so barney bye bye!!! your best friend caroline kendall - 07/31/00 22:24:05 My Email:lenobbie@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/4 Your favorite Barney video: Barney cooks muffins Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: I don't know Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: I jess and brenna - 07/31/00 21:57:48 My Email:feb23 oct22Comments: - 07/31/00 20:02:45 Comments: Ileah anderson - 07/31/00 14:56:03 My Email:AndersonHowsonYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03261996 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: Barney is my best friend christina - 07/31/00 05:03:49 My Email:joeandtina2001@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-22-83 Your favorite Barney video: Your favorite Barney song: cleanup Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: magicalegg Comments: Dominique Carter - 07/31/00 01:23:26 My Email:LeDrai@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 18,1995 Your favorite Barney video: Barney live in Newyork City Your favorite Barney song: She be coming around the mountain Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: The Winkster Any suggestions for my page: NA Other: NA Comments: Christopher Santos - 07/31/00 00:52:04 My Email:Rita231227@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/27/96 Your favorite Barney video: Imagination island Your favoriYour favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Eric Comments: I Love you very much. Savannah Burkholder - 07/31/00 00:18:40 My Email:heidib@ibec-inc.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): October 24 Your favorite Barney video: any Your favorite Barney song: Silly Hat Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Story Lady Comments: Nice page, I like it a lot. saira khan - 07/30/00 23:08:42 My Email:satroopadelgado@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): novemember,28 1996 Your favorite Barney video: barney adventure Your favorite Barney song: if all the raindrops. Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Any suggestions for my page: movements in the photos Comments: You are a big help in helping me babysit my 14mths old baby, at some fustrating times,if I putthe same tape over and over again she just enjoys it all the time. Thank you very much Saira's Mom, because of you Saira learn to play very nicely with her sis er. saira khan - 07/30/00 23:08:21 My Email:satroopadelgado@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): novemember,28 1996 Your favorite Barney video: barney adventure Your favorite Barney song: if all the raindrops. Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kristen Any suggestions for my page: movements in the photos Comments: You are a big help in helping me babysit my 14mths old baby, at some fustrating times,if I putthe same tape over and over again she just er. LAAKEISHA RUPERT - 07/30/00 22:16:57 My Email:TIMR 6729@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1/10/98 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY IN CONSERT Your favorite Barney song: FLYEN IN A AIRPLANE Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BARNEY Comments: Jaime Hendricks - 07/30/00 21:35:17 My Email:Hendricks0u812@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6-14-96 Your favorite Barney video: Campfire sind along Your favorite Barney song: The s-more song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Ashley Comments: We sent this information a long time ago and Jaime never did recieve a B-day card from Barney. JONATHAN SHOULDERS - 07/30/00 18:13:36 My Email:WWW.LANEKA3@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/18/95 Your favorite Barney video: ALL Your favorite Barney song: THE BARNEY THEME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: TASHA Any suggestions for my page: NO Comments: Samantha lyn Blaine - 07/30/00 16:56:24 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): Aug 3, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: great adventure Your favorite Barney song: clean up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: Dakota - 07/30/00 16:30:49 My Email:ductman381@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06/18/96 Your favorite Barney video: barney live Your favorite Barney song: in the barney bag Comments: Dalton - 07/30/00 13:26:42 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 08/17/97 Your favorite Barney video: camparound Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Comments: Jordan A. Cobb - 07/30/00 04:48:26My Email:ToNuts2@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 30,1998 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's counting videos Your favorite Barney song: I love You Comments: KAMRYN & MYA JOHNSON - 07/30/00 02:48:16 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6/14/98 & 1/03/00 Your favorite Barney video: ADVENTURE BUS & IT'S TIME FOR COUNTING Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU & BOOKS ARE FUN Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: THE TWINS & KRISTEN Any suggestions for my page: BARNEY LIVE!!!! Comments: THANK YOU BARNEY FOR THE EDUCATIONAL AND FUN VIDEOS. MY SON IS NOW 2 YEARS OLD AND HE'S HAD A BARNEY PARTY EACH YEAR. FOR ANY OCCASSION, EVERYONE KNOWS TO GET HIM BARNEY. HE NOW HAS MY 6 MONTH OLD DAUGHTER HOOKED. PLEASE KEEP 'EM COMING. ERICA - 07/30/00 00:18:40 My Email:GIRLYENJ@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): JUNE 12, 1988 Your favorite Barney video: CAMPING TRIP Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: JESSICA Any suggestions for my page: CUTE Comments: I LOVE YOU missy bryant - 07/29/00 1My Email:BirdwellGinger@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5/4/77 Your favorite Barney video: nite before xmas Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Comments: ZAKIYA PEAK - 07/29/00 17:00:40 My Email:velekay@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): December 3, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: Family & Friends Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: MotherGoose Any suggestions for my page: No Comments: My little girl Zakiya loves to watch your videos all day. Thank you for brighting up her life everyday. ZAKIYA PMy Email:velekay@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): December 3, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: Family & Friends Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: MotherGoose Any suggestions for my page: No Comments: KATIE RYAN - 07/29/00 16:41:26 My Email:sday@amserve.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 31july Your favorite Barney video: barneys big adventure Your favorite Barney song: silly songs get...... Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everything 2 do with...!!!! Any suggestions for my page: none!! Comments: Thanks for the browse!!! my 4yr old loved it !!!Regards Katie's mum!!!!! alexis hardman - 07/29/00 12:34:33 My Email:blunted96Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8/20/98 Your favorite Barney video: lets pretend Your favorite Barney song: i love you, you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.Comments: well this is alexis's mom but i just wanted to say barney has done a great job helping my 2 year old to talk, play and dance. i think barney is the best show for kids. Jassavia Reese - 07/29/00 05:03:45 My Email:Charmeon14@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5/30/97 Your favorite Barney video: adventure barney Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: derek bush - 07/29/00 03:42:04 My Email:snubble1125@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): november.7 Your favorite Barney video: barneys fun'and games Your favorite Barney song: Mr.golden sun Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all Any suggestions for my page: Other: none Comments: great! derek bush - 07/29/00 03:39:01 My Email:snubble1125@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): november.7 Comments: Rha sun Allah - 07/29/00 01:49:15 My Email:www.rhasun@.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03-14-98 Your favorite Barney video: camp song Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: bj Barney Comments: RAY MYERS - 07/29/00 00:44:54 My URL:http://RAYANDKOBE My Email:RAYANDKOBEYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Your favorite Barney video: BARNEYS SURPRISE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: DADDY Any suggestions for my page: NO Comments: RYAN PETERSON - 07/29/00 00:09:08 My Email:CKNR911@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): FEB.11,1999 Your favorite Barney video: SING AND DANCE WITH BARNEY Your favorite Barney song: I LVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: LINDA Comments: Davey Hurst - 07/28/00 22:38:29 My Email:buffann76Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-25-96 Your favorite Barney video: Adventure Bus Your favorite Barney song: I Love YouYour favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B. J. Comments: alisa - 07/28/00 14:26:39 My Email:ancientkidrok211Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/21/88 Comments: DARYL - 07/28/00 03:24:05 Comments: hunter witcher - 07/28/00 02:37:50 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01/13/98 Comments: shaelynn carmichael - 07/28/00 01:05:04 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): january 15,1999 Your favorite Barney video: barneys christmas Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: hannah Comments: Zachary Sexton - 07/28/00 00:13:19 My Email:CTCNZ@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/16/1997 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Camping Your favorite Barney song: I love you - Barney Theme Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mother Goose Comments: Robert&Da'Quan Harrell - 07/27/00 16:27:59 My Email:sheena161881401@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 30 1997&february26,1998 Your favorite Barney video: rain Your favorite Barney song: i love u Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: i love everyone Any suggestions for my page: i love all the pictures Comments: Brandon Hays - 07/27/00 16:17:58 My Email:KatHays828@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Dec. 15, 1995 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in Outer Space Your favorite Barney song: BINGO Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mr. Tenagain Any suggestions for my page: No Comments: Brandon, Justin, and Katelynn Hays say Hi to Barney! Addie Lynn Shepard - 07/27/00 16:01:46 My Email:RATshepard@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/19/1998 Your favorite Barney video: Let's Play School Your favorite Barney song: Hey!Hey!Hey! We learned sYour favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Hannah Comments: I love Barney and all the gang. GRIFFIN HELLER - 07/27/00 13:50:55 My Email:HELLERGDHSJHYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 05/15/98 Your favorite Barney video: MOVIE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: TINA Comments: Chanisha Lane - 07/27/00 13:04:27 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4-7-98 Comments: Ines Padilla - 07/27/00 11:09:33 My Email:beatriz_padilla@netasia.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): January 11, 1997 Your favorite BarYour favorite Barney song: Mr. Golden Sun Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Lucy Any suggestions for my page: more songs Comments: Payton - 07/27/00 00:17:32 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/20/98 Your favorite Barney video: More Songs Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Cathy & Sean Comments: madison - 07/26/00 22:44:37 My Email:sevcik05@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4-6-98 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Any suggestions for my page: not Comments: i would like to see more barney activities. Javier - 07/26/00 22:23:08 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 17,1998 Your favorite Barney video: Circus Your favorite Barney song: Ellie the Elephany Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Keisha Comments: Ren Garrison - 07/26/00 21:45:41 My URL:http://tombigbee My Email:bng@tombigbee.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2-3-99 Your favorite Barney video: barney circus Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: scooter Comments: McKenzie Cloutier - 07/26/00My Email:cmw911@yahoo.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1/1/97 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Live on Stage Your favorite Barney song: "I Love You" Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mr. Nickerbocker Comments: McKenzie Cloutier - 07/26/00 20:16:51 My Email:cmw911@yahoo.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1/1/97 Your favorite Barney song: "I Love You Comments: madisyn - 07/26/00 19:56:47 My Email:copper2232@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9-2-96 Your favorite Barney video: Fun and games Your favorite Barney song: barney and the carnival Your fComments: - 07/26/00 12:55:36 My Email:theresagizmo123@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): April24 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Any suggestions for my page: free stuff Comments: Please send a card to my brother too onJune7 his name is nathan and mine is brittany. mantha - 07/26/00 01:01:22 My Email:rikkarioky@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/01/99 Your favorite Barney video: clean up Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Comments: thank you barney matthew duong - My Email:claudski@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04/22/98 Your favorite Barney video: shapes and colors Your favorite Barney song: we like them all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: na Any suggestions for my page: na Comments: ORLA MCCORMACK - 07/25/00 21:16:39 My'Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09081997 Your favorite Barney video: magic castle Your favorite Barney song: clean up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: sean Comments: orla and her sister keeva love you barney Vanessa Rivera - 07/25/00 19:39:37 My Email:rankinmars2000@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8-31-96 Your favorite Barney video: xmas video Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: mther goose Comments: dana mellon - 07/25/00 17:53:17 My Email:daisyqueen918@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): may11,97 Your favorite Barney video: barneys 1st movie Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: HANNA Any suggeComments: I LOVE YOUR PAGE!!!!! & THE MUSIC!!!!! GIANNA - 07/25/00 02:15:12 My Email:ISTARTDRAMA@AOLYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-16-98 Your favorite Barney video: SING AND DANCE WITH BARNEY Your favorite Barney song: AINT IT GREAT TO BE CRAZY Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: HANNAH Comments: I LOVE BARNEY...I LIKE THIS PAGE THE BEST! Derek - 07/25/00 01:44:06 My Email:jenniferbaisi@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 08/13/98 Your favorite Barney video: sing and dance barney Your favorite Barney song: I love you Comments: Derek loves Barney !! He is also excited that his diapers are Barney characters. Thanks fo Harmony Smith - 07/25/00 00:22:33 My Email:kimonosun@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03-02-1998 Your favorite Barney video: 1234 Seasons Your favorite Barney song: I love You Comments: haley gensmer - 07/24/00 23:40:27 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6-5-96 Comments: morgan mckinney - 07/24/00 21:52:28 My Email:littleteejay@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5-16-97 Your favorite Barney video: x-mas video Your favorite Barney song: twinkle twinkle little star Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: cathy Comments: - 07/24/00 00:48:17 Comments: Lexy * - 07/23/00 15:41:27 My Email:venus33321@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): January 27 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Circus Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, BabAny suggestions for my page: more songs Comments: - 07/23/00 13:33:23 Comments: Kailee Aicher - 07/23/00 04:45:01 My Email:Iker90210@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/21/96 Your favorite Barney video: Camping Video Your favorite Barney song: Who ate the cookie from the cookie jar Comments: Thank you. My daughter enjoyed your site. Kailee Aicher - 07/23/00 04:44:32 My Email:Iker90210@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/21/96 Your favorite Barney video: Camping Video Your favorite Barney song: Who ate the cookie from the cookie jar Comments: Thank you. My daughter e rodney foreman jr. - 07/23/00 04:27:19 My Email:juaszo@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): november 27th Your favorite Barney video: school Your favorite Barney song: i love u Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everbody Any suggestions for my page: i love barney Comments: barney, i been wacthing u for 5 years. i love u TYASIA HART - 07/23/00 04:16:52 My Email:JUASZO@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCTOBER 18TH Your favorite Barney video: HALLOWEEN Your favorite Barney song: DRIVING IN THE CAR Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: MRS. ETTA Any suggestions for my page: I LIKE TO SEE SOME OF THE CComments: BARNEY,MY BROTHER And i are twins and we love u and all that u do.we will be turning three soon. xavier hart - 07/23/00 04:10:33 My Email:JUASZO@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCTOBER 18TH Your favorite Barney video: CHRISTMAS Your favorite Barney song: POPCORN Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: STELLA Any suggestions for my page: WE LOVE UR WEB Comments: I LOVE U BARNEY.........UR MY BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD paige douglas - 07/23/00 01:35:06 My Email:nala1448cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6/23/98 Your favorite Barney video: barney songs Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite perAny suggestions for my page: douglas family loves barney Comments: Megan Asbury - 07/23/00 01:23:24 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): April 5,1996 Your favorite Barney video: Barney and Friends Your favorite Barney song: Bingo was his name Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Keisha Comments: jasmine - 07/22/00 22:23:05 My Email:www.jta922Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06/22/95 Your favorite Barney video: seasons Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everyone Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: I AM NOT ALLOWED TO TELL MY NAMy Email:NOT ALLOWED TO TELLYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): DECEMBER 26 Your favorite Barney video: I DON'T KNOW THE NAME Your favorite Barney song: THE CLEAN UP SONG Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: UM....I CAN'T REMEMBER THAT GIRLS NAME Any suggestions for my page: I WISH U WOULD MAKE IT EASYER TO READ Comments: I LOVE U BARNEY! Jeffrey Jacuk - 07/22/00 16:57:24 My Email:Clove1210@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): December 24 Your favorite Barney video: Down By the Bay Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J Comments: Dear Barney I my little Cousin Jeffrey loves so much. Can you please send him som Address: Jeffrey Jacuk Jr. 2987 Tilton Street Philadelphia, PA 19134 AYANNA - 07/22/00 05:08:47 My Email:NOAHAY@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12-07-98 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY'S XMAS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BARNEY Any suggestions for my page: PLAY MORE SONGS Other: AND FEATURE MORE OF THE PEOPLE ON TH SHOW Comments: I LOVE BARNEY BECAUSE IT'S SUCH AN EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION SHOW. NEXT HE NEED TO DO A SHOW ABOUT THE DANGER OF GOING SWIMMING WITHOUT A PARENT OR ADULT SUPERVISION. THANK YOU - 07/22/00 01:22:05 Comments: victoria - 07/22/00 00:18:15 My Email:Your favorite Barney video: barney movie Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: Brian Contreras Jr. - 07/21/00 21:52:09 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02-28-98 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: Mr. Sun Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Hanna Any suggestions for my page: more pictures Comments: We love you Barney, keep up the good work!! Lisa Nedberg - 07/21/00 18:59:56 My Email:clnberg@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 07/21/88 Your favorite Barney video: All of them Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Michael Any suggestions Other: Can you sign something for me? Comments: I love you!!!! Nadia Estelle - 07/21/00 17:33:10 My Email:HersheyLoc24@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): January 6, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Big Adventure Your favorite Barney song: Fruit salad, yummy yummy Comments: Amy Horwitz - 07/21/00 15:39:23 My Email:MunchieNumber1Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-06 Your favorite Barney video: Halloween Party Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella Comments: I love Barney! Jasmine Powell - 07/20/00 20:30:21<My Email:dcp3353Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01-02-96 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Greatest Adventure Your favorite Barney song: The Ants Go MArching Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Michael Any suggestions for my page: more songs Other: motion pictures Comments: I love BArney and Barney love me.. Donnie B. - 07/20/00 16:17:22 My Email:gi222@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/24/98 Your favorite Barney video: Rhyme Time Rythm w/ Mother Goose Your favorite Barney song: London Bridge & The Coachman Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everyone Comments: I LOVE U BARNEY!!!!! Caitlyn KMy Email:Cancatkid@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09-16-1998 Your favorite Barney video: More Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: Baby Bop Hop Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Comments: Caitlyn KMy Email:Cancatkid@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09-16-1998 Your favorite Barney video: More Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: Baby Bop Hop Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Comments: Ashley - 07/20/00 02:37:25 My Email:Chicago 2023Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): october 18 101891 Your favorite Barney video: More Barney songs Your favorite Barney song: Friendship song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Any suggestions for my page: It's nice Other: I love you Comments: Please call me at 591-4473 Alexis Hester - 07/19/00 23:11:24 My Email:Your favorite Barney video: live in concert Your favorite Barney song: the barney song Comments: Heaven Leigh Joy Powell - 07/19/00 03:53:19 My Email:pushinbigbodie@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): October10,1997 Your favorite Barney video: Mother Goose/Nursury Rhymes Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tasha Comments: Isaac - 07/19/00 02:18:23 My Email:Misty@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/7/97 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Sing Along Your favorite Barney song: I Love You. Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kids<Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: MY SON IS 3YRS OLD AND JUST WANTED TO TELL BARNEY HOW MUCH HE LOVES HIM. David A. McMullen - 07/19/00 00:31:16 My Email:tnjirish@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4/29/98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's super sing circus Your favorite Barney song: Kookaburra Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: The moon Comments: mallory vining - 07/18/00 22:45:12 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): sept 7 Comments: Mikey Quattrock - 07/18/00 17:18:42 My Email:Mush3170@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): October 3,1996 YYour favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: CATHY Any suggestions for my page: NO Comments: i love barney and his friends. everly - 07/18/00 15:23:36 My Email:rosaevenly@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 31 98 Your favorite Barney video: campfire Your favorite Barney song: paint (shapes) Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everyone Comments: alissa puente - 07/18/00 03:14:00 My Email:JAIMEPUENTEYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-12-98 Your favorite Barney video: birthday barmey Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: paula rodrigzuez - 07/18/00 02:01:32 My Email:soledad987Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7-26-98 Your favorite Barney video: mother goose rhymes Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: hanna mrs etta Comments: we love barney - 07/18/00 01:06:59 Comments: esmeralda delatorre - 07/18/00 00:43:24 My Email:yogi01416@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-25-98 Your favorite Barney video: sharing Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: i love to watch barney all day LAUREN - 07/1Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4-22-87 Your favorite Barney video: WAITING FOR SANATA Your favorite Barney song: ILOVE U LOVE ME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BJ Any suggestions for my page: BUNCH OF BOYS Other: MY BOY Comments: HE IS SO SWEET ALLIE COWLEY - 07/17/00 20:31:16 My Email:ALIBUG@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3- 6-92 Your favorite Barney video: WAITING FOR SANTA Your favorite Barney song: I LOV E U LOVE ME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BARNEY Any suggestions for my page: MORE PICS Comments: U R SWEET AND NICE edna - 07/17/00 18:46:50 Comments: Breanna - 07/17/00 18:22:57 My Email:Jesselynn162@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August the 1st Your favorite Barney video: Barneys first movie Your favorite Barney song: "I Love you" Comments: Breanna is my little sister so i am doing this for her~ feslisa pursel - 07/17/00 02:49:01 My Email:o nsweetgir@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/9/96 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all of them Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: please email me some thing ashley - 07/17/00 00:58:58 Your BirthdYour favorite Barney video: sing along with barney Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: melissa Any suggestions for my page: cool Comments: i am a big fan of barney Dylan - 07/16/00 17:59:13 My Email:POWERS3RDGEN@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6/19/98 Comments: kyle - 07/16/00 14:23:39 My Email:bgkc9899@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 052598 Your favorite Barney video: barney's zoo Your favorite Barney song: sally the camel Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Comments: Tierra - 07/16/00 02:07:18 My Email:WillBrwnYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 15 Your favorite Barney video: Barney On Tour Your favorite Barney song: Gum Drops Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Any suggestions for my page: decorate Comments: I love Barney. People say I'm a baby but i don't care what they said because of what Barney said on the show! Comments: Dailan Hardiman II - 07/15/00 21:20:48 My Email:Divine CallingAaol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1?7 Comments: abigail mcgee - 07/15/00 21:20:02 My Email:trishag79@aol.comComments: Stephanie - 07/15/00 20:11:43 My Email:ParagonPrincess@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): September 16 Your favorite Barney video: Treasure Island Your favorite Barney song: "I Love You" Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Min Any suggestions for my page: noppers Comments: I am doing this page for my niece adolfo antonio rodriguez - 07/15/00 18:56:03 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8/13/96 Your favorite Barney video: barney movie Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: kristen Comments: ccmb - 07/15/00 14:20:37 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5/31 Comments: kenneshia rogers - 07/15/00 01:45:51 My Email:ELNROGERS@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 040496 Your favorite Barney video: SENSATIONAL DAY Your favorite Barney song: TWINKLE LITTLE STAR Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BABY BOP Any suggestions for my page: MY BROTHER KOther: DADDY AND MOMMIE Comments: I LOVE MY GRANDPARENTS,AUNTS,UNCLES COUSINS AND JHAMEKA Nurul Ameera Rozainy - 07/14/00 16:01:26 My Email:hidayahsiti@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 19 Feb 1997 Your favorite Barney video: The Concert Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Min Comments: We love you barney!!!! Nurul Ameera Rozainy - 07/14/00 15:56:50 My Email:hidayahsiti@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 19 Feb 1997 Your favorite Barney video: The Concert Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.:Comments: We love you barney!!!! Christopher Lee - 07/14/00 14:04:35 My Email:tlee3333@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 1, 1996 Your favorite Barney video: Barney with the Egg Your favorite Barney song: Twinkle Little Star Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everybody Comments: I Like You Very Much. Christopher Christian Gafford - 07/14/00 01:00:39 My Email:daffyo1@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Nov. 13,1998 Your favorite Barney video: Barney and his abc's Your favorite Barney song: I love You, Mr. Knickerbocker Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: The KIds Comments:We love you, barney Love, Christian cody castlen - 07/14/00 00:49:30 Comments: keysha kelly - 07/13/00 23:11:38 My Email:kelly40906@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-23-1998 Your favorite Barney video: you are special Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: Marli - 07/13/00 00:16:39 My Email:Vaughnmar@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Novemer 9, 1999 Comments: Allison Kuhn - 07/12/00 20:42:25 My Email:crabbylucylk@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 08-26-95 Your favoYour favorite Barney song: I love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Min, Tina, Michael and Derrick Comments: I love you Barney! Barney I saw your concert when it was B.J.'s birthday. I had a good time. You are my best friend Barney. Love, Allison Kuhn - 07/12/00 18:22:29 Comments: - 07/12/00 15:53:57 Comments: Trisha - 07/12/00 15:13:33 My URL:/Hollywood/Land/3847 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): Dec. 10 Your favorite Barney song: I Love You, You Love Me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Like them all Comments: I would like to invite you to come visit us at Net Buddies, a place where friends from all over the world can share and grow,but the children come first.We are completely against child pornography,please help us protect our children. These roses are a gift for your page (if ya wanna put em there lol). katelyn carvalho - 07/12/00 06:00:18 My Email:pochohunter@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4/1/99 Your favorite Barney video: 1 2 3 4 seasons Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: b.j. Comments: AMANDA MAYLE - 07/12/00 00:17:05 My Email:TWO4K4@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): APRIL 3, 1999 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEYS GREAT ADVENTURE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: MARISSA Comments:< ALICIA MAYLE - 07/12/00 00:14:38 My Email:TWO4K4@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCT 24,1997 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEYS GREAT ADVENTURE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: MARRISSA Comments: Kaitlyn Rucks - 07/11/00 17:48:51 My Email:wggk@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02/07/98 Your favorite Barney video: all of them!! Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Any suggestions for my page: Barney pictures that talk Comments: Great Barney page! My 2 year old adores Barney and she loves to hearind Barney tapes,video, ect but clothes are hard to find. Thank you. kelsey - 07/11/00 17:28:32 My Email:pinson maggieYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): april 22 Your favorite Barney video: barney and friends Your favorite Barney song: butter fly butter fly Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: i think barney is a good show for kids to watch - 07/11/00 15:06:49 Comments: LESLIE - 07/11/00 14:52:59 My Email:JULISSA124@COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/03/95 Your favorite Barney video: ALL Your favorite Barney song:<Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BABY BOP Comments: Adrian Elzarki - 07/11/00 14:20:58 My Email:Brielz@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): April 25, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Barney goes to school Comments: Kirsten Anderson - 07/11/00 03:41:37 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): January 15,1998 Your favorite Barney video: Walk Around The Block Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: KYLEE HARROD - 07/10/00 23:09:32 My URL:211 WADE DR http:// My Email:borgmw@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01-04-99 Your favorite Barney video: barney at school Your favorite Barney song: if your happy Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: booker t Comments: austin fleenor - 07/10/00 18:58:49 My Email:elviskg1@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5-23-96 Your favorite Barney video: barneys christmas Your favorite Barney song: ILOVE YOU YouComments: cheyenne - 07/10/00 16:16:01 My Email:firstladyeve1@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7-19-98 Your favorite Barney video: lets play school Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: alex Comments: Ashlyn - 07/10/00 05:09:41 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 13, 1998 Comments: - 07/10/00 00:22:23 Comments: Tommy - 07/10/00 00:19:14 My URL: My Email:PompilioC@.comYour Birthday (so I can send yoYour favorite Barney video: Barneys Birthday Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Micheal Comments: Amanda Suares - 07/09/00 04:10:00 My Email:jeneenlisa@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): September,13,1996 Your favorite Barney video: Waiting For Christmas Your favorite Barney song: "I LOVE YOU" Comments: I love watching Barney, I watch him Everyday. jaylene - 07/08/00 21:34:28 My Email:dhee31r@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): may 20 Your favorite Barney video: good,clean fun Your favorite Barney song: popcorn&i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, BComments: Jissell Garcia - 07/08/00 20:12:32 My Email:Gtegory_pooh2000@email.comYour favorite Barney song: I love you Any suggestions for my page: Add the songs from the video Comments: I hope Jissell can recieve a free barney tape cause she lost hers and cant find it no more. Her mom is to busie right now, but for now she loves your page. ROSHAUN HIGGINS - 07/08/00 19:40:45 My URL:http://WWW.TEQUILIZER.COM My Email:ROEYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/12/1997 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEYS ALPHABET ZOO Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU, YOU LOVE ME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: EVERYONE Any suggeComments: NONE isaiah washington - 07/08/00 16:05:16 My Email:mailynw@yahoo.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9/7/97 Your favorite Barney video: abc Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: jacob7justin lofton - 07/08/00 15:05:33 My Email:deel1995@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-1-97 / 10-16-98 Your favorite Barney video: adventure bus Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: bj / barney Comments: katie - 07/08/00 01:15:40 My Email:lmf10697@aol.comYour Birthday (so Comments: Kameron Rayl - 07/08/00 00:15:59 My Email:Brookee19@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2-27-99 Your favorite Barney video: Walk around the block Your favorite Barney song: I love you, you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella Comments: alexis smith - 07/07/00 23:55:39 My Email:makinsey@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/14/96 Your favorite Barney video: down on the farm Your favorite Barney song: i love you you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: lucy Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: Comments: Ilana - 07/07/00 19:07:44 My Email:esadowsky@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 21 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in space Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BJ Comments: Devin William - 07/07/00 18:37:27 My Email:CSunshinegirl77@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-11-99 Your favorite Barney video: All Your favorite Barney song: Sally the camel Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: boy with glasses Any suggestions for my page: nope Other: Some B-day party ideas Comments: n,d ggb ut sjn d Translated from baby to grownup "Could you send me some cool stuff, My b-days coming and I hope Barney could be there." Love Devin. Allison Williams - 07/07/00 17:55:43 My Email:ASlicChic4UYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/08/97 Your favorite Barney video: Goes to School Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Amy Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: Thank you so much for your web page it was great!! Macayla Morgason - 07/07/00 17:24:24 My Email:Liane653@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 12 Your favorite Barney video: Barneys great adventure Your favorite Barney song: i love youYour favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: none Any suggestions for my page: none Other: none Comments: I really like barney Macayla - 07/07/00 17:22:01 My Email:Liane653Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 12 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's great adventures Comments: nicholas richardson - 07/07/00 15:50:49 My Email:jlegomaniac@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1/7/98 Your favorite Barney video: Barnyard Barney Your favorite Barney song: Wheels on the bus Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Michael Comments: Megan RobertsMy Email:dtjjmr63@AOLYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): May 27,1997 Your favorite Barney video: Camp Wannarunaround Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella Comments: Daniela Nuñez - 07/06/00 22:53:20 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 3 Your favorite Barney video: Family Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Any suggestions for my page: spanish Comments: Kamron - 07/06/00 22:48:16 My Email:tightstacyYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5-19-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Adventures YoYour favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J. Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: I love Barney Brittni - 07/06/00 20:16:26 My Email:walkerspace@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/23 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in concert Your favorite Barney song: I love you you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Comments: ALANA - 07/06/00 20:03:35 My Email:STAGGSBLSKING@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/25/98 Your favorite Barney video: ALL OF THEM Your favorite Barney song: HERE KITTY KITTY Your favorite person on Barney besides BarneAny suggestions for my page: ANIMATE IT Comments: I LOVE BARNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cristina - 07/06/00 16:06:39 My URL: My Email:pcompaqpresario@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 05/23/1998 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: all of them Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all of them Comments: Barbey ur the best!!!!! alliya miller - 07/06/00 00:35:03 My Email:09Comments: - 07/05/00 22:14:56 Comments: RYLEE COOPMy Email:WWW.JLSHANTY@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/11/99 Your favorite Barney video: MANNERS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everybody Comments: My daughter loves Barney every morning she lays in front of the tv and watches an episode. She is not even 1 yet. Alexandra Soto - 07/05/00 01:56:29 Comments: kelsey - 07/05/00 01:51:24 My Email:cchumbs@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): mar. 15 1996 Your favorite Barney video: oh brother shes my sister Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: micheal,robert XAVIER MCALLISTER - 07/05/00 01:32:08 My Email:TJHALNAZZ@AOLYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/29/94 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY GREAT ADVENTURE Your favorite Barney song: BARNEY'S GETTING IN THE WATER Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: TASHA Any suggestions for my page: ACCEPT PICTURES FROM YOUR FANS TO DISPLAY Comments: madison anderson - 07/05/00 01:15:05 My URL: Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 5,1999 Your favorite Barney video: more barney songs Your favorite Barney song: bingo Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: christine Comments: Samantha Auer - 07/04/00 21:50:40 My Email:MyYellowViper@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): December 18, 1996 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: Itsy Bitsy Spider Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella the Storyteller Comments: Barney I Love you. LEE-LEE - 07/04/00 17:13:37 My Email:leeleeYour Birthday (so I can send Your favorite Barney video: barneys christmas Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: the story teller Comments: i really like barney i have liked him from the time i was 6 months old. all my tapes are so old half of them wont even play anymore without all these lines through them. i need to get some new ones but i like the ones i have thank you for making these mov es Trenton Madison - 07/04/00 15:37:40 My Email:Nichriso3@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02-28-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barneys Manners Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tina Comments: Our family loves your shows. Your videos are laid out so nice that we can learn something new Sincerely, Nichole Madison (Trentons Mother) Melanie Harris - 07/04/00 15:26:23 My Email:Felicia@aejmc.orgYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): April 5th Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: Payton Rose hOLMAN - 07/04/00 15:17:39 My Email:LOE2898 @MS.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCTOBER 28 1998 Your favorite Barney video: ALL Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU YOU LOVE ME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: ALL Any suggestions for my page: WORDS TO THE MUSIC Comments: Caitlynn - 07/04/00 14:46:25 My URL:http://www.mciworld.comComments: Jordan Raines - 07/04/00 00:16:47 My Email:garybeth92@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 030797 Your favorite Barney video: School Your favorite Barney song: I Like My Blanky Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tina Any suggestions for my page: pages to print & color Comments: ryan - 07/03/00 23:35:17 My Email:jen_rey_73@yahoo.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): May 30, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all of them Ryan loves to sing with barney Comments: Ryan loves to si Kymberly Rubinstein - 07/03/00 20:17:39 My Email:CrazyMommy4@aol.comComments: angela - 07/03/00 13:32:52 My Email:superangela2001@ao.caYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 6, 1994 Your favorite Barney video: in the library Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Comments: i really love this web site... i think you have a great site for kids. barney, your the best... - 07/03/00 03:46:28 Comments: MIRANDA DAVIS - 07/03/00 01:40:26 My Email:TINAEDAVIS@YAHOO.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2-21-99 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY SONGS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BARNEY Comments: HAILIEAKERS - 07/02/00 19:30:50 My Email:HAIRDONANA.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): FEB.19 Your favorite Barney video: RHYMETIME Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: LINDA Comments: gabriella - 07/02/00 15:57:11 My Email:rachelscoffee@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 24 th Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Any suggestions for my page: barney talk Other: more games Comments: put more games and barney should talk sharon salazar - 07/02/00 13:42:12 My Email:scacharra@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4-15-95 Your favorite Barney video: barney halloween Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: bj Any suggestions for my page: good luck Comments: my best wishes for your hard work miranda veach - 07/01/00 19:02:44 My Email:John and Roe 500Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): April 10 Your favorite Barney video: everything Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: miranda veach - 07/01/00 19:01:00 Comments: Matthew Munday - 07/01/00 17:54:04 My Email:hmblkcobra@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): June 23, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: counting Your favorite Barney song: book from library Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: stella Comments: carmen jr. - 07/01/00 15:59:10 My Email:itsgonnabeme1418@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): november 16th Your favorite Barney video: barney and friends Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: gina Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: i love the barney show it is so fun to watch and it keeps me satisfied i like it because it is a great show for kids and its very fun and learning. Arthur - 07/01/00 05:15:00 Comments: Your cool! Jennifer Dougherty - 06/30/00 23:01:26 My Email:knjroo@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): June 29 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's circus Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Nutty Comments: My daughter watches your movies all the time...she learns so much from your shows!! Thank you so much Barney!!!! nick northrop - 06/30/00 22:03:30 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Comments: scotty - 06/30/00 21:15:24 My Email:dandjkelley@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/01/95 Your favorite Barney video: sleepy time Your favorite Barney song: i love u Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: mother goose Comments: - 06/30/00 20:56:34 Comments: your a cute dino BARNEY - 06/30/00 20:55:49 Comments: your a cut dino ANSELMO MORALES - 06/30/00 20:28:59 My Email:MELAZONGO@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6-30-00 Your favorite Barney video: WHAT A WORLD WE SHARE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: THE LITTLE BLONDE GIRL Any suggestions for my page: IT IS VERY COOL Other: I LOVE IT Comments: I WISH YOU SEND ME A CARD TODAY. I LOVE YOU BARNEY Megan - 06/30/00 20:08:51 My Email:taknbakoff@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/28/98 Your favorite Barney song: I love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Any suggestions for my page: Great page. Comments: We love the music! - 06/30/00 19:53:31 Comments: colleen - 06/30/00 02:28:46 My Email:samnbrit@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8-9 Your favorite Barney video: goesto school Your favorite Barney song: ilove you Comments: Lisa Nicole Aguilar - 06/30/00 01:33:29 My Email:Aguilar174@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 10,1998 Your favorite Barney video: ALL Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Any suggestions for my page: none Other: Lisa loves Barney Comments: Lisa is almost 2 and she loves you Barney..Her brother Paul is now 11 and had joined the Barney Fan Club when he was little...We all love Barney. Jahvon Bryant - 06/30/00 01:16:50 My Email:Msgina64@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1/22/99 Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Keisha Comments: Ashley - 06/29/00 23:19:41 My Email:Iluvbnamome@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): December 20 Your favorite Barney video: Barney and Baby Bop Your favorite Barney song: The good bye song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all of the kids Comments: Katelyn - 06/29/00 20:27:28 My Email:knn20@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4-22-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Christmas Your favorite Barney song: I love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Scooter McNanny Any suggestions for my page: More Songs Comments: micheal alexis baez - 06/29/00 19:36:50 My Email:mvelazquez02@yahoo.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 18 1994 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: hands shoulders and toes Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Any suggestions for my page: we want to see more because we love you Comments: barney you are my star i sleep with you every night i love you too. Shelby Greenburg - 06/29/00 18:21:51 My URL:http://none My Email:PixieGirl386Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): March 24 Your favorite Barney video: Let's Play School Your favorite Barney song: "I Love You" Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mother Goose Comments: i love your show barney!! it teaches me how to share and how to use my imagination! thank you! Spencer Fair - 06/29/00 14:52:08 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5/14/99 Your favorite Barney video: rockin with barney Your favorite Barney song: If all the raindrops were Comments: - 06/29/00 11:53:02 Comments: - 06/28/00 21:38:47 Your favorite Barney video: alphabet zoo Comments: Slaoan Carpenter - 06/28/00 16:57:58 My Email:Butterflykis12@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04-09-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: brushing my teeth Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Lynn Comments: I Love Barney!! Nicholas John Joseph - 06/28/00 13:30:46 My Email:snicholas99Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): April 10, 1999 Your favorite Barney video: Best of Barney Sing A Long Your favorite Barney song: Green Grass Grows All Around Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Hanna, Robert, Baby Bop, B.J., Kim all of the kids Comments: Please e-mail me. I am just learning how to use the computer and I would love it if I could receive e-mails from you so I can learn how to receive and send them. Thank you. nicole whittaker - 06/27/00 22:54:01 My Email:stefers@candw.kyYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): jan-28-1997 Your favorite Barney video: sing along Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: jose Comments: Brittney Lenos - 06/27/00 20:03:57 My Email:cjlsml@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04/28/94 Your favorite Barney video: The Barney Movie Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: Kiley Leja - 06/27/00 15:34:59 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): February 8 Comments: Gloria Zafra - 06/27/00 02:05:33 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/23/98 Your favorite Barney video: barney on the farm Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Linda Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: I LOVE YOU BARNEY FOR YOUR SHOW TELL BABY BOP HI FOR ME LOVE GLORIA ZAFRA Levi Clark - 06/27/00 00:36:36 My Email:Levie 15Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01-23-98 Your favorite Barney video: Rymem and Rhythm Your favorite Barney song: Clean up Comments: I LOVe BARNEY!! nathaniel carlos - 06/26/00 21:49:41 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/25/98 Your favorite Barney video: barney's musical Your favorite Barney song: theme song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: b.j. Any suggestions for my page: more songs Other: you are great! Comments: Your page is great and I love it! Alisha M - 06/26/00 16:39:40 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): September 6.1998 Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: Great page. My children loved it. Alisha M - 06/26/00 16:38:33 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): April 24,199 Comments: Desiree - 06/26/00 01:27:13 My Email:Bayshoremj@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/05/1995 Your favorite Barney video: Happy Birthday Your favorite Barney song: Macoroni Mac & Cheese Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tommy Comments: Breanna Rodriguez - 06/25/00 04:44:52 My Email:specialperson24@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): APRIL 24 Your favorite Barney video: barneys scrapbook Your favorite Barney song: itsy bitsy spider Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: jason Comments: Abraham Cody Tarape - 06/25/00 02:32:06 My Email:CnCrKULIT@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): February 12, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: Fun & Games Your favorite Barney song: Clean up, clean up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Everybody Comments: i love Barney.......... - 06/25/00 00:31:27 Comments: - 06/24/00 23:19:27 Comments: seth butcher - 06/24/00 23:08:11 My Email:slsbutch.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 092496 Your favorite Barney video: barney vacation Your favorite Barney song: coming around the mountain Comments: Stacy Mayle - 06/24/00 21:12:26 My Email:www.two4k4@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Oct. 24. 1997 Your favorite Barney video: Barneys first movie Your favorite Barney song: I love you Comments: ashley - 06/24/00 17:55:12 My Email:millsrockin@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01/15/99 Comments: taylor walker - 06/24/00 16:52:36 My Email:bellnaylor@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 040892 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: stella Any suggestions for my page: noi love you barney Comments: I love you barney. I am 8 years old and have autism and you are the greatest. taylor walker - 06/24/00 16:49:03 Comments: lexi jones - 06/24/00 16:30:46 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 08-06-97 Your favorite Barney video: safety Your favorite Barney song: i love you song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tasha Comments: We saw the show Barney's magical castle in chicago il. do you have any more shows coming to chicago? my daughter loves barney we even went to universal studios in florida to see him. Hannah/Cody Hubbard - 06/24/00 13:17:11 Comments: KYLE BHOJWANI - 06/24/00 03:15:57 My Email:KYLESOCUTEYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCT.31,1998 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY'S ALBUM Your favorite Barney song: CLAPPING HANDS Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: ALL THE KIDS Comments: ILOVE YOU BARNEY Savannah Kent - 06/24/00 03:09:45 My Email:LORIKENT44@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/01/97 Your favorite Barney video: All of them Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: The Storyteller Any suggestions for my page: No, It is adorable Comments: Savannah Kent - 06/24/00 03:04:43 Comments: Daniel Avila - 06/24/00 01:33:51 My Email:AEISAUCITOYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06-07-97 Your favorite Barney video: sing and dance with Barney Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everyone Comments: lexi jones - 06/23/00 23:43:42 Comments: Austin Douglas Davis - 06/23/00 16:51:55 My Email:redneck gal14214@csYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03/31/98 Your favorite Barney video: Once a upon a time Your favorite Barney song: Ole McDonald Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: The Story teller Any suggestions for my page: Non it's already very cute Comments: Please send me a cute b' day card Austin Davis 15146 Green Circle Northport, Al 35476 Jessica - 06/23/00 03:29:35 My Email:inamorato21Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3/13/98 Your favorite Barney video: Barneys alphabet zoo Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: just barney Comments: I entered this for my two yr. daughter. she loves Barney and all of his shows. Not to mention Barney has taught her a lot. Thank you for making a site so now my daughter can see him when ever she wants Alijah HODGE - 06/22/00 21:19:55 My Email:STPHN694@CS.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): march 22,1998 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY GOES TO SCHOOL Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Comments: I JUST LOVE BARNEY Deshawn Wilkerson - 06/22/00 19:43:36 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5-25-99 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Scooter Any suggestions for my page: none Other: none Comments: nicholas - 06/22/00 06:35:44 My Email:hphamz@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06-07-97 Your favorite Barney video: barney big suprise Your favorite Barney song: clean up song Comments: please send me any free offer. david williams - 06/22/00 04:28:41 My Email:johnnyw@ncez.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01-17-1996 Your favorite Barney video: barneys great adventure Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: kids Any suggestions for my page: more air time Other: i love you barney Comments: i love to watch you sing and dance.i like the games you play to. i join in have helped me to learn to count and learn my colors and i am only 4 please e-mail me Austin Mace - 06/22/00 03:25:33 My Email:Imscrtagnt@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-27-96 Your favorite Barney video: 1234Seasons Your favorite Barney song: Mr.Sun Comments: skyllar - 06/22/00 02:20:25 My Email:cnp579@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 25 Your favorite Barney song: the barney song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Comments: i love barney i watch it everyday MICHELLE BURNETT - 06/21/00 21:53:44 Comments: nelson - 06/20/00 23:11:18 My Email:tlc042390@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): april8 Your favorite Barney video: campfire Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: cole swanson - 06/20/00 01:18:04 My Email:cookandcarrieYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/14/98 Your favorite Barney video: sing with barney Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: Aaron Rey Fabela - 06/19/00 20:40:34 My Email:J_Fabela@yahoo,comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/22/96 Your favorite Barney video: Rock with Barney Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Everyone! Comments: WE LOVE YOU BARNEY! Kayla Wilson - 06/19/00 17:37:26 My Email:LinetteWilson@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9/9/98 Your favorite Barney video: B arney's Sense-Sational Day Your favorite Barney song: Popcorn! Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Derick Comments: Kayla grew up on Barney and so did her older cousin Mike mary prior - 06/19/00 14:12:48 My Email:racy81@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8/15/97 Your favorite Barney video: barneys birthday Your favorite Barney song: i love you song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: justin Comments: Jake Allen - 06/19/00 01:23:24 My Email:suesreddog@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/12/97 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Bus Adventure Your favorite Barney song: Clean up Comments: Olivia Bogan - 06/18/00 22:30:23 My Email:SVO35@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3-5-97 Your favorite Barney video: Walk Around the Block Your favorite Barney song: Does Your Hair Hang Low Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella Any suggestions for my page: Meet other kids doing things they like to do Comments: I love Barney! He is my favorite friend, ever since I started watching t.v.. I went to see him live. It was the best ever! Hope he comes back to my town soon. Olivia Bogan - 06/18/00 22:28:47 My Email:SVO35@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3-5-97 Your favorite Barney video: Walk Around the Block Your favorite Barney song: Does Your Hair Hang Low Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella Any suggestions for my page: Meet other kids doing things they like to do Comments: I love Barney! He is my favorite friend, ever since I started watching television. I went to his live show. It was the best ever!!! Hope it comes back to my town again. naiquan kibler - 06/18/00 19:27:43 My Email:Tsweets227@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/27/98 Your favorite Barney video: songs Your favorite Barney song: i love u Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tasha Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: - 06/18/00 19:08:25 Comments: - 06/18/00 17:55:53 Comments: - 06/18/00 16:48:06 Comments: Riley Norkett - 06/18/00 16:47:35 My Email:LoyalN@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 07/16/98 Your favorite Barney video: Mother Goose Your favorite Barney song: I love you ,you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mother Goose Any suggestions for my page: let barney talk to each visitor. Other: My favorite out of Barney, Baby Bop, and BJ is B.J!!! Comments: You are my favorite B.J. I love you and i want to meet you I want you to write me back so I can talk to you and tell you the movie I watched of you that day JACOB KEEN - 06/18/00 14:34:55 My Email:MJKCJ@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03/30/98 Your favorite Barney video: IMAGINATION ISLAND Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: DEREK Comments: Aleckzandrya J. - 06/18/00 00:56:55 My Email:g_mustang17@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/26/96 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Adventure Your favorite Barney song: Clean Up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mother Goose Any suggestions for my page: pictures of your guest apperances Comments: We love you Barney!!$$%^^**** From all the children at Nellie James Daycare in Greensboro, North Carolina robyn - 06/18/00 00:27:08 My URL:http://petlover Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2-1-96 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tina Comments: Corey Tyler - 06/17/00 15:08:38 My Email:krt34423@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-25-93 Your favorite Barney video: Halloween Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Any suggestions for my page: None, it's great! Comments: Melissa Lin - 06/17/00 10:19:17 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): oct.4.1999 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all of them Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Other: i am one of the fans in taiwan Comments: brandon rowe - 06/17/00 02:09:49 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01-01-95 Your favorite Barney video: musical castle Your favorite Barney song: mr.knickerbocker Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: bj Comments: Hannah Gaither - 06/17/00 00:52:50 My Email:julschik23@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): august 14, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: More barney songs Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: hannah Comments: dylan - 06/17/00 00:16:41 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12-10-96 Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Comments: jasmine Ellison - 06/16/00 20:42:09 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6/27/96 Comments: - 06/16/00 12:16:50 Comments: jason bowers - 06/15/00 23:19:48 My Email:mommy0907@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 090798 Your favorite Barney video: barneysongs Your favorite Barney song: Mr golden sun Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Michael Any suggestions for my page: games to play with kids Comments: THis is a great site! My son Jason is almost 2 and he loved it! Thanks for providing a site for kids! nancy - 06/15/00 20:37:04 My Email:sonia325fred@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 21,1998 Your favorite Barney song: i love you Any suggestions for my page: more pictures Comments: matthew - 06/15/00 15:36:09 My Email:jessnryan699@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9-11-98 Your favorite Barney video: barney christmas n barney songs Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: hanna n michael Comments: Jeslynn Green - 06/15/00 14:23:23 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6-18-97 Your favorite Barney video: Rythem/Rhyme Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mother Goose Comments: Jillian Nicole Smith - 06/15/00 02:11:50 My Email:edsmith16@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 30, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: A Barney Christmas Your favorite Barney song: Happy and You Know IT Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Scooter Any suggestions for my page: none Comments: Jeni Igreja Pinto - 06/15/00 00:26:05 My Email:e_igreja@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): april 5,1995 Your favorite Barney video: barney songs Your favorite Barney song: the wheels on the bus Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: min Comments: Kiara Igreja Pinto - 06/15/00 00:20:29 My Email:e_igreja@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): febuary18,1997 Your favorite Barney video: mothergoose Your favorite Barney song: old mcdonald Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: derik Comments: MIKEY ZUPPARDO - 06/14/00 22:44:59 My Email:ZUPPER9377@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7-13-95 Your favorite Barney video: SING AND DANCE Your favorite Barney song: THE WHEELS ON THE BUS Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: NONE Other: MY SON IS AUTISTIC, THIS IS THE FIRST THING HE REALLY LIKES Comments: Zaynah Wilson - 06/14/00 01:46:02 My Email:basfr8.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9-23-97 Your favorite Barney video: ABC Zoo Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all of them Comments: Barney my daughter loves your videos. She think's Barney is everything to her. She wanted to tell you hi and she loves you. giavanna sammarone - 06/13/00 23:38:27 My Email:stmaster69@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 17 1998 Your favorite Barney video: barney in concert Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: i love you barney. DEBROAH - 06/13/00 18:09:02 My Email:KIMDOG00@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): JULY 6, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY AND FRIENDS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU, YOU LOVE ME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: KIDS Any suggestions for my page: PRETTY Other: HI Comments: DEBROAH LOVES BARNEY AND SINGS IT ALL THE TIME prentis green - 06/13/00 17:31:54 My Email:shrbiscuit@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): january 8 Your favorite Barney video: trains Your favorite Barney song: little red cabosh Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: derrick Comments: i love you barney Alexis Thurman - 06/13/00 05:17:59 My Email:Babybrowneye211@aol.coYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04/30/98 Your favorite Barney video: barney's birthday Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: She really is crazy about Barney. She sleeps with the barney pellow everynight Tres - 06/12/00 22:48:50 My Email:YA SOLUTIONS at AOL.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): June 27,1997 Your favorite Barney video: Silly Man Your favorite Barney song: Mr. Knickerbocer Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Silly Man Comments: Tres love Barney . He has different names for each video. Thank-you Barney for keeping imagination alive . Madeline - 06/12/00 22:40:32 My Email:YA SolutionsatAOL.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8/22/96 Your favorite Barney video: B.J. Birthday Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Amy and teddy Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: I love Barney and watch it everyday. Then I go ride my bike. I pretend like you Barney in homeliving center at school. I love you Barney. Love, Madeline Madeline - 06/12/00 22:35:41 Comments: vanessa minyard - 06/12/00 21:47:58 My Email:daddy(vaporlock@aolYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/29/1998 Your favorite Barney video: barney live Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: ariana lopez - 06/12/00 20:58:20 My Email:tan1009@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03/20/1994 Your favorite Barney video: barney live Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: hananah Comments: Kiana - 06/12/00 19:27:58 My Email:tiffany@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): aug. 20th Your favorite Barney video: snowman Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Comments: devin williams - 06/12/00 04:16:48 My Email:wtinapaul@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-20-96 Your favorite Barney video: barneys christmas Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: chip Comments: more music and video clips Christopher Diaz - 06/11/00 22:56:32 My Email:jmcdiaz@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4/8/99 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: Little Red Caboose Comments: Chris loves the music on this page I think it's a nice touch! STEPHEN&JATERICA - 06/11/00 20:53:45 My Email:JATESTEVE@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6-19-97&11-30-95 Your favorite Barney video: MORE BARNEY SONGS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: TASHA & STEVEN Comments: WE LOVE YOU BARNEY & FRIENDS....LOVE STEPHEN JONES & JATERICA PALMER (BROTHER/SISTER) STEPHEN & JATERICA - 06/11/00 20:49:27 My Email:JATESTEVEYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6-19-97 & 11-30-95 Your favorite Barney video: MORE BARNEY SONGS Comments: Destiny, Brittney, Ashley, Lore - 06/11/00 19:31:01 My Email:cutie_pie1765@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04/27/1987, 10/10/96, 7/14/97, 12/6/93 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Egg Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Everybody Any suggestions for my page: none Comments: Barney is the coolest dinosaur ever Courtney Castle - 06/11/00 04:43:10 My URL: My Email:I love you! BarneyYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5/29/97 Your favorite Barney video: Your Shapes and Colors Video Your favorite Barney song: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Comments: I LOVE YOU! Alexis Rowan - 06/11/00 03:08:48 My URL:http://googoogirl001 My Email:googoogirl001@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): March 17,1999 Your favorite Barney video: Musical Scrapbook Your favorite Barney song: I love you Comments: KARLY POST - 06/11/00 02:34:39 My Email:MICHAELHPOSTYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9/1/98 Your favorite Barney video: ABC Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Comments: I LOVE YOU BARNEY KARLY POST - 06/11/00 02:33:06 My Email:MICHAELHPOSTYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9/1/98 Your favorite Barney video: ABC Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Comments: I LOVE YOU BARNEY Noah Gilhuly - 06/11/00 00:25:10 My Email:shayeeYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july7 Your favorite Barney video: 4 july one Your favorite Barney song: ants go marching on Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Ben Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: none Dalton Zachary Lewis - 06/10/00 23:58:49 My Email:witchipoo7@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6 Aprill 1999 Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Comments: Kaylon Alsbrooks - 06/09/00 15:10:00 My Email:brandonalsbrooks@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06-18-1997 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: Baby Bumble Bee Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Michael Comments: I Love you Barney!!!! STEVEN - 06/09/00 00:03:44 My Email:MACOTATY@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): MAARCH 24 1995 Your favorite Barney song: CLEAN UP Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J Any suggestions for my page: IS REALLY NICE, BUT WE WOULD LIKE TO HEAR MORE BARNEY SONGS Comments: I LOVE BARNEY SINCE I WAS 3 AND NOW MY BABY BROTHER WHO IS ALMOST 2 LOVE HIM TOO, AND WE ENJOY WATCHING IT TOGETHER MARQUES CROW - 06/08/00 22:05:32 My Email:JONNYCAKE04Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): APRIL 16, 1996 Your favorite Barney video: ALL Your favorite Barney song: ALL OF THEM Comments: I LOVE YOU BARNEY WRITE ME BACK PLEASE.......... Daviana Ochoa - 06/08/00 21:11:59 My Email:www.ninosblues@ gateway.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): JUNE 13 1998 Your favorite Barney song: I LOve you Comments: jonathan drake seaton - 06/08/00 15:08:41 My URL:po box 1648 My Email:dyersburg, tennesseeYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 38025-1648 Your favorite Barney video: november 24, Comments: - 06/08/00 15:04:51 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): jonathan drake seaton Your favorite Barney video: po box 1648 Comments: nino - 06/07/00 23:07:32 My Email:tazbaby0108@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): may 16 Your favorite Barney video: on the farm Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: luise Comments: i love your show Evann - 06/07/00 18:21:36 My Email:Sexychicadee14@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 9th Your favorite Barney video: A day at the beach Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Any suggestions for my page: i want baby bop on my page Comments: I love you Barney!! And i want to say i love BJ and Baby Bop too!!! I have a ton of your movies and I love to sing with you!!! jason simpson - 06/07/00 15:11:32 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 160498 Your favorite Barney video: once upon a time Your favorite Barney song: fairytale castle Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: jason Comments: NIKOLAS HUDSON - 06/07/00 04:30:35 My Email:PKHUDS@AOLO.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 08/20/98 Your favorite Barney video: ANY Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: NONE Comments: Joshua H. - 06/07/00 04:12:05 My Email:ehamblin@eri.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3/5 Your favorite Barney video: great adventure Your favorite Barney song: If you're Happy.... Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Micheal Any suggestions for my page: Sing!!!!!! Comments: I love Barney! He is so cool! I wish I could be one of the kids on his show! vaerie - 06/07/00 01:11:14 My Email:cbuoni1243Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8/13/96 Your favorite Barney video: space ship Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: friends Comments: Adia Pascanik - 06/06/00 18:50:15 My Email:jmagoo78@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): November 23, 1998 Your favorite Barney song: I love you, You love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: joshua - 06/06/00 03:13:11 My Email:JBS2223@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Jan.23,1999 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Big Surprise Your favorite Barney song: Knicker Bocker Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Jeff Comments: Valentina - 06/06/00 01:24:36 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): february 6th. Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Comments: Miranda Rilat - 06/05/00 22:07:41 My Email:barneyfan97Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/16/97 Your favorite Barney video: sing & dance w/barney Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: the children Any suggestions for my page: sing instead of music Other: sing more songs Comments: I love you barney Jada Jones - 06/05/00 20:44:37 My Email:JessieC237456910@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): June 7,00 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Birthday Your favorite Barney song: Silly Sounds Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Any suggestions for my page: Get more music Comments: I just love barney - 06/05/00 20:18:42 Comments: Ketric Wilson Jr. - 06/05/00 15:52:55 My Email:wilsontlove@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): October 12, 1999 Your favorite Barney video: learning how to say the abc's Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Emily Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: I Love You Barney Cody Schriber - 06/04/00 21:54:57 My Email:nancyjramirez@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-13-98 Your favorite Barney video: The Great Adventure Your favorite Barney song: Clean Up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J. Comments: I love you, Barney, B.J. and Baby Bop. I will watch you on tv every morning. Taylor Gholson - 06/04/00 18:19:39 My Email:starnbubba@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): September 27, 1999 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Comments: Seth Gholson - 06/04/00 18:17:10 My Email:starnbubba@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): February 11, 1994 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Other: Send Autographed Picture Comments: Courtney Gholson - 06/04/00 18:12:12 My Email:starnbubba@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): March 23, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Christmas Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: - 06/04/00 05:07:09 My URL: My Email:Thejumbo jetYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 28 June Your favorite Barney video: Suck Your favorite Barney song: My Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Dick Any suggestions for my page: Trash it Other: Go to hell Barney Comments: YOUR PAGE fucking SUCKS, barney sucks cock, and so does everyone who likes him. - 06/04/00 05:06:54 My URL: My Email:Thejumbo jetYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 28 June Your favorite Barney video: Suck Your favorite Barney song: My Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Dick Any suggestions for my page: Trash it Other: Go to hell Barney Comments: YOUR PAGE fucking SUCKS, barney sucks cock, and so does everyone who likes him. - 06/04/00 04:45:08 My URL: My Email:Thejumbo jetYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 28 June Your favorite Barney video: Suck Your favorite Barney song: My Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Dick Any suggestions for my page: Trash it Other: Go to hell Barney Comments: YOUR PAGE fucking SUCKS, barney sucks cock, and so does everyone who likes him. RACHEL WILBURN - 06/04/00 02:15:08 My URL:http://SHIMMERZ9012 @.AOL My Email:SHIMMERZ9012@ .AOLYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCT.4 1997 Your favorite Barney video: SING ALONGS Your favorite Barney song: IF YOUR HAPPY..... Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: KATHY Any suggestions for my page: NO Comments: I LOVE YOUR SHOW. IT`S THE BST SHOW EVER carrie - 06/04/00 02:06:25 My URL: My Email:hitower6Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/23/91 Your favorite Barney song: you are special Comments: Carlos Ramirez - 06/03/00 15:56:15 My Email:kwram@tutopia.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): november, 26 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: I love you Comments: I like you page too much, I live in Mexico and I see the Barney show here in Mexico every day, and I"ll loved if you can send me a pict of Barney for hold in my room. Thank you. Carlos Ramirez - 06/03/00 15:46:48 My Email:kwram@tutopia.comComments: SHERRY CONLEY - 06/02/00 22:06:35 My Email:BabyBopLvr@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 07-21-98 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: scooter Comments: i love your show and like to watch it all day long Francie Parker - 06/02/00 21:19:33 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8/25/98 Comments: Haley Wayt - 06/02/00 17:25:39 My Email:haleybeverly@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): October 9th Your favorite Barney video: Sing and dance Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Comments: - 06/02/00 02:59:24 Comments: Zachary - 06/02/00 01:01:42 My Email:bsbZ@aol.cmYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/13/97 Your favorite Barney song: I love you Comments: Annaleise - 06/02/00 00:52:37 My Email:LBladyluck7@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09-22-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in concert Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Michael Any suggestions for my page: More songs Comments: Thank you so much for having this on line. My Mom and I can now enjoy the computer together. Jordan Fonner - 06/02/00 00:27:06 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12-2-98 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: If all of the raindrops....... Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: anyone Comments: leah bellis - 06/01/00 23:12:08 My Email:bellis4@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03 30 97 Your favorite Barney video: twinkie Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: - 06/01/00 22:28:21 Comments: Daena - 06/01/00 22:01:11 My Email:d_casse99@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5th Oct Your favorite Barney video: Barney School Your favorite Barney song: Twinkle Little Star Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J. Comments: Daena and Daena's Mammy visited your Barney site. We think it's Great! Well Done. Matt Short - 06/01/00 16:23:21 My My Email:Short@Supernet.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/2/88 Your favorite Barney video: none Your favorite Barney song: none Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: none Any suggestions for my page: Get rid of it Comments: I just have one thing to say,Barney SUCKS! And so does your page!I just came here to get pictures of Barney to shoot at with my .22 Long Rifle. But none were sutable. I say this once again, Barney SUCKS! DESTINY VILLARREAL - 06/01/00 15:59:08 My URL:http://BARNEY AND FRIENDS My Email:RHONDAJOE518Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): AUGUEST 15 1998 Your favorite Barney video: ALL Your favorite Barney song: ALL Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: ALL Any suggestions for my page: YES I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR SINGING INSTEAD OF ALL MUSIC Comments: taylor francis - 06/01/00 14:38:22 My Email:rostaferian@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1/5/97 Your favorite Barney video: barney great adventure Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Comments: Haley - 06/01/00 02:46:44 My Email:Goodgirl0423@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04-23-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Adventures Your favorite Barney song: I love You Comments: I love Barney!!!!! - 06/01/00 01:58:02 Comments: - 05/31/00 23:52:08 Comments: michelle - 05/31/00 13:45:20 Comments: abraham leyva - 05/31/00 05:51:55 My Email:ylresp@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 6, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: learning to count Your favorite Barney song: i love you Any suggestions for my page: big hug Comments: i see you every morning a thru ou the day. i like when you sing and when you jump up and appear. abraham leyva - 05/31/00 05:48:46 Comments: Ethan Foutz - 05/31/00 00:28:00 My Email:thmsfoutz@AOL.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Oct 15 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Big Surprise Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Scooter Comments: ashley robinson - 05/30/00 23:52:45 My Email:ec110999@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): october 13 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's big adventure Your favorite Barney song: twinkle twinkle little star Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Comments: - 05/30/00 20:54:20 Comments: Hannah Belvin - 05/30/00 20:16:28 My Email:fb0114@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-10-96 Your favorite Barney video: Mother goose Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Hannah Any suggestions for my page: More music samples Comments: Tori - 05/30/00 18:21:06 My Email:Josiemgstr@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/14/95 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Live Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Lucy Comments: laura burris - 05/30/00 17:02:29 My Email:moodyite13@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6\1\90 Your favorite Barney video: my 1st barney movie Your favorite Barney song: i luv u Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: mike Any suggestions for my page: more songs Comments: i luv u barney! love laura kyle bhojwani - 05/30/00 13:59:57 My Email:ilovekyleYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): october 31, 1998 Your favorite Barney song: ilove you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everybody Any suggestions for my page: ilove your page Other: ilove you barney Comments: olivia - 05/30/00 01:15:30 Comments: George VanHoose - 05/29/00 20:45:35 My Email:cadetswirly@aol.comComments: John Doe - 05/29/00 20:35:03 My URL:FUCK YOU BARNEY My Email:thejumbojet@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): FUCK YOU BARNEY Your favorite Barney video: FUCK YOU BARNEY Your favorite Barney song: FUCK YOU BARNEY Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: FUCK YOU BARNEY Any suggestions for my page: FUCK YOU BARNEY Other: FUCK YOU BARNEY Comments: Barney can rot in hell for all I care. I couldn't give a shit less about what happns to that purple abomination. Barney can lick my nice, big cock, not that I would let him! FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY emily - 05/29/00 20:16:25 Comments: I LOVE YOU BAILEY - 05/29/00 19:01:42 My Email:JHEART28Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/14/98 Comments: - 05/29/00 17:58:59 Comments: Haley - 05/29/00 16:35:49 My Email:smithebh@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7-16-98 Your favorite Barney video: Be a Friend Your favorite Barney song: Knickerbocker Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Cathy Comments: Barney is my best friend! McKenzie - 05/29/00 14:34:59 My Email:Kenzjojo@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03/18/98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Christmas Your favorite Barney song: Clean Up Comments: CARLO ECHEVARRIA - 05/29/00 12:27:28 My Email:cess_echevarria@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): nov. 8,1997 Your favorite Barney video: barney in concert Your favorite Barney song: i love u Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Comments: VICTORIA NICOLE MARTINEZ - 05/29/00 05:50:58 My Email:SOTELOBAMBAM@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03/13/1998 Your favorite Barney video: SING AND DANCE WITH BARNEY Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: KIDS Comments: madison appleton - 05/28/00 23:51:07 My Email:maddy_38@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): feb 3 Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: babybop & bj Comments: well i'm madison mother and i would say she loves your show she's one and half and can't get enough of you and the gang she watchs every morning on channel 18 thANKS FOR MAKING A GREAT KIDS SHOW madison appleton - 05/28/00 23:48:08 Comments: Kayla - 05/28/00 23:19:38 My Email:TC41586@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): May 2nd Comments: tiffany - 05/28/00 13:30:41 My URL: My Email:bedbugger@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 05/22/96 Your favorite Barney video: barneys adventure bus Your favorite Barney song: imagination Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: kristen Any suggestions for my page: happy b-day on b-days Other: none Comments: i love barney kaitlin moore - 05/28/00 02:47:47 My Email:HorlbackJazzy@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): oct.15 Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Lisa Comments: Thanks Barney, keep up the good work, I love You! Katti - 05/28/00 01:22:00 My Email:jratpack@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-03-90 Your favorite Barney video: rainbow beard the pirate Your favorite Barney song: i love you, you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Any suggestions for my page: God needs to be a part of your life. Remember He loves you too. Comments: Dezmond Bryant - 05/27/00 23:44:32 My Email:Bryantc215@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): October 23 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's first video Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: The Squirrel Comments: kolby - 05/27/00 20:46:37 My Email:ksharpsmom@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02/12/2000 Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: mycaiah wood - 05/27/00 20:23:18 My Email:moochie7699Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02-23-99 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Comments: i love barney Annie Jay Blair - 05/27/00 18:58:19 My Email:physcomadonnaYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): May 12,1996 Your favorite Barney video: Live in New York Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tasha Comments: Annie Jay Blair - 05/27/00 18:56:44 My Email:physcomadonnaComments: Michele - 05/27/00 18:43:59 My Email:laashell@aolYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7-3 Your favorite Barney video: Love them all Your favorite Barney song: Love them all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Other: Nice job! Tell Barney I said Hi!!!!!! Comments: Marcus Smith - 05/27/00 14:35:42 My URL:http://CSith WHITEDOVE My Email:CSmithWHITEDOVE@AOLYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Jan 18 Your favorite Barney video: Making new friends Your favorite Barney song: The Barney Song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Derek Any suggestions for my page: Keep up the good work Comments: Jeffrey Sgambellone - 05/27/00 05:19:40 My Email:Playdough01@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01-24-99 Your favorite Barney video: mothergoose Your favorite Barney song: clap your hands Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: EMILY,BETTY,MATTHEW MCARTHUR (TRIPLETS) - 05/27/00 04:18:40 My Email:MCARTHURINSYNCYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-16-97 ALL THREE Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY'S GREAT ADVENTURE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU YOU LOVE ME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BABY BOP Comments: WE ALL LOVE YOU FOR ALL THE STUFF YOU TEACH US EVERYDAY.SEE YOU LATER..... Kimberly - 05/26/00 20:07:52 My URL:http://Barney & Friends My Email:AC/DCMYBANDYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Feb. 13 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Goes To School Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tina Any suggestions for my page: More Pictures Other: More Music Comments: I love Barney and Baby Bop and B.J. I learned how to share from Barney and his Friends. I am 4 years old and I love to watch Barney and friends. LIZ PONTE - 05/26/00 18:05:05 My Email:MOWLIZ1@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): DECEMBER 4TH 1967 Your favorite Barney video: ALL Your favorite Barney song: TWINKLE LITTLE STAR Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: LUCY AND TINA DEREK Any suggestions for my page: MORE OF BARNEY Other: NONE Comments: I WOULD LIKE A POSTER Ciera Sturmer - 05/26/00 03:29:25 My Email:ciesmommy@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5/20/98 Your favorite Barney video: not sure Your favorite Barney song: I love you, you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: not sure Comments: I am actually Ciera's mom she is only 2 years old. She loves this show very much. All she ever wants to watch is Barney. david stephenson - 05/25/00 22:08:38 My Email:david.stephenson@baesystems.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 26 may 1994 Your favorite Barney video: love them all Comments: barney is my best friend and hero Amanda McIntosh - 05/25/00 22:03:25 My Email:pamandtonyk@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): September 18, 1995 Your favorite Barney video: Barney/Camping Your favorite Barney song: Pat-a-cake Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Julie Comments: Matthew Trudel - 05/25/00 21:08:10 Comments: NAOMI - 05/25/00 17:34:00 My Email:BLACKSMYTH@MSN.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): APRIL 26 Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Comments: Loren Stone - 05/25/00 03:32:13 My Email:Viper4118@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4-1-98 Your favorite Barney video: The Great Adventure Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella the story lady Comments: Loren Stone - 05/25/00 03:31:52 My Email:Viper4118@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4-1-98 Your favorite Barney video: The Great Adventure Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella the story lady Comments: Dana - 05/25/00 03:03:07 My Email:CGSal49@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Sept. 27, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: Sing and Dance with Barney Your favorite Barney song: I Love You and You Are Special Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Minh Any suggestions for my page: My Mom suggest for you to put some samples of Barney video clips if possible. Comments: Javier Sena - 05/25/00 02:56:27 My Email:AdrianSena@compuserve.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 07-17-98 Your favorite Barney video: Imagination Island Your favorite Barney song: Elli the Elephant Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Keasha Any suggestions for my page: When you click on a page it gives you an error message Other: thank you for providing a great web page Comments: Anjelica Sharpe - 05/25/00 02:30:14 My Email:Sharperoyalseed@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): November 9, 1995 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Christmas Your favorite Barney song: Pop Goes the Wiesel Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: Alvin Sharpe II - 05/25/00 02:26:34 My Email:Sharperoyalseed@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 7, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Circus Your favorite Barney song: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J. Any suggestions for my page: more games Comments: Jaylen Bowden - 05/25/00 00:26:27 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/07/98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney at the circus Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: Jaylen Bowden - 05/25/00 00:25:13 Comments: TIANA - 05/25/00 00:13:09 My Email:MOMMAPUDDINYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/25/94 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY IN CONCERT Your favorite Barney song: OLD MCDONALD HAD A FARM Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: ALL OF THE KIDS Comments: BARNEY I JUST WANT TO SAY I LOVE YOU. I WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU FOR REAL, I TRIED MY IMAGINATION AND IT DIDN'T WORK. braxton - 05/24/00 22:26:09 Comments: callie - 05/24/00 19:54:23 Comments: Jailey Carter - 05/24/00 17:39:02 My Email:Jcgrove112@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2-19-97 Your favorite Barney video: zoo Your favorite Barney song: standing out side with mouth open wide Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tina Any suggestions for my page: It's great Comments: justin williams - 05/24/00 04:54:03 My Email:awhite3200Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 9, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: barney songs Your favorite Barney song: mr. sun Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: n/a Any suggestions for my page: n/a Comments: justin williams - 05/24/00 04:51:57 My Email:awhite3200Comments: jesse - 05/24/00 04:34:06 My Email:wellingtoningmaria@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-04-96 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: steven Comments: - 05/24/00 03:32:35 Comments: Bubby - 05/24/00 03:07:13 My Email:babygsmiley@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5/29 Your favorite Barney video: Imagination Island Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella the storyteller Any suggestions for my page: games and activities Comments: Thanks. matthew reid - 05/24/00 00:24:02 My URL:http://matreid Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-1-95 Your favorite Barney video: barney live Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: mama Any suggestions for my page: sing Other: dance Comments: stasi - 05/23/00 22:55:29 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12-31-1996 Your favorite Barney video: mother goose Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: shawn Any suggestions for my page: more songs Comments: JAMIE - 05/23/00 16:51:38 My Email:JAYME376Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): JAN 20 1998 Your favorite Barney video: counting Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: i love watching barney and i am learning to count with barney raelyn boulter - 05/23/00 03:41:48 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): feb 27/98 Your favorite Barney video: barney on parade Your favorite Barney song: baby bop hop Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Any suggestions for my page: more interactive stuff Other: things that move Comments: Jesus Macias - 05/23/00 03:00:33 My Email:Precious2382 @ aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04--09-96 Your favorite Barney video: all the videos Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop and b.j Any suggestions for my page: it's all great Comments: I LOVE YOU AND I WATCH YOUR SHOW EVERY DAY. YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!! ZACHARY THOMAS - 05/23/00 02:37:03 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 05/04/1998 Your favorite Barney video: GOOD CLEAN FUN Your favorite Barney song: MS. MARY MACK Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: SCOOTER Comments: Kyle Cerretti - 05/23/00 01:41:55 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-19-98 Your favorite Barney video: Live in New York City Your favorite Barney song: Nicker Bocker Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Winkster Any suggestions for my page: play the theme song Comments: Tatum DeLey - 05/23/00 01:23:53 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-26-98 Your favorite Barney video: Adventure Bus Your favorite Barney song: Raindrops/Gumdrops Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella Comments: shannon michelle braessler - 05/22/00 23:09:10 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): december 19,1997 Your favorite Barney video: adventure bus Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: cathy Comments: kyle owen braessler - 05/22/00 23:07:04 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): october 19,1996 Your favorite Barney video: rock with barney Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: robert Comments: Cody Bozman - 05/22/00 21:51:27 My Email:tyler9993103@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02-08-99 Your favorite Barney video: barney in concert Your favorite Barney song: sally the camel Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: luci Comments: My son is 15 months old and loves your show. He is really learning alot from Barney. I love that it is a positive influence on young kids Lea - 05/22/00 20:49:23 My Email:missmommadrama@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): May 23 Your favorite Barney video: camping with barney Your favorite Barney song: Mr. knicker Bocker Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Any suggestions for my page: Great site! Comments: i LOVE THIS SITE! kEEP UP THE GOOR WORK! AND TELL BARNEY i SAID HI! :) Kainoa McDonald - 05/22/00 03:00:11 My Email:ptmcdonald@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3/27/96 Your favorite Barney video: Back to school with Barney Your favorite Barney song: the weather song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Lucy Comments: Keola McDonald - 05/22/00 02:52:38 My Email:ptmcdonald@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/16/94 Your favorite Barney video: Rock with Barney Your favorite Barney song: Barney and the Backyard Gang Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Lucy Comments: Noelle Bowers - 05/22/00 01:18:33 My Email:bnnjb@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/25/98 Comments: alicia monique cisneros - 05/22/00 01:06:30 My Email:hunnypie36Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/09/98 Your favorite Barney video: all of the videos Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: story teller stella Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: how do i get tickets to barneys musical in sand diego. want front sets in 2001. jillian - 05/22/00 00:32:54 My Email:Averyjdavis@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4/14/96 Your favorite Barney video: waiting for santa Your favorite Barney song: abc Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tasha Comments: DANIEL MATOS - 05/21/00 23:09:06 My Email:DANIEL71276@CS.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7-12-98 Your favorite Barney video: THE WATCH Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: THE CHIPMUNK Any suggestions for my page: MORE COLORS Comments: I WANT TO BE IN BARNEY'S SHOW ONE DAY Kiana Alexis - 05/21/00 21:28:49 My Email:KevDenKia@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5/13/98 Your favorite Barney video: Sing and Dance with Barney Your favorite Barney song: Green Grass Grows All Around Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Scooter Comments: Whitney - 05/21/00 20:45:32 My Email:widdles86@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 23 86 Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: bj Comments: MICHAEL - 05/21/00 19:42:51 My URL:http://RUGRATBOY90 My Email:BARNEY.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): SEPTBER17 Your favorite Barney video: CAMPWANNA RANNAROND Your favorite Barney song: THEMESONG Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: TOSHA Any suggestions for my page: NO Comments: Miranda - 05/21/00 18:09:56 My Email:Barneyfan97@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/16/97 Your favorite Barney video: Barney and Me Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Any suggestions for my page: Barney animations Other: Balloons Comments: Please write and send me pictures!!! Thanks Hunter Shires - 05/21/00 17:04:16 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): sept4 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Sean Any suggestions for my page: Coloring Place Comments: derek and dylan - 05/21/00 16:41:14 My Email:boys r us 713Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 13 Your favorite Barney video: sing and dance with barney Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: scooter McNutty Comments: rachael and klarice - 05/21/00 16:21:42 My Email:onnico@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 07/7/94 12/28/98 Comments: michael ream, jr - 05/21/00 16:06:56 My Email:kmream@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 7, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: waiting for santa Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tina Comments: breanna kraft - 05/21/00 15:19:58 My Email:kra049@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7./02/97 Your favorite Barney video: barney in concert Your favorite Barney song: the barney song Comments: tyffanie ann berry - 05/21/00 15:19:03 My Email:dinksie@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 3,1998 Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: kevin Comments: vincent hall - 05/21/00 13:17:51 My Email:wch0527@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/20/97 Your favorite Barney video: sing and dance Comments: Adriana - 05/21/00 04:30:21 My Email:sunshine 654333Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/29/85 Your favorite Barney video: sing a long Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: I could like to see you on person with my cousin gabriel. katie kuhns - 05/21/00 04:10:01 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11\24\97 Your favorite Barney video: BARN YARD Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: THEM ALL Comments: MY LITTLE GIRL IS 2 AND SHE LOVES BARNEY & THEM ALL SO KEEP UP THE WORK. LOVE BBJPK jimboe higgins - 05/21/00 02:33:31 My Email:sssscc11@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): august 12 Your favorite Barney video: campsite Your favorite Barney song: i love you Any suggestions for my page: dont be anti christ Comments: why are you anti christ Seth - 05/21/00 00:09:28 My Email:www.sharleyandjesus@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6/20/97 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs video Your favorite Barney song: "I love you" Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Ms. Etta Comments: Devin Rawls - 05/20/00 22:50:23 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): June 14 Your favorite Barney video: D.R. Barney Your favorite Barney song: Boom-boom aint it great to be crazy Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: cathy Comments: I like the pictures on your page! Andrew Knapik - 05/20/00 22:32:07 My Email:Mack27@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 13 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in Concert Your favorite Barney song: "Me and My Teddy" Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: Alyssa Nicole Slicko - 05/20/00 21:24:11 My URL:http://www.barney and friends My Email:Angelgirl6011@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): January 27 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Puzzle Fun Your favorite Barney song: The Baby Bop song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Any suggestions for my page: no suggestions Other: Thanx Comments: I love you barney love Alyssa sammy jo werth - 05/20/00 21:05:52 My Email:cwerth7402@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/23/98 Your favorite Barney video: barney live! Your favorite Barney song: no more monkeys jumping on the bed! Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: kathy Any suggestions for my page: keep up the good work! Comments: we love barney at our house! jessica thomas - 05/20/00 20:38:44 My Email:thomass167@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): june,19 1995 Your favorite Barney video: barneys birthday Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: minn Comments: John - 05/20/00 20:35:26 My Email:Not giving awayYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): WHY SHOULD I TELL?? Your favorite Barney video: DON'T HAVE ONE Your favorite Barney song: I Hate You, You Hate Me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: None Any suggestions for my page: Take it down Other: Barney sucks Comments: BARNEY IS DEMENTED SO ARE YOU! YOU AND BARNEY SUCK DICK! BARNEY IS A BASTARD! abbie - 05/20/00 20:08:59 My URL: My Email:butterfly101597@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): October 15 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Great Adventure Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: katelyn Stander - 05/20/00 17:59:28 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6 /07/97 Your favorite Barney video: imagination island Your favorite Barney song: john,jacob......... Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: shawn Comments: i love you barney ALLI - 05/20/00 17:21:09 My Email:LILSANDWEL@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03-17-1998 Your favorite Barney video: IN NEW YORK Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: MOTHER GOOSE Any suggestions for my page: NO Comments: IM 2 YEARS OLD AND I LOVE BARNEY HAILIE AKERS - 05/20/00 16:30:38 My Email:HAIRDONANA@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): FEB.19,1999 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY SONGS Your favorite Barney song: LOOK THROUGH THE WINDOW Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BARNEY Comments: Anthony Archie jr. - 05/20/00 15:01:51 My Email:Tasha1690@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): January 6 1990 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Go's To School Your favorite Barney song: Clean Up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tasha Comments: i love barney its so cool you are the best! Alyssa Ondo - 05/20/00 00:19:21 My Email:Lilbuzz357@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/12/96 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Great Adventure Your favorite Barney song: I Love You! Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mother Goose Comments: I have tons of Barney stuff. My mommy and daddy took me to see you live,Barney's Musical Castle in Rosemont,IL. It was a great show, I can't wait to go again. I love you :o) Angelica Peterson - 05/19/00 01:52:09 My Email:jellybeansmom1@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): March 11,1998 Your favorite Barney video: Nursery Rhymes Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mother Goose Comments: I love you Barney. I have some of your movies, plush toys and shoe with you on them. Emily Boyd - 05/19/00 01:36:27 My Email:emilymadison123@gateway.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-14-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: I Love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Cathy Comments: Imani Combs - 05/19/00 00:05:46 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): September 18, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: More Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Any suggestions for my page: More songs, pictures to color, and other people ,such as, B.J. and Baby Bop Other: No Comments: I am 19 months and I am already been made a fan of yours. I love you shows as well as your movies. And most of all,Barney, I LOVE YOU!!!!!! From: Imani Combs Imani Combs - 05/18/00 23:59:18 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): September 18, 1998 Comments: katie - 05/18/00 23:22:36 My Email:10/25/1998Your favorite Barney video: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Any suggestions for my page: animate barnry Comments: Peyton Brewer - 05/18/00 21:11:06 My Email:Peytonbrewer@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 26, 1998 Your favorite Barney song: I love you song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Comments: LAUREN CRISP - 05/18/00 19:42:59 My Email:FCRISPIII@AOL.COMComments: HEAVEN TALLEY - 05/18/00 19:31:59 Comments: savanna - 05/18/00 17:25:36 My Email:Farmrrose@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9/11/98 Your favorite Barney video: ANY Your favorite Barney song: any Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: any Comments: STEPHANIE BARRIOS - 05/18/00 02:57:55 My Email:ESOB@98Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12-13-1998 Your favorite Barney video: SING ALONG Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BARNEY Any suggestions for my page: NO Comments: I LOVE YOU BARNEY Samantha Y. Young - 05/18/00 01:52:43 My Email:degey@color-country.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): april 25 Your favorite Barney song: i love you, you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: the story telling lady Comments: Deborah Barnes - 05/18/00 01:46:34 My Email:amancok@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 29, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: sharing Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all the kids Any suggestions for my page: i want some pictures i can print to color Comments: Ethan Tomah - 05/17/00 13:32:08 My Email:jrt10173@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03/19/1999 Your favorite Barney video: More songs Your favorite Barney song: I love you Comments: ANASTASIA - 05/17/00 13:22:05 My Email:AMPJDF@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/31/96 Your favorite Barney video: MOTHER GOOSE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: SHAWN Any suggestions for my page: IT'S ALL A-OK Comments: Julia Bugler - 05/17/00 08:30:39 My Email:satsawc@iafrica.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 29 May 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Exercise Circus Your favorite Barney song: There is a wiggle in my toe Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tasha Comments: I love Barney soo much but I dont have cable so I have a few Videos which my mom plays for me. I just love to do the exercises like barney amd all his friends nicholas raunio - 05/17/00 03:57:00 My URL: My Email:beanhead29@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/24/91 Your favorite Barney video: when I grow up Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Any suggestions for my page: add shockwave Comments: emma - 05/17/00 01:31:35 My Email:delaneycdel@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-29-97 Your favorite Barney video: sensational day Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: jason Any suggestions for my page: coloring pages to print Comments: we love barney - 05/17/00 00:55:24 Comments: NATALIA OCASIO - 05/17/00 00:19:07 My Email:YOLIIBER@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCTOBER 25 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY'S BIRTHDAY Your favorite Barney song: bARNEY IS A DINOSOUR Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: NICOLE Any suggestions for my page: pICTURES OF BARNEY'S FRIENDS Comments: I LOVE YOU AND I LIKE YOU AND I HAVE A TOY OF YOU. I HAVE THE MOVIE OF YOU AND I LIKE YOU. ERICA WOOTTEN - 05/16/00 23:26:09 My Email:DOLLYSPECIALD20Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/02/97 Your favorite Barney video: IT'S TIME FOR COUNTING Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: MICHEAL Any suggestions for my page: NONE Other: I LOVE BARNEY Comments: jayland mccall - 05/16/00 21:40:34 My Email:steph1002@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): june9,1998 Your favorite Barney video: ohbrotherohsister Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: jason Comments: hunter Owsley - 05/16/00 21:13:10 My Email:Lintroll@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-10-98 Your favorite Barney video: ABC Your favorite Barney song: If you happy and you know it Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Sawn Comments: I love you!!!!!!!!!! Nicole Sullivan - 05/16/00 17:51:14 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4/11/95 Your favorite Barney video: Great Advencher Your favorite Barney song: clean up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Comments: Adress-1104 hayes Nofolk NE,68701 - 05/16/00 13:38:42 Comments: essence - 05/16/00 04:34:32 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/20/97 Your favorite Barney video: sing and dance Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: KAITLYN STEFFICH - 05/16/00 02:26:53 My Email:CLSTEFFICH@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): JULY 24, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY'S GREAT ADVENTURE Your favorite Barney song: POP GOES THE WEASEL Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: HANNAH Comments: MY DAUGHTER LOVES BARNEY, SHE WATCHES BARNEY'S GREAT ADVENTURE ALL DAY LONG. SHE LOVES ALL THE SONGS. SHE IS OBSESSED AND SHE ISN'T EVEN 2 YET Chelsea - 05/16/00 02:05:18 My Email:ChelseaGran@AOL.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02-04-95 Your favorite Barney video: The Great Adventure Your favorite Barney song: Theme Song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Comments: Have you ever seen a goose with a wiggle in it's tail? I Love You Barney! We would love to see you in Kansas City Missouri sometime. Please come see us. KELLIE - 05/16/00 01:26:11 My URL:DON'T HAVE ONE My Email:DON'T HAVE ONEYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/2/98 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY'S CENCATIONAL DAY Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU, YOU LOVE ME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BABY BOP Any suggestions for my page: I THINK IT'S BARNEYREFEIC Other: DON'T REALLY HAVE ANY OTHER THINGS. Comments: I THINK YOUR TV SHOWS AND MOVIES ARE GREAT! I'D REALLY LIKE TO HAVE SOME MORE OF THEM! LOVE YOUR BEST FRIEND KELLI KELLIE - 05/16/00 01:23:52 My URL:DON'T HAVE ONE My Email:DON'T HAVE ONEYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/2/98 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY'S CENCATIONAL DAY Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU, YOU LOVE ME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BABY BOP Any suggestions for my page: I THINK IT'S BARNEYREFEIC Other: DON'T REALLY HAVE ANY OTHER THINGS. Comments: I THINK YOUR TV SHOWS AND MOVIES ARE GREAT! I'D REALLY LIKE TO HAVE SOME MORE OF THEM! LOVE YOUR BEST FRIEND KELLI nicholas colon - 05/15/00 21:49:58 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-14-96 Your favorite Barney video: allf them Your favorite Barney song: all of them Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all of them Comments: Melanie May Sollows - 05/15/00 19:07:51 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): March 29, 1996 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Movie Your favorite Barney song: I Love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: cody Any suggestions for my page: coloring pictures Comments: - 05/15/00 17:58:17 Comments: Adriana Duarte - 05/15/00 01:15:33 My Email:crazylanie@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): December 5, 2000 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: "I Love You" Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everyone Comments: Michell - 05/15/00 00:45:10 My Email:nanbak5@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/01/98 Your favorite Barney song: "I love you" Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mother Goose Comments: HEATHER - 05/14/00 23:33:49 Comments: Jacque - 05/14/00 17:15:39 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04\05 Comments: vanessa - 05/14/00 16:02:40 My URL: My Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/30/97 Comments: Mina - 05/14/00 13:06:32 My Email:kwanglai hot mail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): November 3 Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Chip Comments: Alyssa Baker - 05/14/00 04:44:27 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-22-98 Your favorite Barney video: barneys 1st. movie Your favorite Barney song: the elephant Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Hanna Comments: Taylor - 05/14/00 02:23:33 My Email:JygglyPuff4@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 27, 1995 Your favorite Barney video: Sing and Dance w/Barney Your favorite Barney song: my Teddy Bear Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Comments: Hunter Owsley - 05/14/00 01:22:58 My Email:10-10-98Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): ABC Your favorite Barney video: If you Happy and yoiu know it Your favorite Barney song: Shawn Comments: Cameron & Corey - 05/14/00 01:05:07 My Email:www.greentrees1@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1/6/96 & 11/9/97 Your favorite Barney video: campfire songs Your favorite Barney song: I Love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Comments: WE LOVE BARNEY MOVIES !!!!!!! - 05/13/00 23:03:36 My Email:srebrumm@merr.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 10, 1996 Your favorite Barney video: A Circus One Your favorite Barney song: I Love You(You Love Me) Comments: Hello. My sister came to a Barney website for me since I love BARNEY! Jessie R. - 05/13/00 22:42:49 My Email:Srubens89@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/08/94 Your favorite Barney video: ?colorful egg Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: mother goose Any suggestions for my page: could I hear, I love you song Other: song, I like to eat apples and banana'ss Comments: Barney is very nice and fun. I love watching you on tv. your my best character. from, Jessie duane - 05/13/00 21:25:55 My Email:SimonMomsommersYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): december Your favorite Barney video: halloween Your favorite Barney song: days song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: the kids Any suggestions for my page: nope Comments: i love barney - 05/13/00 19:58:46 Comments: KALIN B. - 05/13/00 18:26:56 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCTOBER 22, 1996 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY SONGS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: KIM Comments: Austin Davis - 05/13/00 14:11:32 My Email:muffin7058@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6/19/87 Your favorite Barney video: Nursery Rhymes Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Jason Comments: Haleigh Harmon - 05/13/00 14:09:43 My Email:crazycooker@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/23/87 Your favorite Barney video: Manners Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Jason Comments: lady - 05/13/00 07:07:52 My Email:Ladyelle21@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/30/98 Your favorite Barney video: barney sing and dance Comments: 16 month old daughter loves it justina - 05/13/00 03:51:56 My Email:scottyray@oh.freei.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): may 26, 1996 Comments: i really love all the songs and videos. my favorite person is baby bop. KEYSHA KELLY - 05/13/00 00:55:10 My Email:KELLY40906@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-23-1998 Your favorite Barney video: SING WITH BARNEY Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: ALL THE KIDS Any suggestions for my page: HAVE BARNEY SINGING Comments: HI MY NAME IS KEYSHA AND I LOVE BARNEY WHICH SHE IS ONLY 17 MONTHS OLD AND SHE LOVES BARNEY SHE CALLS HIM BAREY BECAUSE SHE CAN NOT SAY BARNEY EVER TIME SHE SEES BARNEY SHE SCREAMS WITH EXCITEMENT KEEP UP THE SHOWS BARNEY HAS BEEN A BIG PART OF BOTH OF Y DAUGHTERS LIFE WITHOUT BARNEY WE COULD NOT HAVE GOT A LOT OF THINGS DONE BECAUSE HE WAS JUST LIKE A BABYSITTER FOR ME SO THANKS PAULA Hunter Owsley - 05/13/00 00:23:03 My Email:Lintroll.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-10-98 Your favorite Barney video: ABC Your favorite Barney song: If you Happy and You Know it Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Any suggestions for my page: more songs Other: I love you Comments: allison carubba - 05/12/00 23:49:14 My Email:c2carubba@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06/15/98 Your favorite Barney video: camp wannarunaround Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: booker t bookworm Comments: angel nebre - 05/12/00 20:48:24 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): november 13 1987 Your favorite Barney video: great adventure Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Any suggestions for my page: music video Other: duet w/emienm Comments: i watch your show everyday i love you love angel nebre Loren Fox - 05/12/00 18:53:33 My Email:FOXMDVL594@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03/26/99 Your favorite Barney video: any one my big sister is watching Your favorite Barney song: Mr. Sun Comments: - 05/12/00 15:45:56 Comments: Ashley Ann Franke - 05/12/00 03:20:59 My Email:Lil Red4693@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04/06/93 Your favorite Barney song: Clean Up/The Family song Comments: BRIANNA - 05/12/00 02:04:40 My Email:RJA302@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-15-98 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY IN CONCERT Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: TINA Comments: Quotenia D. Lewis& MaKayla D. Lewis - 05/12/00 01:38:19 My Email:www.towanno_lewis@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Quotenia 8/14/97 MaKayla 1/20/00 Your favorite Barney video: barney manners Your favorite Barney song: barney's theme song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tina Any suggestions for my page: play the I Love You Song?? thank you Comments: I think that you are a great role model for the children!! So keep up the good work!!!! Kayla prosser - 05/12/00 01:31:11 My Email:tweetyt900@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Feb.9th Your favorite Barney video: great atventures Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: - 05/11/00 17:57:57 Comments: alexa mead - 05/11/00 15:27:53 My Email:kmead001@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-3-97 Your favorite Barney video: bus one Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: Andrew Hunsberger - 05/11/00 13:06:03 My Email:hunsberger@centurytel.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): May 21, 1997 Your favorite Barney song: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Elmo Comments: Robert Ashford - 05/11/00 05:49:10 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06/06/93 Your favorite Barney video: Cowboy Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J. Any suggestions for my page: No Comments: Barney is a great friend to have. Robert KAYLIN BROOKE EDWARDS - 05/11/00 00:09:02 My Email:LSKEDWARDSYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/23/97 Your favorite Barney video: TALENT SHOW Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: THE KIDS Comments: I LOVE YOU BARNEY. TYRANNI MATHEWS - 05/10/00 23:23:34 My Email:TINYCM23Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): APRIL 12,1996 Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BABY BOP Comments: Lauren May Piotrowski - 05/10/00 22:50:48 My Email:UddComments: brian.,iy7u - 05/10/00 14:10:21 Comments: Nathan - 05/10/00 04:21:40 My Email:RTC!KAT@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): May 12, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Christmas Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: Me and my mom really like Barney, so do my brothers and sister even though they won't admit it. CARLI BAKER - 05/10/00 03:58:39 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/26/98 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY LIVE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Comments: CARLI BAKER - 05/10/00 03:57:54 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/26/98 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY LIVE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Comments: devan - 05/10/00 02:34:41 My Email:tralvsric@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8-8-97 Your favorite Barney video: bedtime w/ barney Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: min Comments: Jacob Ovak - 05/10/00 00:53:28 My Email:kamieo@gte.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/17/93 Your favorite Barney video: camping Your favorite Barney song: Ilove You Comments: gabriel rendon - 05/10/00 00:50:04 My Email:omeg26@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02-21-98 Your favorite Barney video: a,b,c Your favorite Barney song: on the run Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Comments: i love barney Danny - 05/09/00 22:37:05 My Email:dkane180@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9/21/95 Your favorite Barney video: Live In New York City Your favorite Barney song: I love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Robert Comments: Karina Alejandra - 05/09/00 20:01:19 My Email:yuyita99@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04-05-99 Your favorite Barney video: I love you Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J. Comments: Nice to visit you Barney !!! Sam Murr - 05/08/00 20:43:10 My Email:aeaglegrl00@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04/28 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in Concert Your favorite Barney song: I love you, you love me we're a happy family. Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Everybody Any suggestions for my page: it is Cute Comments: I love Barney he is my favorite Dinosaur. I watch him before i go to bed and when i Want to Watch barney. I watch him all the time. i love him Lydia and Chelsea - 05/08/00 17:05:35 My Email:aholderfield@gateway.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 08/26 and 07/07 Your favorite Barney video: christmas with barney Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tina Any suggestions for my page: it's great Comments: Autumn Yinger - 05/08/00 15:46:59 My Email:yingthing04331@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12-16-97 Your favorite Barney video: Sing and Dance Your favorite Barney song: I Love you Comments: pauly - 05/08/00 13:30:57 My Email:ker1031Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): feb 4 19998 Your favorite Barney video: rhyme time with barney Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: sEAN Any suggestions for my page: WE LOVEIT!!!!!!!!! Comments: WE LOVE BARNEY SO MUCH WE WOULD LIKE HIM TO SLEEP OVER OUR HOUSE LOVE PAULY! tabatha shiflett - 05/08/00 01:23:57 My Email:bigamam7@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 5, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: i am counting Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tommy Any suggestions for my page: it was really neat Comments: Katie Horne - 05/08/00 00:47:46 My Email:LadyMac574@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7-2-98 Your favorite Barney video: Lets play school Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: ?? Comments: Edison Carraman - 05/07/00 22:16:08 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 25,1998 Your favorite Barney video: All around The World With Stella Your favorite Barney song: All Comments: Huda rehman - 05/07/00 20:56:28 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): 05-30-95 Your favorite Barney video: barney's birthday Your favorite Barney song: I love u,u love me we are happy famiy Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tina and sister Any suggestions for my page: good job Other: col Comments: I love to see that barney.and i watch barney everyday. and i have a question for barney.can i ask u .....i guess yeah .... Are u real barney ???? please answer me back ....... thank you so much ... i really like ur web page. Amy Martinez - 05/07/00 01:11:49 My Email:chrmjoseph@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/08/94 Your favorite Barney video: Halloween Party Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: Nicolette - 05/06/00 20:37:58 My Email:www.MOMMY401@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): November,29 1997 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in concert Your favorite Barney song: Me and my teddy Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tina Comments: - 05/06/00 18:30:26 Comments: Bryan Lam Hong Kai - 05/06/00 15:37:42 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): 14 January 1999 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Musical ScrapBook Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Min Any suggestions for my page: Nil Other: Nil Comments: Hope to have a Live Concert in SINGAPORE. delaney - 05/06/00 12:55:44 My Email:pennjustinYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): nov.10 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: back yard gang Any suggestions for my page: keep up the good work Comments: thomas traevon hayes - 05/06/00 12:27:40 My Email:tammi2hayes@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): october 16,1998 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: theme song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: loves barney! Comments: my nickname is trae, and i love barney!! ERICA PAGE - 05/05/00 13:21:06 My Email:PAGETEPMAN @AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): JULY 28 1998 Your favorite Barney video: ALL OF THEM Your favorite Barney song: THEME SONG Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BROTHERS Comments: I LOVE YOU BARNEY Brianna S. Jones - 05/05/00 00:17:54 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): April 3, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Let's play school Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tasha Any suggestions for my page: Have Barney & the Gang perform a song & dance when you click on the page. Comments: I'm 2 years old and Love Barney. I Love to hop with Baby Bop. Can I be on your show? jacob brown - 05/04/00 00:42:03 My Email:michele 8898@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): march 6 Your favorite Barney video: sing & dance with Barney Your favorite Barney song: on our way to grandpas farm Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: hannah Any suggestions for my page: none Comments: I love Barney!! All the songs I know by heart! I am only 2 so my mom is sending this fo me!! Crystal - 05/03/00 14:04:06 My Email:Bongobabe3@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 20,2000 Your favorite Barney video: Barneys Adverture Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Babybop Any suggestions for my page: nope u are kewl Other: I love you barney Comments: This is going to sound a little crazy but im a 17 year girl and im in love with barney i dont miss a barney show or movie i love barney Macey Wiebe - 05/03/00 02:20:21 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 98 Your favorite Barney video: All of them! Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tosha Comments: Crystal - 05/03/00 00:08:40 My Email:I Love BarneyYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Agust 26, Your favorite Barney video: Anyone Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Robert Any suggestions for my page: I watch Barney Other: Love Crystal Comments: Dear Barney i'm 13 years old and i still watch you on tv right after school Love Crystal Georgi & Teresa Sutton - 05/02/00 21:56:37 My Email:jadahoo95@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06-14-97 Your favorite Barney video: Sing Along with Barney Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Robert Any suggestions for my page: It is a cool page Barney Comments: We love you Barney. Please send us a nice birthday card. We are twins who like to watch your show every morning in PBS. Thank you Barney and remember We love you. P.S. Please send us a Barney poster.Sorry, I wrote 06-14-00 as our birthday. Our birthday was 06-14-97, OK? Georgi & Teresa Sutton - 05/02/00 21:55:05 My Email:jadahoo95@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06-14-00 Your favorite Barney video: Sing Along with Barney Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Robert Any suggestions for my page: It is a cool page Barney Comments: We love you Barney. Please send us a nice birthday card. We are twins who like to watch your show every morning in PBS. Thank you Barney and remember We love you. P.S. Please send us a Barney poster. Georgi & Teresa Sutton - 05/02/00 21:48:09 Comments: Audrey Armstrong - 05/02/00 20:43:08 My Email:TXBASSMAN2@AOL.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): April 8 Your favorite Barney video: The Barney Movie Your favorite Barney song: I Like To Eat, Eat, Eat... Comments: rossano - 05/01/00 05:47:39 My Email:sassychick165757@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): jan 5,1998 Your favorite Barney video: chrstmas Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: bj Any suggestions for my page: add activities Comments: Lizzie Waeltz - 04/30/00 22:30:49 My Email:msdaisy51@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 13th 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: Here kitty kitty. Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Michael Any suggestions for my page: I like it, and i like the music. Other: keep it comming Comments: Dear Barney. I like Barney, because he teaches me to sing, and to play fair, and to use my imagination. and i really like Baby Bop. Thank you Barney. Love Elizabeth (Lizzie) Waeltz emily - 04/30/00 22:19:21 My Email:msedward@warwick.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01/28/99 Your favorite Barney video: songs & dance Your favorite Barney song: stomp your feet Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: micheal Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: I LOVE BARNEY Tyler Zdrowski - 04/30/00 21:12:13 My Email:www.zdrowski@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03-28-98 Your favorite Barney video: barney,s campfire sing along Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Franklin Any suggestions for my page: more antimation Comments: I love to watch Barney , please send any messages or items on Barney thanx alot.... love Tyler Siara COnnella - 04/30/00 19:41:39 My Email:rcconjnella@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04/16/96 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: clean up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: Siara COnnella - 04/30/00 19:40:38 Comments: Siara COnnella - 04/30/00 19:40:25 Comments: brendan - 04/30/00 05:13:24 My Email:sgangrel@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 23 of febuary Your favorite Barney video: barneys night before christmas Your favorite Barney song: I like all of them Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: i reckon your show is the best show in the world DYLAN - 04/30/00 02:00:52 My Email:KMA1447@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/12/98 Your favorite Barney video: CHRISTMAS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Comments: I LOVE BARNEY!!!!!!!!!!!! - 04/30/00 00:30:32 Comments: Someone - 04/29/00 22:33:13 Your favorite Barney video: Don't remember Your favorite Barney song: don't have one Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: don't have one Comments: Hey I used to like barney when I was a little girl but hey, that was before. Now I think that Barney is Gay!!!!!!! he sucks and he only likes to harrass little kids on his show!!! Ashlyn - 04/29/00 22:22:52 My Email:huffkidzYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): November 7 Your favorite Barney video: Lets Pretend with Barney Your favorite Barney song: i love you you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby bop Any suggestions for my page: i think your young Other: ilove you Comments: i love you barney because you teach me stuff like songs and most of you tought me not to litter or cross the road with out looking. Jarmaine Tinsley - 04/29/00 22:10:11 My Email:Crunchball1Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): Feb. 25 Your favorite Barney video: everyone Your favorite Barney song: I love You! Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Comments: Jarmaine's Barney Arron James Hyman - 04/29/00 19:58:54 My Email:Amber SissYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Dec.27,97 Your favorite Barney video: Great Avanture Your favorite Barney song: I love You Comments: Christina Richardson - 04/29/00 18:50:25 My Email:Silverpooh13@Aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5-8-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney & the back yard gang Your favorite Barney song: Down by the Bay Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Comments: I really love your show & movies - 04/29/00 16:29:46 Comments: kaitlyn - 04/29/00 14:58:09 Comments: Joseph Messer - 04/29/00 13:55:38 My Email:Amber SissYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Jan.10,2000 Your favorite Barney video: Bareny's rhyme and time Your favorite Barney song: clean up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: don't know Comments: Ilove Bareny Keiziya - 04/29/00 01:54:09 My Email:Klm710@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/22/98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: Barney Theme Song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney!!! Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: I love barney! I have all his movies. Jenna - 04/29/00 01:36:36 My Email:msdonnaperry@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03-18-98 Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Comments: chelsey bryant - 04/29/00 00:56:23 My Email:ronandrenh@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): march 9,1992 Your favorite Barney video: mother goose Your favorite Barney song: baba black sheep Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: mother goose Comments: Brandy Wommack - 04/29/00 00:53:12 My Email:JamesTeresatjhb@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-13-97 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: ALEXIS - 04/28/00 22:00:55 My Email:SAMMY0875@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): MAY 29, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEYS GREAT ADVENTURE Your favorite Barney song: RAINDROPS GUMDROPS ? Comments: mikaela - 04/28/00 22:00:00 My Email:mai_pikachu@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4/14/1996 Your favori Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Any suggestions for my page: no Other: I love Barney!!!!!!! Comments: - 02/13/00 00:26:41 Comments: Sandra Hanna - 02/12/00 18:35:37 My Email:g.hanna@sympatico.caYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02/23/1998 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: n/a Any suggestions for my page: beatiful page Comments: it is a great page, our daughter really likes it, you did a great job. Sandra's parents Addison Dunham - 02/12/00 11:37:10 My Email:DEEMnNMBSC@AOLYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01/04/98 Your favorite Barney video: CAMP WANNARUNARUOND Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: HANNAH Comments: Hermione and Melissa - 02/11/00 20:39:49 My Email:infocell@btinternet.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01/24/1998 Your favorite Barney video: Song Time Your favorite Barney song: Pat a Cake Comments: Greetings from England! Great Page, my twin daughters loved it. Kayla Renee Safford - 02/11/00 01:29:14 My Email:Jenn225679@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02-21-97 Your favorite Barney video: Barney songs Your favorite Barney song: Clean up Comments: frankie barbone - 02/10/00 11:29:55 My Email:DBarbone@webtv.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/1//97 Your favorite Barney video: adventure bus Your favorite Barney song: jingle joe Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: hannah Comments: Lindsey - 02/10/00 02:25:20 My Email:mfraley@calpha.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): April 2, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Sing-A-Long Your favorite Barney song: If Lemon Drops Were Gum Drops... Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BJ Comments: brittany - 02/09/00 19:58:20 Comments: kaila - 02/09/00 01:44:20 My Email:hopeless76@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06-15-98 Your favorite Barney video: barney and friends Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Comments: my daughter really enjoyed it...thanks PEYTON L. - 09/21/99 23:44:01 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): MAY 5, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: GOOD CLEAN FUN Your favorite Barney song: IF ALL THE RAIN DROPS WERE LEMON DROPS.... Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: MS ETTA Any suggestions for my page: PICK AND CHOOSE SONGS Comments: WE LOVE YOU BARNEY THANKYOU FOR PROVIDING LEARNING ENTERTAINMENT Ethan - 03/31/99 18:21:40 My Email:Juluh@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): December 16 Your favorite Barney video: All of them Your favorite Barney song: Sea Medley Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: I like all of the kids Comments: I like your page cousin Kara. Thanks for making it! Andy - 03/25/99 23:07:37 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): October Your favorite Barney video: Barney Live! In New York City! and Barney In Concert Your favorite Barney song: all of them
Comments: we liked your page
Comments: REMEMBER I LOVE YOU......
Comments: thank you my son really enjoys barney
Comments: we really like you
Comments: I have to say to Barney something.....about icicles.... I'll talk to him about icicles.Will you be my friend Barney.... Are you a girl Barney? I love you Barney. I miss you. Let's go find some more Barney's....
Comments: My son loves Barney! ALL the videos!! Loved visiting your page!!! It was so cute!
Comments: thanks for this web page my son (eric) who is 20 months loves it
Comments: WE love Barney!
Comments: My son loves Barney and watches it everyday. I think it is a good learning tool and very beneficial.
Comments: my son is 2 months and already adores you...i wish you could see and here his giggle.
Comments: hi barney this is Anastasia i love your videos,songs fr YOUR,FRIEND TASIA
Comments: i love you barney i have 3 years
Comments: I LOVE YOU
Comments: I love your show and I watch it every day. I am your bigest fan!
Comments: TT was here!
Comments: your show is great we love you barney
Comments: My daughter loves Barney and I think it is very educational. Unlike some children shows. Cristy Williams
Comments: abby jones - 09/08/00 14:16:31 My Email:jtdunc1@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06-21-97 Your favorite Barney song: This Old Man
Comments: Hi Barney, How are you? Christopher
Comments: I love you Barney!
Comments: Have a reunion for older members
Comments: my daughter alyssa loves barney and friends she watchs it everyday at 8:00am and she owns tons of your shows
Comments: I like barney and they should make more barney show.
Comments: I want Barney eyes. I am three.
Comments: We think your shows and videos promote family values and in still character in our youth to make the productive citizens and most of all better christians with the help of God. We love you. Keep up the great work.
Comments: This is a cute site. To bad we can't keep out the inmature viewers on the guest book. (Mom)
Comments: hello how are you barney fine thats good bye
Comments: i love barney. i watch it evert day. at b
Comments: i love you to.
Comments: barney is my favorite kids show love ya barney
Comments: My niece Samantha really loves Barney she is only two yrs.old. I wish you could make more adventure movies
Comments: I love barney and i enjoy watching him every day
Comments: ilove it
Comments: Dear Barney, I love you very,very much!I watch your movies every day.How many movies have you made? I like the color of you and your big white smile! I also think that Baby Bop's bow is cute. I like how B.J. says cool.You are the best Dancer.Do you know why it is aining outside all day? Where do you live? I went to Two of your concerts and I liked them a lot.Why do you have so many friends? I have a little brother.My jamies are nice and cozzy!! Why do you have too many projects? Love Always, Stephen
Comments: I love your show. I watch it everyday!
Comments: My daughter thinks that Barney is the greatest!
Comments: I love your show im 14 and still walch it.
Comments: I love u barney. You are the greatest.
Comments: congratulations beautiful page
Comments: this is a very good web site for me barney. i may be only 2 years old but i love waching your show and singing along with you and the whole gang. b arney i love you !! hope to see you soon bye !!! your best friend caroline
Comments: My daughter is only 2 yrs. loves Barney. She has learned so much from wayching him.
Comments: i thank you for all the educational programs.Barney and friends are wonderful my 2 year old daughter adores barney she is learning her abc's and 123's. keep up the good work.
Comments: no
Comments: <ILYSSA - 08/26/00 13:18:31 My Email:FRINKY515@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/12/94 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEYS BDAY Your favorite Barney song: SEVEN DAYS Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BABY BOP
Comments: I like this page
Comments: We really enjoy your program
Comments: We think Barney is great. My daughter is almost 2 years old. She knows most of her ABC's and she can count to 10. She knows most of her colors. Everything she knows, she learned with the help of Barney.
Comments: ME as been Andrew and Estevans parent I think your program is very nice and it really educates the childrd we LOVE YOU BARNEY!!!!!!!
Comments: i love barney and watch him everyday
Comments: this is my mom's email cause i'm to little to have one but my mom loves you just as much as i do we love you barney.
Comments: I LOVE BARNEY!
Comments: i love you Barney
Isabella - 08/18/00 17:45:34 My Email:bolmexusa@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-22-98 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: i love you
Comments: Even though I'm only 2, I watch you everyday. I have and am learning alot. Thank you.
Comments: <
Comments: Send me a barney tape.... thanx barney... @---<---
Comments: i love your show andddd youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comments: WE LOVE BARNEY................/
Comments: i love bareny and all his friend
Comments: i love barney and bj
Comments: Tyler Renshaw - 08/13/00 18:42:13 My Email:Dawnandchad@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August22 Your favorite Barney video: Colorsandshapes Your favorite Barney song: Baneythemesong Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Chinese girl
Comments: cool dude
Comments: Barney is so purple
Comments: i came on here with my friendas moms doghter shes 3 she loves u
Comments: i'm only 21months all i know how to say is barney
Comments: you did a nice jobs for the kids thanks
Comments: i love you!
Comments: i love barney!
Comments: this is my 2 year old grandson he loves barney his mom is not a fan s
Comments: Barney is my friend, I like him very much!
Comm Olivia - 08/03/00 18:47:21 My Email:hidran@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02-04-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: please & thank you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: hannah
Comments: Barney when will you come do a concert in new england?
Comments: Click Me
Comments: I Love You! My sister and I think you are the best.
Comments: I love you Barney. What is your favorite video? How can I join your fan club? Please tell mommy how so she can do it for me.
Comments: me lo puden mandar en espan~ol porque soy una nin~a que habla en espan~ol
Comments: this is a very good web sites for me . I love you barney you are the best. ill be watching your show ever day. see you so barney bye bye!!! your best friend caroline
Comments: I
Comments: Barney is my best friend
Comments: I Love you very much.
Comments: Nice page, I like it a lot.
Comments: You are a big help in helping me babysit my 14mths old baby, at some fustrating times,if I putthe same tape over and over again she just enjoys it all the time. Thank you very much Saira's Mom, because of you Saira learn to play very nicely with her sis er.
Comments: You are a big help in helping me babysit my 14mths old baby, at some fustrating times,if I putthe same tape over and over again she just er.
Comments: We sent this information a long time ago and Jaime never did recieve a B-day card from Barney.
Comments: My little girl Zakiya loves to watch your videos all day. Thank you for brighting up her life everyday.
Comments: Thanks for the browse!!! my 4yr old loved it !!!Regards Katie's mum!!!!!
Comments: well this is alexis's mom but i just wanted to say barney has done a great job helping my 2 year old to talk, play and dance. i think barney is the best show for kids.
Comments: great!
Comments: Zachary Sexton - 07/28/00 00:13:19 My Email:CTCNZ@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/16/1997 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Camping Your favorite Barney song: I love you - Barney Theme Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mother Goose
Comments: Brandon Hays - 07/27/00 16:17:58 My Email:KatHays828@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Dec. 15, 1995 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in Outer Space Your favorite Barney song: BINGO Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mr. Tenagain Any suggestions for my page: No
Comments: Brandon, Justin, and Katelynn Hays say Hi to Barney!
Comments: I love Barney and all the gang.
Comments: i would like to see more barney activities.
Comments: Please send a card to my brother too onJune7 his name is nathan and mine is brittany.
Comments: thank you barney
Comments: orla and her sister keeva love you barney
Comments: I LOVE YOUR PAGE!!!!! & THE MUSIC!!!!!
Comments: Derek loves Barney !! He is also excited that his diapers are Barney characters. Thanks fo
Comments: Thank you. My daughter enjoyed your site.
Comments: Thank you. My daughter e
Comments: barney, i been wacthing u for 5 years. i love u
Comments: BARNEY,MY BROTHER And i are twins and we love u and all that u do.we will be turning three soon.
Comments: I LOVE U BARNEY!
Comments: Dear Barney I my little Cousin Jeffrey loves so much. Can you please send him som Address: Jeffrey Jacuk Jr. 2987 Tilton Street Philadelphia, PA 19134
Comments: We love you Barney, keep up the good work!!
Comments: I love you!!!!
Comments: I love Barney!
Comments: I love BArney and Barney love me..
Comments: I LOVE U BARNEY!!!!!
Comments: Caitlyn KMy Email:Cancatkid@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09-16-1998 Your favorite Barney video: More Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: Baby Bop Hop Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Comments: Ashley - 07/20/00 02:37:25 My Email:Chicago 2023Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): october 18 101891 Your favorite Barney video: More Barney songs Your favorite Barney song: Friendship song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Any suggestions for my page: It's nice Other: I love you Comments: Please call me at 591-4473 Alexis Hester - 07/19/00 23:11:24 My Email:Your favorite Barney video: live in concert Your favorite Barney song: the barney song Comments: Heaven Leigh Joy Powell - 07/19/00 03:53:19 My Email:pushinbigbodie@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): October10,1997 Your favorite Barney video: Mother Goose/Nursury Rhymes Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tasha Comments: Isaac - 07/19/00 02:18:23 My Email:Misty@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/7/97 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Sing Along Your favorite Barney song: I Love You. Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kids<Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: MY SON IS 3YRS OLD AND JUST WANTED TO TELL BARNEY HOW MUCH HE LOVES HIM. David A. McMullen - 07/19/00 00:31:16 My Email:tnjirish@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4/29/98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's super sing circus Your favorite Barney song: Kookaburra Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: The moon Comments: mallory vining - 07/18/00 22:45:12 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): sept 7 Comments: Mikey Quattrock - 07/18/00 17:18:42 My Email:Mush3170@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): October 3,1996 YYour favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: CATHY Any suggestions for my page: NO Comments: i love barney and his friends. everly - 07/18/00 15:23:36 My Email:rosaevenly@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 31 98 Your favorite Barney video: campfire Your favorite Barney song: paint (shapes) Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everyone Comments: alissa puente - 07/18/00 03:14:00 My Email:JAIMEPUENTEYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-12-98 Your favorite Barney video: birthday barmey Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: paula rodrigzuez - 07/18/00 02:01:32 My Email:soledad987Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7-26-98 Your favorite Barney video: mother goose rhymes Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: hanna mrs etta Comments: we love barney - 07/18/00 01:06:59 Comments: esmeralda delatorre - 07/18/00 00:43:24 My Email:yogi01416@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-25-98 Your favorite Barney video: sharing Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: i love to watch barney all day LAUREN - 07/1Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4-22-87 Your favorite Barney video: WAITING FOR SANATA Your favorite Barney song: ILOVE U LOVE ME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BJ Any suggestions for my page: BUNCH OF BOYS Other: MY BOY Comments: HE IS SO SWEET ALLIE COWLEY - 07/17/00 20:31:16 My Email:ALIBUG@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3- 6-92 Your favorite Barney video: WAITING FOR SANTA Your favorite Barney song: I LOV E U LOVE ME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BARNEY Any suggestions for my page: MORE PICS Comments: U R SWEET AND NICE edna - 07/17/00 18:46:50 Comments: Breanna - 07/17/00 18:22:57 My Email:Jesselynn162@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August the 1st Your favorite Barney video: Barneys first movie Your favorite Barney song: "I Love you" Comments: Breanna is my little sister so i am doing this for her~ feslisa pursel - 07/17/00 02:49:01 My Email:o nsweetgir@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/9/96 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all of them Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: please email me some thing ashley - 07/17/00 00:58:58 Your BirthdYour favorite Barney video: sing along with barney Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: melissa Any suggestions for my page: cool Comments: i am a big fan of barney Dylan - 07/16/00 17:59:13 My Email:POWERS3RDGEN@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6/19/98 Comments: kyle - 07/16/00 14:23:39 My Email:bgkc9899@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 052598 Your favorite Barney video: barney's zoo Your favorite Barney song: sally the camel Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Comments: Tierra - 07/16/00 02:07:18 My Email:WillBrwnYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 15 Your favorite Barney video: Barney On Tour Your favorite Barney song: Gum Drops Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Any suggestions for my page: decorate Comments: I love Barney. People say I'm a baby but i don't care what they said because of what Barney said on the show! Comments: Dailan Hardiman II - 07/15/00 21:20:48 My Email:Divine CallingAaol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1?7 Comments: abigail mcgee - 07/15/00 21:20:02 My Email:trishag79@aol.comComments: Stephanie - 07/15/00 20:11:43 My Email:ParagonPrincess@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): September 16 Your favorite Barney video: Treasure Island Your favorite Barney song: "I Love You" Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Min Any suggestions for my page: noppers Comments: I am doing this page for my niece adolfo antonio rodriguez - 07/15/00 18:56:03 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8/13/96 Your favorite Barney video: barney movie Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: kristen Comments: ccmb - 07/15/00 14:20:37 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5/31 Comments: kenneshia rogers - 07/15/00 01:45:51 My Email:ELNROGERS@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 040496 Your favorite Barney video: SENSATIONAL DAY Your favorite Barney song: TWINKLE LITTLE STAR Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BABY BOP Any suggestions for my page: MY BROTHER KOther: DADDY AND MOMMIE Comments: I LOVE MY GRANDPARENTS,AUNTS,UNCLES COUSINS AND JHAMEKA Nurul Ameera Rozainy - 07/14/00 16:01:26 My Email:hidayahsiti@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 19 Feb 1997 Your favorite Barney video: The Concert Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Min Comments: We love you barney!!!! Nurul Ameera Rozainy - 07/14/00 15:56:50 My Email:hidayahsiti@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 19 Feb 1997 Your favorite Barney video: The Concert Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.:Comments: We love you barney!!!! Christopher Lee - 07/14/00 14:04:35 My Email:tlee3333@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 1, 1996 Your favorite Barney video: Barney with the Egg Your favorite Barney song: Twinkle Little Star Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everybody Comments: I Like You Very Much. Christopher Christian Gafford - 07/14/00 01:00:39 My Email:daffyo1@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Nov. 13,1998 Your favorite Barney video: Barney and his abc's Your favorite Barney song: I love You, Mr. Knickerbocker Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: The KIds Comments:We love you, barney Love, Christian cody castlen - 07/14/00 00:49:30 Comments: keysha kelly - 07/13/00 23:11:38 My Email:kelly40906@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-23-1998 Your favorite Barney video: you are special Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: Marli - 07/13/00 00:16:39 My Email:Vaughnmar@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Novemer 9, 1999 Comments: Allison Kuhn - 07/12/00 20:42:25 My Email:crabbylucylk@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 08-26-95 Your favoYour favorite Barney song: I love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Min, Tina, Michael and Derrick Comments: I love you Barney! Barney I saw your concert when it was B.J.'s birthday. I had a good time. You are my best friend Barney. Love, Allison Kuhn - 07/12/00 18:22:29 Comments: - 07/12/00 15:53:57 Comments: Trisha - 07/12/00 15:13:33 My URL:/Hollywood/Land/3847 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): Dec. 10 Your favorite Barney song: I Love You, You Love Me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Like them all Comments: I would like to invite you to come visit us at Net Buddies, a place where friends from all over the world can share and grow,but the children come first.We are completely against child pornography,please help us protect our children. These roses are a gift for your page (if ya wanna put em there lol). katelyn carvalho - 07/12/00 06:00:18 My Email:pochohunter@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4/1/99 Your favorite Barney video: 1 2 3 4 seasons Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: b.j. Comments: AMANDA MAYLE - 07/12/00 00:17:05 My Email:TWO4K4@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): APRIL 3, 1999 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEYS GREAT ADVENTURE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: MARISSA Comments:< ALICIA MAYLE - 07/12/00 00:14:38 My Email:TWO4K4@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCT 24,1997 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEYS GREAT ADVENTURE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: MARRISSA Comments: Kaitlyn Rucks - 07/11/00 17:48:51 My Email:wggk@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02/07/98 Your favorite Barney video: all of them!! Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Any suggestions for my page: Barney pictures that talk Comments: Great Barney page! My 2 year old adores Barney and she loves to hearind Barney tapes,video, ect but clothes are hard to find. Thank you. kelsey - 07/11/00 17:28:32 My Email:pinson maggieYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): april 22 Your favorite Barney video: barney and friends Your favorite Barney song: butter fly butter fly Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: i think barney is a good show for kids to watch - 07/11/00 15:06:49 Comments: LESLIE - 07/11/00 14:52:59 My Email:JULISSA124@COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/03/95 Your favorite Barney video: ALL Your favorite Barney song:<Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BABY BOP Comments: Adrian Elzarki - 07/11/00 14:20:58 My Email:Brielz@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): April 25, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Barney goes to school Comments: Kirsten Anderson - 07/11/00 03:41:37 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): January 15,1998 Your favorite Barney video: Walk Around The Block Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: KYLEE HARROD - 07/10/00 23:09:32 My URL:211 WADE DR http:// My Email:borgmw@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01-04-99 Your favorite Barney video: barney at school Your favorite Barney song: if your happy Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: booker t Comments: austin fleenor - 07/10/00 18:58:49 My Email:elviskg1@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5-23-96 Your favorite Barney video: barneys christmas Your favorite Barney song: ILOVE YOU YouComments: cheyenne - 07/10/00 16:16:01 My Email:firstladyeve1@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7-19-98 Your favorite Barney video: lets play school Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: alex Comments: Ashlyn - 07/10/00 05:09:41 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 13, 1998 Comments: - 07/10/00 00:22:23 Comments: Tommy - 07/10/00 00:19:14 My URL: My Email:PompilioC@.comYour Birthday (so I can send yoYour favorite Barney video: Barneys Birthday Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Micheal Comments: Amanda Suares - 07/09/00 04:10:00 My Email:jeneenlisa@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): September,13,1996 Your favorite Barney video: Waiting For Christmas Your favorite Barney song: "I LOVE YOU" Comments: I love watching Barney, I watch him Everyday. jaylene - 07/08/00 21:34:28 My Email:dhee31r@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): may 20 Your favorite Barney video: good,clean fun Your favorite Barney song: popcorn&i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, BComments: Jissell Garcia - 07/08/00 20:12:32 My Email:Gtegory_pooh2000@email.comYour favorite Barney song: I love you Any suggestions for my page: Add the songs from the video Comments: I hope Jissell can recieve a free barney tape cause she lost hers and cant find it no more. Her mom is to busie right now, but for now she loves your page. ROSHAUN HIGGINS - 07/08/00 19:40:45 My URL:http://WWW.TEQUILIZER.COM My Email:ROEYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/12/1997 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEYS ALPHABET ZOO Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU, YOU LOVE ME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: EVERYONE Any suggeComments: NONE isaiah washington - 07/08/00 16:05:16 My Email:mailynw@yahoo.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9/7/97 Your favorite Barney video: abc Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: jacob7justin lofton - 07/08/00 15:05:33 My Email:deel1995@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-1-97 / 10-16-98 Your favorite Barney video: adventure bus Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: bj / barney Comments: katie - 07/08/00 01:15:40 My Email:lmf10697@aol.comYour Birthday (so Comments: Kameron Rayl - 07/08/00 00:15:59 My Email:Brookee19@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2-27-99 Your favorite Barney video: Walk around the block Your favorite Barney song: I love you, you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella Comments: alexis smith - 07/07/00 23:55:39 My Email:makinsey@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/14/96 Your favorite Barney video: down on the farm Your favorite Barney song: i love you you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: lucy Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: Comments: Ilana - 07/07/00 19:07:44 My Email:esadowsky@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 21 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in space Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BJ Comments: Devin William - 07/07/00 18:37:27 My Email:CSunshinegirl77@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-11-99 Your favorite Barney video: All Your favorite Barney song: Sally the camel Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: boy with glasses Any suggestions for my page: nope Other: Some B-day party ideas Comments: n,d ggb ut sjn d Translated from baby to grownup "Could you send me some cool stuff, My b-days coming and I hope Barney could be there." Love Devin. Allison Williams - 07/07/00 17:55:43 My Email:ASlicChic4UYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/08/97 Your favorite Barney video: Goes to School Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Amy Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: Thank you so much for your web page it was great!! Macayla Morgason - 07/07/00 17:24:24 My Email:Liane653@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 12 Your favorite Barney video: Barneys great adventure Your favorite Barney song: i love youYour favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: none Any suggestions for my page: none Other: none Comments: I really like barney Macayla - 07/07/00 17:22:01 My Email:Liane653Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 12 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's great adventures Comments: nicholas richardson - 07/07/00 15:50:49 My Email:jlegomaniac@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1/7/98 Your favorite Barney video: Barnyard Barney Your favorite Barney song: Wheels on the bus Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Michael Comments: Megan RobertsMy Email:dtjjmr63@AOLYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): May 27,1997 Your favorite Barney video: Camp Wannarunaround Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella Comments: Daniela Nuñez - 07/06/00 22:53:20 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 3 Your favorite Barney video: Family Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Any suggestions for my page: spanish Comments: Kamron - 07/06/00 22:48:16 My Email:tightstacyYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5-19-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Adventures YoYour favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J. Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: I love Barney Brittni - 07/06/00 20:16:26 My Email:walkerspace@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/23 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in concert Your favorite Barney song: I love you you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Comments: ALANA - 07/06/00 20:03:35 My Email:STAGGSBLSKING@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/25/98 Your favorite Barney video: ALL OF THEM Your favorite Barney song: HERE KITTY KITTY Your favorite person on Barney besides BarneAny suggestions for my page: ANIMATE IT Comments: I LOVE BARNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cristina - 07/06/00 16:06:39 My URL: My Email:pcompaqpresario@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 05/23/1998 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: all of them Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all of them Comments: Barbey ur the best!!!!! alliya miller - 07/06/00 00:35:03 My Email:09Comments: - 07/05/00 22:14:56 Comments: RYLEE COOPMy Email:WWW.JLSHANTY@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/11/99 Your favorite Barney video: MANNERS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everybody Comments: My daughter loves Barney every morning she lays in front of the tv and watches an episode. She is not even 1 yet. Alexandra Soto - 07/05/00 01:56:29 Comments: kelsey - 07/05/00 01:51:24 My Email:cchumbs@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): mar. 15 1996 Your favorite Barney video: oh brother shes my sister Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: micheal,robert XAVIER MCALLISTER - 07/05/00 01:32:08 My Email:TJHALNAZZ@AOLYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/29/94 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY GREAT ADVENTURE Your favorite Barney song: BARNEY'S GETTING IN THE WATER Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: TASHA Any suggestions for my page: ACCEPT PICTURES FROM YOUR FANS TO DISPLAY Comments: madison anderson - 07/05/00 01:15:05 My URL: Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 5,1999 Your favorite Barney video: more barney songs Your favorite Barney song: bingo Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: christine Comments: Samantha Auer - 07/04/00 21:50:40 My Email:MyYellowViper@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): December 18, 1996 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: Itsy Bitsy Spider Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella the Storyteller Comments: Barney I Love you. LEE-LEE - 07/04/00 17:13:37 My Email:leeleeYour Birthday (so I can send Your favorite Barney video: barneys christmas Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: the story teller Comments: i really like barney i have liked him from the time i was 6 months old. all my tapes are so old half of them wont even play anymore without all these lines through them. i need to get some new ones but i like the ones i have thank you for making these mov es Trenton Madison - 07/04/00 15:37:40 My Email:Nichriso3@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02-28-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barneys Manners Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tina Comments: Our family loves your shows. Your videos are laid out so nice that we can learn something new Sincerely, Nichole Madison (Trentons Mother) Melanie Harris - 07/04/00 15:26:23 My Email:Felicia@aejmc.orgYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): April 5th Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: Payton Rose hOLMAN - 07/04/00 15:17:39 My Email:LOE2898 @MS.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCTOBER 28 1998 Your favorite Barney video: ALL Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU YOU LOVE ME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: ALL Any suggestions for my page: WORDS TO THE MUSIC Comments: Caitlynn - 07/04/00 14:46:25 My URL:http://www.mciworld.comComments: Jordan Raines - 07/04/00 00:16:47 My Email:garybeth92@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 030797 Your favorite Barney video: School Your favorite Barney song: I Like My Blanky Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tina Any suggestions for my page: pages to print & color Comments: ryan - 07/03/00 23:35:17 My Email:jen_rey_73@yahoo.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): May 30, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all of them Ryan loves to sing with barney Comments: Ryan loves to si Kymberly Rubinstein - 07/03/00 20:17:39 My Email:CrazyMommy4@aol.comComments: angela - 07/03/00 13:32:52 My Email:superangela2001@ao.caYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 6, 1994 Your favorite Barney video: in the library Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Comments: i really love this web site... i think you have a great site for kids. barney, your the best... - 07/03/00 03:46:28 Comments: MIRANDA DAVIS - 07/03/00 01:40:26 My Email:TINAEDAVIS@YAHOO.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2-21-99 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY SONGS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BARNEY Comments: HAILIEAKERS - 07/02/00 19:30:50 My Email:HAIRDONANA.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): FEB.19 Your favorite Barney video: RHYMETIME Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: LINDA Comments: gabriella - 07/02/00 15:57:11 My Email:rachelscoffee@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 24 th Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Any suggestions for my page: barney talk Other: more games Comments: put more games and barney should talk sharon salazar - 07/02/00 13:42:12 My Email:scacharra@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4-15-95 Your favorite Barney video: barney halloween Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: bj Any suggestions for my page: good luck Comments: my best wishes for your hard work miranda veach - 07/01/00 19:02:44 My Email:John and Roe 500Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): April 10 Your favorite Barney video: everything Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: miranda veach - 07/01/00 19:01:00 Comments: Matthew Munday - 07/01/00 17:54:04 My Email:hmblkcobra@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): June 23, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: counting Your favorite Barney song: book from library Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: stella Comments: carmen jr. - 07/01/00 15:59:10 My Email:itsgonnabeme1418@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): november 16th Your favorite Barney video: barney and friends Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: gina Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: i love the barney show it is so fun to watch and it keeps me satisfied i like it because it is a great show for kids and its very fun and learning. Arthur - 07/01/00 05:15:00 Comments: Your cool! Jennifer Dougherty - 06/30/00 23:01:26 My Email:knjroo@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): June 29 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's circus Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Nutty Comments: My daughter watches your movies all the time...she learns so much from your shows!! Thank you so much Barney!!!! nick northrop - 06/30/00 22:03:30 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Comments: scotty - 06/30/00 21:15:24 My Email:dandjkelley@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/01/95 Your favorite Barney video: sleepy time Your favorite Barney song: i love u Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: mother goose Comments: - 06/30/00 20:56:34 Comments: your a cute dino BARNEY - 06/30/00 20:55:49 Comments: your a cut dino ANSELMO MORALES - 06/30/00 20:28:59 My Email:MELAZONGO@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6-30-00 Your favorite Barney video: WHAT A WORLD WE SHARE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: THE LITTLE BLONDE GIRL Any suggestions for my page: IT IS VERY COOL Other: I LOVE IT Comments: I WISH YOU SEND ME A CARD TODAY. I LOVE YOU BARNEY Megan - 06/30/00 20:08:51 My Email:taknbakoff@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/28/98 Your favorite Barney song: I love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Any suggestions for my page: Great page. Comments: We love the music! - 06/30/00 19:53:31 Comments: colleen - 06/30/00 02:28:46 My Email:samnbrit@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8-9 Your favorite Barney video: goesto school Your favorite Barney song: ilove you Comments: Lisa Nicole Aguilar - 06/30/00 01:33:29 My Email:Aguilar174@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 10,1998 Your favorite Barney video: ALL Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Any suggestions for my page: none Other: Lisa loves Barney Comments: Lisa is almost 2 and she loves you Barney..Her brother Paul is now 11 and had joined the Barney Fan Club when he was little...We all love Barney. Jahvon Bryant - 06/30/00 01:16:50 My Email:Msgina64@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1/22/99 Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Keisha Comments: Ashley - 06/29/00 23:19:41 My Email:Iluvbnamome@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): December 20 Your favorite Barney video: Barney and Baby Bop Your favorite Barney song: The good bye song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all of the kids Comments: Katelyn - 06/29/00 20:27:28 My Email:knn20@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4-22-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Christmas Your favorite Barney song: I love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Scooter McNanny Any suggestions for my page: More Songs Comments: micheal alexis baez - 06/29/00 19:36:50 My Email:mvelazquez02@yahoo.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 18 1994 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: hands shoulders and toes Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Any suggestions for my page: we want to see more because we love you Comments: barney you are my star i sleep with you every night i love you too. Shelby Greenburg - 06/29/00 18:21:51 My URL:http://none My Email:PixieGirl386Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): March 24 Your favorite Barney video: Let's Play School Your favorite Barney song: "I Love You" Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mother Goose Comments: i love your show barney!! it teaches me how to share and how to use my imagination! thank you! Spencer Fair - 06/29/00 14:52:08 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5/14/99 Your favorite Barney video: rockin with barney Your favorite Barney song: If all the raindrops were Comments: - 06/29/00 11:53:02 Comments: - 06/28/00 21:38:47 Your favorite Barney video: alphabet zoo Comments: Slaoan Carpenter - 06/28/00 16:57:58 My Email:Butterflykis12@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04-09-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: brushing my teeth Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Lynn Comments: I Love Barney!! Nicholas John Joseph - 06/28/00 13:30:46 My Email:snicholas99Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): April 10, 1999 Your favorite Barney video: Best of Barney Sing A Long Your favorite Barney song: Green Grass Grows All Around Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Hanna, Robert, Baby Bop, B.J., Kim all of the kids Comments: Please e-mail me. I am just learning how to use the computer and I would love it if I could receive e-mails from you so I can learn how to receive and send them. Thank you. nicole whittaker - 06/27/00 22:54:01 My Email:stefers@candw.kyYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): jan-28-1997 Your favorite Barney video: sing along Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: jose Comments: Brittney Lenos - 06/27/00 20:03:57 My Email:cjlsml@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04/28/94 Your favorite Barney video: The Barney Movie Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: Kiley Leja - 06/27/00 15:34:59 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): February 8 Comments: Gloria Zafra - 06/27/00 02:05:33 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/23/98 Your favorite Barney video: barney on the farm Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Linda Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: I LOVE YOU BARNEY FOR YOUR SHOW TELL BABY BOP HI FOR ME LOVE GLORIA ZAFRA Levi Clark - 06/27/00 00:36:36 My Email:Levie 15Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01-23-98 Your favorite Barney video: Rymem and Rhythm Your favorite Barney song: Clean up Comments: I LOVe BARNEY!! nathaniel carlos - 06/26/00 21:49:41 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/25/98 Your favorite Barney video: barney's musical Your favorite Barney song: theme song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: b.j. Any suggestions for my page: more songs Other: you are great! Comments: Your page is great and I love it! Alisha M - 06/26/00 16:39:40 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): September 6.1998 Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: Great page. My children loved it. Alisha M - 06/26/00 16:38:33 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): April 24,199 Comments: Desiree - 06/26/00 01:27:13 My Email:Bayshoremj@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/05/1995 Your favorite Barney video: Happy Birthday Your favorite Barney song: Macoroni Mac & Cheese Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tommy Comments: Breanna Rodriguez - 06/25/00 04:44:52 My Email:specialperson24@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): APRIL 24 Your favorite Barney video: barneys scrapbook Your favorite Barney song: itsy bitsy spider Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: jason Comments: Abraham Cody Tarape - 06/25/00 02:32:06 My Email:CnCrKULIT@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): February 12, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: Fun & Games Your favorite Barney song: Clean up, clean up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Everybody Comments: i love Barney.......... - 06/25/00 00:31:27 Comments: - 06/24/00 23:19:27 Comments: seth butcher - 06/24/00 23:08:11 My Email:slsbutch.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 092496 Your favorite Barney video: barney vacation Your favorite Barney song: coming around the mountain Comments: Stacy Mayle - 06/24/00 21:12:26 My Email:www.two4k4@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Oct. 24. 1997 Your favorite Barney video: Barneys first movie Your favorite Barney song: I love you Comments: ashley - 06/24/00 17:55:12 My Email:millsrockin@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01/15/99 Comments: taylor walker - 06/24/00 16:52:36 My Email:bellnaylor@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 040892 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: stella Any suggestions for my page: noi love you barney Comments: I love you barney. I am 8 years old and have autism and you are the greatest. taylor walker - 06/24/00 16:49:03 Comments: lexi jones - 06/24/00 16:30:46 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 08-06-97 Your favorite Barney video: safety Your favorite Barney song: i love you song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tasha Comments: We saw the show Barney's magical castle in chicago il. do you have any more shows coming to chicago? my daughter loves barney we even went to universal studios in florida to see him. Hannah/Cody Hubbard - 06/24/00 13:17:11 Comments: KYLE BHOJWANI - 06/24/00 03:15:57 My Email:KYLESOCUTEYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCT.31,1998 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY'S ALBUM Your favorite Barney song: CLAPPING HANDS Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: ALL THE KIDS Comments: ILOVE YOU BARNEY Savannah Kent - 06/24/00 03:09:45 My Email:LORIKENT44@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/01/97 Your favorite Barney video: All of them Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: The Storyteller Any suggestions for my page: No, It is adorable Comments: Savannah Kent - 06/24/00 03:04:43 Comments: Daniel Avila - 06/24/00 01:33:51 My Email:AEISAUCITOYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06-07-97 Your favorite Barney video: sing and dance with Barney Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everyone Comments: lexi jones - 06/23/00 23:43:42 Comments: Austin Douglas Davis - 06/23/00 16:51:55 My Email:redneck gal14214@csYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03/31/98 Your favorite Barney video: Once a upon a time Your favorite Barney song: Ole McDonald Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: The Story teller Any suggestions for my page: Non it's already very cute Comments: Please send me a cute b' day card Austin Davis 15146 Green Circle Northport, Al 35476 Jessica - 06/23/00 03:29:35 My Email:inamorato21Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3/13/98 Your favorite Barney video: Barneys alphabet zoo Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: just barney Comments: I entered this for my two yr. daughter. she loves Barney and all of his shows. Not to mention Barney has taught her a lot. Thank you for making a site so now my daughter can see him when ever she wants Alijah HODGE - 06/22/00 21:19:55 My Email:STPHN694@CS.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): march 22,1998 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY GOES TO SCHOOL Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Comments: I JUST LOVE BARNEY Deshawn Wilkerson - 06/22/00 19:43:36 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5-25-99 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Scooter Any suggestions for my page: none Other: none Comments: nicholas - 06/22/00 06:35:44 My Email:hphamz@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06-07-97 Your favorite Barney video: barney big suprise Your favorite Barney song: clean up song Comments: please send me any free offer. david williams - 06/22/00 04:28:41 My Email:johnnyw@ncez.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01-17-1996 Your favorite Barney video: barneys great adventure Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: kids Any suggestions for my page: more air time Other: i love you barney Comments: i love to watch you sing and dance.i like the games you play to. i join in have helped me to learn to count and learn my colors and i am only 4 please e-mail me Austin Mace - 06/22/00 03:25:33 My Email:Imscrtagnt@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-27-96 Your favorite Barney video: 1234Seasons Your favorite Barney song: Mr.Sun Comments: skyllar - 06/22/00 02:20:25 My Email:cnp579@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 25 Your favorite Barney song: the barney song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Comments: i love barney i watch it everyday MICHELLE BURNETT - 06/21/00 21:53:44 Comments: nelson - 06/20/00 23:11:18 My Email:tlc042390@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): april8 Your favorite Barney video: campfire Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: cole swanson - 06/20/00 01:18:04 My Email:cookandcarrieYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/14/98 Your favorite Barney video: sing with barney Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: Aaron Rey Fabela - 06/19/00 20:40:34 My Email:J_Fabela@yahoo,comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/22/96 Your favorite Barney video: Rock with Barney Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Everyone! Comments: WE LOVE YOU BARNEY! Kayla Wilson - 06/19/00 17:37:26 My Email:LinetteWilson@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9/9/98 Your favorite Barney video: B arney's Sense-Sational Day Your favorite Barney song: Popcorn! Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Derick Comments: Kayla grew up on Barney and so did her older cousin Mike mary prior - 06/19/00 14:12:48 My Email:racy81@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8/15/97 Your favorite Barney video: barneys birthday Your favorite Barney song: i love you song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: justin Comments: Jake Allen - 06/19/00 01:23:24 My Email:suesreddog@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/12/97 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Bus Adventure Your favorite Barney song: Clean up Comments: Olivia Bogan - 06/18/00 22:30:23 My Email:SVO35@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3-5-97 Your favorite Barney video: Walk Around the Block Your favorite Barney song: Does Your Hair Hang Low Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella Any suggestions for my page: Meet other kids doing things they like to do Comments: I love Barney! He is my favorite friend, ever since I started watching t.v.. I went to see him live. It was the best ever! Hope he comes back to my town soon. Olivia Bogan - 06/18/00 22:28:47 My Email:SVO35@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3-5-97 Your favorite Barney video: Walk Around the Block Your favorite Barney song: Does Your Hair Hang Low Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella Any suggestions for my page: Meet other kids doing things they like to do Comments: I love Barney! He is my favorite friend, ever since I started watching television. I went to his live show. It was the best ever!!! Hope it comes back to my town again. naiquan kibler - 06/18/00 19:27:43 My Email:Tsweets227@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/27/98 Your favorite Barney video: songs Your favorite Barney song: i love u Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tasha Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: - 06/18/00 19:08:25 Comments: - 06/18/00 17:55:53 Comments: - 06/18/00 16:48:06 Comments: Riley Norkett - 06/18/00 16:47:35 My Email:LoyalN@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 07/16/98 Your favorite Barney video: Mother Goose Your favorite Barney song: I love you ,you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mother Goose Any suggestions for my page: let barney talk to each visitor. Other: My favorite out of Barney, Baby Bop, and BJ is B.J!!! Comments: You are my favorite B.J. I love you and i want to meet you I want you to write me back so I can talk to you and tell you the movie I watched of you that day JACOB KEEN - 06/18/00 14:34:55 My Email:MJKCJ@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03/30/98 Your favorite Barney video: IMAGINATION ISLAND Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: DEREK Comments: Aleckzandrya J. - 06/18/00 00:56:55 My Email:g_mustang17@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/26/96 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Adventure Your favorite Barney song: Clean Up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mother Goose Any suggestions for my page: pictures of your guest apperances Comments: We love you Barney!!$$%^^**** From all the children at Nellie James Daycare in Greensboro, North Carolina robyn - 06/18/00 00:27:08 My URL:http://petlover Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2-1-96 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tina Comments: Corey Tyler - 06/17/00 15:08:38 My Email:krt34423@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-25-93 Your favorite Barney video: Halloween Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Any suggestions for my page: None, it's great! Comments: Melissa Lin - 06/17/00 10:19:17 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): oct.4.1999 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all of them Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Other: i am one of the fans in taiwan Comments: brandon rowe - 06/17/00 02:09:49 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01-01-95 Your favorite Barney video: musical castle Your favorite Barney song: mr.knickerbocker Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: bj Comments: Hannah Gaither - 06/17/00 00:52:50 My Email:julschik23@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): august 14, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: More barney songs Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: hannah Comments: dylan - 06/17/00 00:16:41 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12-10-96 Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Comments: jasmine Ellison - 06/16/00 20:42:09 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6/27/96 Comments: - 06/16/00 12:16:50 Comments: jason bowers - 06/15/00 23:19:48 My Email:mommy0907@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 090798 Your favorite Barney video: barneysongs Your favorite Barney song: Mr golden sun Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Michael Any suggestions for my page: games to play with kids Comments: THis is a great site! My son Jason is almost 2 and he loved it! Thanks for providing a site for kids! nancy - 06/15/00 20:37:04 My Email:sonia325fred@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 21,1998 Your favorite Barney song: i love you Any suggestions for my page: more pictures Comments: matthew - 06/15/00 15:36:09 My Email:jessnryan699@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9-11-98 Your favorite Barney video: barney christmas n barney songs Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: hanna n michael Comments: Jeslynn Green - 06/15/00 14:23:23 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6-18-97 Your favorite Barney video: Rythem/Rhyme Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mother Goose Comments: Jillian Nicole Smith - 06/15/00 02:11:50 My Email:edsmith16@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 30, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: A Barney Christmas Your favorite Barney song: Happy and You Know IT Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Scooter Any suggestions for my page: none Comments: Jeni Igreja Pinto - 06/15/00 00:26:05 My Email:e_igreja@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): april 5,1995 Your favorite Barney video: barney songs Your favorite Barney song: the wheels on the bus Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: min Comments: Kiara Igreja Pinto - 06/15/00 00:20:29 My Email:e_igreja@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): febuary18,1997 Your favorite Barney video: mothergoose Your favorite Barney song: old mcdonald Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: derik Comments: MIKEY ZUPPARDO - 06/14/00 22:44:59 My Email:ZUPPER9377@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7-13-95 Your favorite Barney video: SING AND DANCE Your favorite Barney song: THE WHEELS ON THE BUS Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: NONE Other: MY SON IS AUTISTIC, THIS IS THE FIRST THING HE REALLY LIKES Comments: Zaynah Wilson - 06/14/00 01:46:02 My Email:basfr8.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9-23-97 Your favorite Barney video: ABC Zoo Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all of them Comments: Barney my daughter loves your videos. She think's Barney is everything to her. She wanted to tell you hi and she loves you. giavanna sammarone - 06/13/00 23:38:27 My Email:stmaster69@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 17 1998 Your favorite Barney video: barney in concert Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: i love you barney. DEBROAH - 06/13/00 18:09:02 My Email:KIMDOG00@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): JULY 6, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY AND FRIENDS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU, YOU LOVE ME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: KIDS Any suggestions for my page: PRETTY Other: HI Comments: DEBROAH LOVES BARNEY AND SINGS IT ALL THE TIME prentis green - 06/13/00 17:31:54 My Email:shrbiscuit@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): january 8 Your favorite Barney video: trains Your favorite Barney song: little red cabosh Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: derrick Comments: i love you barney Alexis Thurman - 06/13/00 05:17:59 My Email:Babybrowneye211@aol.coYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04/30/98 Your favorite Barney video: barney's birthday Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: She really is crazy about Barney. She sleeps with the barney pellow everynight Tres - 06/12/00 22:48:50 My Email:YA SOLUTIONS at AOL.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): June 27,1997 Your favorite Barney video: Silly Man Your favorite Barney song: Mr. Knickerbocer Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Silly Man Comments: Tres love Barney . He has different names for each video. Thank-you Barney for keeping imagination alive . Madeline - 06/12/00 22:40:32 My Email:YA SolutionsatAOL.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8/22/96 Your favorite Barney video: B.J. Birthday Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Amy and teddy Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: I love Barney and watch it everyday. Then I go ride my bike. I pretend like you Barney in homeliving center at school. I love you Barney. Love, Madeline Madeline - 06/12/00 22:35:41 Comments: vanessa minyard - 06/12/00 21:47:58 My Email:daddy(vaporlock@aolYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/29/1998 Your favorite Barney video: barney live Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: ariana lopez - 06/12/00 20:58:20 My Email:tan1009@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03/20/1994 Your favorite Barney video: barney live Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: hananah Comments: Kiana - 06/12/00 19:27:58 My Email:tiffany@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): aug. 20th Your favorite Barney video: snowman Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Comments: devin williams - 06/12/00 04:16:48 My Email:wtinapaul@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-20-96 Your favorite Barney video: barneys christmas Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: chip Comments: more music and video clips Christopher Diaz - 06/11/00 22:56:32 My Email:jmcdiaz@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4/8/99 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: Little Red Caboose Comments: Chris loves the music on this page I think it's a nice touch! STEPHEN&JATERICA - 06/11/00 20:53:45 My Email:JATESTEVE@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6-19-97&11-30-95 Your favorite Barney video: MORE BARNEY SONGS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: TASHA & STEVEN Comments: WE LOVE YOU BARNEY & FRIENDS....LOVE STEPHEN JONES & JATERICA PALMER (BROTHER/SISTER) STEPHEN & JATERICA - 06/11/00 20:49:27 My Email:JATESTEVEYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6-19-97 & 11-30-95 Your favorite Barney video: MORE BARNEY SONGS Comments: Destiny, Brittney, Ashley, Lore - 06/11/00 19:31:01 My Email:cutie_pie1765@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04/27/1987, 10/10/96, 7/14/97, 12/6/93 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Egg Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Everybody Any suggestions for my page: none Comments: Barney is the coolest dinosaur ever Courtney Castle - 06/11/00 04:43:10 My URL: My Email:I love you! BarneyYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5/29/97 Your favorite Barney video: Your Shapes and Colors Video Your favorite Barney song: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Comments: I LOVE YOU! Alexis Rowan - 06/11/00 03:08:48 My URL:http://googoogirl001 My Email:googoogirl001@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): March 17,1999 Your favorite Barney video: Musical Scrapbook Your favorite Barney song: I love you Comments: KARLY POST - 06/11/00 02:34:39 My Email:MICHAELHPOSTYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9/1/98 Your favorite Barney video: ABC Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Comments: I LOVE YOU BARNEY KARLY POST - 06/11/00 02:33:06 My Email:MICHAELHPOSTYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9/1/98 Your favorite Barney video: ABC Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Comments: I LOVE YOU BARNEY Noah Gilhuly - 06/11/00 00:25:10 My Email:shayeeYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july7 Your favorite Barney video: 4 july one Your favorite Barney song: ants go marching on Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Ben Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: none Dalton Zachary Lewis - 06/10/00 23:58:49 My Email:witchipoo7@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6 Aprill 1999 Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Comments: Kaylon Alsbrooks - 06/09/00 15:10:00 My Email:brandonalsbrooks@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06-18-1997 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: Baby Bumble Bee Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Michael Comments: I Love you Barney!!!! STEVEN - 06/09/00 00:03:44 My Email:MACOTATY@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): MAARCH 24 1995 Your favorite Barney song: CLEAN UP Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J Any suggestions for my page: IS REALLY NICE, BUT WE WOULD LIKE TO HEAR MORE BARNEY SONGS Comments: I LOVE BARNEY SINCE I WAS 3 AND NOW MY BABY BROTHER WHO IS ALMOST 2 LOVE HIM TOO, AND WE ENJOY WATCHING IT TOGETHER MARQUES CROW - 06/08/00 22:05:32 My Email:JONNYCAKE04Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): APRIL 16, 1996 Your favorite Barney video: ALL Your favorite Barney song: ALL OF THEM Comments: I LOVE YOU BARNEY WRITE ME BACK PLEASE.......... Daviana Ochoa - 06/08/00 21:11:59 My Email:www.ninosblues@ gateway.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): JUNE 13 1998 Your favorite Barney song: I LOve you Comments: jonathan drake seaton - 06/08/00 15:08:41 My URL:po box 1648 My Email:dyersburg, tennesseeYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 38025-1648 Your favorite Barney video: november 24, Comments: - 06/08/00 15:04:51 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): jonathan drake seaton Your favorite Barney video: po box 1648 Comments: nino - 06/07/00 23:07:32 My Email:tazbaby0108@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): may 16 Your favorite Barney video: on the farm Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: luise Comments: i love your show Evann - 06/07/00 18:21:36 My Email:Sexychicadee14@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 9th Your favorite Barney video: A day at the beach Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Any suggestions for my page: i want baby bop on my page Comments: I love you Barney!! And i want to say i love BJ and Baby Bop too!!! I have a ton of your movies and I love to sing with you!!! jason simpson - 06/07/00 15:11:32 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 160498 Your favorite Barney video: once upon a time Your favorite Barney song: fairytale castle Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: jason Comments: NIKOLAS HUDSON - 06/07/00 04:30:35 My Email:PKHUDS@AOLO.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 08/20/98 Your favorite Barney video: ANY Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: NONE Comments: Joshua H. - 06/07/00 04:12:05 My Email:ehamblin@eri.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3/5 Your favorite Barney video: great adventure Your favorite Barney song: If you're Happy.... Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Micheal Any suggestions for my page: Sing!!!!!! Comments: I love Barney! He is so cool! I wish I could be one of the kids on his show! vaerie - 06/07/00 01:11:14 My Email:cbuoni1243Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8/13/96 Your favorite Barney video: space ship Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: friends Comments: Adia Pascanik - 06/06/00 18:50:15 My Email:jmagoo78@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): November 23, 1998 Your favorite Barney song: I love you, You love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: joshua - 06/06/00 03:13:11 My Email:JBS2223@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Jan.23,1999 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Big Surprise Your favorite Barney song: Knicker Bocker Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Jeff Comments: Valentina - 06/06/00 01:24:36 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): february 6th. Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Comments: Miranda Rilat - 06/05/00 22:07:41 My Email:barneyfan97Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/16/97 Your favorite Barney video: sing & dance w/barney Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: the children Any suggestions for my page: sing instead of music Other: sing more songs Comments: I love you barney Jada Jones - 06/05/00 20:44:37 My Email:JessieC237456910@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): June 7,00 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Birthday Your favorite Barney song: Silly Sounds Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Any suggestions for my page: Get more music Comments: I just love barney - 06/05/00 20:18:42 Comments: Ketric Wilson Jr. - 06/05/00 15:52:55 My Email:wilsontlove@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): October 12, 1999 Your favorite Barney video: learning how to say the abc's Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Emily Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: I Love You Barney Cody Schriber - 06/04/00 21:54:57 My Email:nancyjramirez@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-13-98 Your favorite Barney video: The Great Adventure Your favorite Barney song: Clean Up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J. Comments: I love you, Barney, B.J. and Baby Bop. I will watch you on tv every morning. Taylor Gholson - 06/04/00 18:19:39 My Email:starnbubba@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): September 27, 1999 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Comments: Seth Gholson - 06/04/00 18:17:10 My Email:starnbubba@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): February 11, 1994 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Other: Send Autographed Picture Comments: Courtney Gholson - 06/04/00 18:12:12 My Email:starnbubba@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): March 23, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Christmas Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: - 06/04/00 05:07:09 My URL: My Email:Thejumbo jetYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 28 June Your favorite Barney video: Suck Your favorite Barney song: My Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Dick Any suggestions for my page: Trash it Other: Go to hell Barney Comments: YOUR PAGE fucking SUCKS, barney sucks cock, and so does everyone who likes him. - 06/04/00 05:06:54 My URL: My Email:Thejumbo jetYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 28 June Your favorite Barney video: Suck Your favorite Barney song: My Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Dick Any suggestions for my page: Trash it Other: Go to hell Barney Comments: YOUR PAGE fucking SUCKS, barney sucks cock, and so does everyone who likes him. - 06/04/00 04:45:08 My URL: My Email:Thejumbo jetYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 28 June Your favorite Barney video: Suck Your favorite Barney song: My Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Dick Any suggestions for my page: Trash it Other: Go to hell Barney Comments: YOUR PAGE fucking SUCKS, barney sucks cock, and so does everyone who likes him. RACHEL WILBURN - 06/04/00 02:15:08 My URL:http://SHIMMERZ9012 @.AOL My Email:SHIMMERZ9012@ .AOLYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCT.4 1997 Your favorite Barney video: SING ALONGS Your favorite Barney song: IF YOUR HAPPY..... Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: KATHY Any suggestions for my page: NO Comments: I LOVE YOUR SHOW. IT`S THE BST SHOW EVER carrie - 06/04/00 02:06:25 My URL: My Email:hitower6Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/23/91 Your favorite Barney song: you are special Comments: Carlos Ramirez - 06/03/00 15:56:15 My Email:kwram@tutopia.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): november, 26 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: I love you Comments: I like you page too much, I live in Mexico and I see the Barney show here in Mexico every day, and I"ll loved if you can send me a pict of Barney for hold in my room. Thank you. Carlos Ramirez - 06/03/00 15:46:48 My Email:kwram@tutopia.comComments: SHERRY CONLEY - 06/02/00 22:06:35 My Email:BabyBopLvr@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 07-21-98 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: scooter Comments: i love your show and like to watch it all day long Francie Parker - 06/02/00 21:19:33 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8/25/98 Comments: Haley Wayt - 06/02/00 17:25:39 My Email:haleybeverly@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): October 9th Your favorite Barney video: Sing and dance Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Comments: - 06/02/00 02:59:24 Comments: Zachary - 06/02/00 01:01:42 My Email:bsbZ@aol.cmYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/13/97 Your favorite Barney song: I love you Comments: Annaleise - 06/02/00 00:52:37 My Email:LBladyluck7@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09-22-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in concert Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Michael Any suggestions for my page: More songs Comments: Thank you so much for having this on line. My Mom and I can now enjoy the computer together. Jordan Fonner - 06/02/00 00:27:06 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12-2-98 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: If all of the raindrops....... Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: anyone Comments: leah bellis - 06/01/00 23:12:08 My Email:bellis4@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03 30 97 Your favorite Barney video: twinkie Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: - 06/01/00 22:28:21 Comments: Daena - 06/01/00 22:01:11 My Email:d_casse99@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5th Oct Your favorite Barney video: Barney School Your favorite Barney song: Twinkle Little Star Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J. Comments: Daena and Daena's Mammy visited your Barney site. We think it's Great! Well Done. Matt Short - 06/01/00 16:23:21 My My Email:Short@Supernet.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/2/88 Your favorite Barney video: none Your favorite Barney song: none Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: none Any suggestions for my page: Get rid of it Comments: I just have one thing to say,Barney SUCKS! And so does your page!I just came here to get pictures of Barney to shoot at with my .22 Long Rifle. But none were sutable. I say this once again, Barney SUCKS! DESTINY VILLARREAL - 06/01/00 15:59:08 My URL:http://BARNEY AND FRIENDS My Email:RHONDAJOE518Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): AUGUEST 15 1998 Your favorite Barney video: ALL Your favorite Barney song: ALL Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: ALL Any suggestions for my page: YES I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR SINGING INSTEAD OF ALL MUSIC Comments: taylor francis - 06/01/00 14:38:22 My Email:rostaferian@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1/5/97 Your favorite Barney video: barney great adventure Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Comments: Haley - 06/01/00 02:46:44 My Email:Goodgirl0423@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04-23-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Adventures Your favorite Barney song: I love You Comments: I love Barney!!!!! - 06/01/00 01:58:02 Comments: - 05/31/00 23:52:08 Comments: michelle - 05/31/00 13:45:20 Comments: abraham leyva - 05/31/00 05:51:55 My Email:ylresp@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 6, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: learning to count Your favorite Barney song: i love you Any suggestions for my page: big hug Comments: i see you every morning a thru ou the day. i like when you sing and when you jump up and appear. abraham leyva - 05/31/00 05:48:46 Comments: Ethan Foutz - 05/31/00 00:28:00 My Email:thmsfoutz@AOL.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Oct 15 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Big Surprise Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Scooter Comments: ashley robinson - 05/30/00 23:52:45 My Email:ec110999@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): october 13 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's big adventure Your favorite Barney song: twinkle twinkle little star Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Comments: - 05/30/00 20:54:20 Comments: Hannah Belvin - 05/30/00 20:16:28 My Email:fb0114@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-10-96 Your favorite Barney video: Mother goose Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Hannah Any suggestions for my page: More music samples Comments: Tori - 05/30/00 18:21:06 My Email:Josiemgstr@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/14/95 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Live Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Lucy Comments: laura burris - 05/30/00 17:02:29 My Email:moodyite13@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6\1\90 Your favorite Barney video: my 1st barney movie Your favorite Barney song: i luv u Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: mike Any suggestions for my page: more songs Comments: i luv u barney! love laura kyle bhojwani - 05/30/00 13:59:57 My Email:ilovekyleYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): october 31, 1998 Your favorite Barney song: ilove you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everybody Any suggestions for my page: ilove your page Other: ilove you barney Comments: olivia - 05/30/00 01:15:30 Comments: George VanHoose - 05/29/00 20:45:35 My Email:cadetswirly@aol.comComments: John Doe - 05/29/00 20:35:03 My URL:FUCK YOU BARNEY My Email:thejumbojet@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): FUCK YOU BARNEY Your favorite Barney video: FUCK YOU BARNEY Your favorite Barney song: FUCK YOU BARNEY Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: FUCK YOU BARNEY Any suggestions for my page: FUCK YOU BARNEY Other: FUCK YOU BARNEY Comments: Barney can rot in hell for all I care. I couldn't give a shit less about what happns to that purple abomination. Barney can lick my nice, big cock, not that I would let him! FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY emily - 05/29/00 20:16:25 Comments: I LOVE YOU BAILEY - 05/29/00 19:01:42 My Email:JHEART28Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/14/98 Comments: - 05/29/00 17:58:59 Comments: Haley - 05/29/00 16:35:49 My Email:smithebh@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7-16-98 Your favorite Barney video: Be a Friend Your favorite Barney song: Knickerbocker Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Cathy Comments: Barney is my best friend! McKenzie - 05/29/00 14:34:59 My Email:Kenzjojo@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03/18/98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Christmas Your favorite Barney song: Clean Up Comments: CARLO ECHEVARRIA - 05/29/00 12:27:28 My Email:cess_echevarria@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): nov. 8,1997 Your favorite Barney video: barney in concert Your favorite Barney song: i love u Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Comments: VICTORIA NICOLE MARTINEZ - 05/29/00 05:50:58 My Email:SOTELOBAMBAM@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03/13/1998 Your favorite Barney video: SING AND DANCE WITH BARNEY Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: KIDS Comments: madison appleton - 05/28/00 23:51:07 My Email:maddy_38@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): feb 3 Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: babybop & bj Comments: well i'm madison mother and i would say she loves your show she's one and half and can't get enough of you and the gang she watchs every morning on channel 18 thANKS FOR MAKING A GREAT KIDS SHOW madison appleton - 05/28/00 23:48:08 Comments: Kayla - 05/28/00 23:19:38 My Email:TC41586@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): May 2nd Comments: tiffany - 05/28/00 13:30:41 My URL: My Email:bedbugger@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 05/22/96 Your favorite Barney video: barneys adventure bus Your favorite Barney song: imagination Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: kristen Any suggestions for my page: happy b-day on b-days Other: none Comments: i love barney kaitlin moore - 05/28/00 02:47:47 My Email:HorlbackJazzy@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): oct.15 Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Lisa Comments: Thanks Barney, keep up the good work, I love You! Katti - 05/28/00 01:22:00 My Email:jratpack@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-03-90 Your favorite Barney video: rainbow beard the pirate Your favorite Barney song: i love you, you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Any suggestions for my page: God needs to be a part of your life. Remember He loves you too. Comments: Dezmond Bryant - 05/27/00 23:44:32 My Email:Bryantc215@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): October 23 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's first video Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: The Squirrel Comments: kolby - 05/27/00 20:46:37 My Email:ksharpsmom@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02/12/2000 Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: mycaiah wood - 05/27/00 20:23:18 My Email:moochie7699Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02-23-99 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Comments: i love barney Annie Jay Blair - 05/27/00 18:58:19 My Email:physcomadonnaYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): May 12,1996 Your favorite Barney video: Live in New York Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tasha Comments: Annie Jay Blair - 05/27/00 18:56:44 My Email:physcomadonnaComments: Michele - 05/27/00 18:43:59 My Email:laashell@aolYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7-3 Your favorite Barney video: Love them all Your favorite Barney song: Love them all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Other: Nice job! Tell Barney I said Hi!!!!!! Comments: Marcus Smith - 05/27/00 14:35:42 My URL:http://CSith WHITEDOVE My Email:CSmithWHITEDOVE@AOLYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Jan 18 Your favorite Barney video: Making new friends Your favorite Barney song: The Barney Song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Derek Any suggestions for my page: Keep up the good work Comments: Jeffrey Sgambellone - 05/27/00 05:19:40 My Email:Playdough01@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01-24-99 Your favorite Barney video: mothergoose Your favorite Barney song: clap your hands Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: EMILY,BETTY,MATTHEW MCARTHUR (TRIPLETS) - 05/27/00 04:18:40 My Email:MCARTHURINSYNCYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-16-97 ALL THREE Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY'S GREAT ADVENTURE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU YOU LOVE ME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BABY BOP Comments: WE ALL LOVE YOU FOR ALL THE STUFF YOU TEACH US EVERYDAY.SEE YOU LATER..... Kimberly - 05/26/00 20:07:52 My URL:http://Barney & Friends My Email:AC/DCMYBANDYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Feb. 13 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Goes To School Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tina Any suggestions for my page: More Pictures Other: More Music Comments: I love Barney and Baby Bop and B.J. I learned how to share from Barney and his Friends. I am 4 years old and I love to watch Barney and friends. LIZ PONTE - 05/26/00 18:05:05 My Email:MOWLIZ1@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): DECEMBER 4TH 1967 Your favorite Barney video: ALL Your favorite Barney song: TWINKLE LITTLE STAR Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: LUCY AND TINA DEREK Any suggestions for my page: MORE OF BARNEY Other: NONE Comments: I WOULD LIKE A POSTER Ciera Sturmer - 05/26/00 03:29:25 My Email:ciesmommy@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5/20/98 Your favorite Barney video: not sure Your favorite Barney song: I love you, you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: not sure Comments: I am actually Ciera's mom she is only 2 years old. She loves this show very much. All she ever wants to watch is Barney. david stephenson - 05/25/00 22:08:38 My Email:david.stephenson@baesystems.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 26 may 1994 Your favorite Barney video: love them all Comments: barney is my best friend and hero Amanda McIntosh - 05/25/00 22:03:25 My Email:pamandtonyk@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): September 18, 1995 Your favorite Barney video: Barney/Camping Your favorite Barney song: Pat-a-cake Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Julie Comments: Matthew Trudel - 05/25/00 21:08:10 Comments: NAOMI - 05/25/00 17:34:00 My Email:BLACKSMYTH@MSN.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): APRIL 26 Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Comments: Loren Stone - 05/25/00 03:32:13 My Email:Viper4118@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4-1-98 Your favorite Barney video: The Great Adventure Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella the story lady Comments: Loren Stone - 05/25/00 03:31:52 My Email:Viper4118@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4-1-98 Your favorite Barney video: The Great Adventure Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella the story lady Comments: Dana - 05/25/00 03:03:07 My Email:CGSal49@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Sept. 27, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: Sing and Dance with Barney Your favorite Barney song: I Love You and You Are Special Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Minh Any suggestions for my page: My Mom suggest for you to put some samples of Barney video clips if possible. Comments: Javier Sena - 05/25/00 02:56:27 My Email:AdrianSena@compuserve.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 07-17-98 Your favorite Barney video: Imagination Island Your favorite Barney song: Elli the Elephant Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Keasha Any suggestions for my page: When you click on a page it gives you an error message Other: thank you for providing a great web page Comments: Anjelica Sharpe - 05/25/00 02:30:14 My Email:Sharperoyalseed@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): November 9, 1995 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Christmas Your favorite Barney song: Pop Goes the Wiesel Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: Alvin Sharpe II - 05/25/00 02:26:34 My Email:Sharperoyalseed@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 7, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Circus Your favorite Barney song: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J. Any suggestions for my page: more games Comments: Jaylen Bowden - 05/25/00 00:26:27 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/07/98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney at the circus Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: Jaylen Bowden - 05/25/00 00:25:13 Comments: TIANA - 05/25/00 00:13:09 My Email:MOMMAPUDDINYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/25/94 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY IN CONCERT Your favorite Barney song: OLD MCDONALD HAD A FARM Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: ALL OF THE KIDS Comments: BARNEY I JUST WANT TO SAY I LOVE YOU. I WOULD LIKE TO SEE YOU FOR REAL, I TRIED MY IMAGINATION AND IT DIDN'T WORK. braxton - 05/24/00 22:26:09 Comments: callie - 05/24/00 19:54:23 Comments: Jailey Carter - 05/24/00 17:39:02 My Email:Jcgrove112@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2-19-97 Your favorite Barney video: zoo Your favorite Barney song: standing out side with mouth open wide Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tina Any suggestions for my page: It's great Comments: justin williams - 05/24/00 04:54:03 My Email:awhite3200Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 9, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: barney songs Your favorite Barney song: mr. sun Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: n/a Any suggestions for my page: n/a Comments: justin williams - 05/24/00 04:51:57 My Email:awhite3200Comments: jesse - 05/24/00 04:34:06 My Email:wellingtoningmaria@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-04-96 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: steven Comments: - 05/24/00 03:32:35 Comments: Bubby - 05/24/00 03:07:13 My Email:babygsmiley@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5/29 Your favorite Barney video: Imagination Island Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella the storyteller Any suggestions for my page: games and activities Comments: Thanks. matthew reid - 05/24/00 00:24:02 My URL:http://matreid Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-1-95 Your favorite Barney video: barney live Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: mama Any suggestions for my page: sing Other: dance Comments: stasi - 05/23/00 22:55:29 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12-31-1996 Your favorite Barney video: mother goose Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: shawn Any suggestions for my page: more songs Comments: JAMIE - 05/23/00 16:51:38 My Email:JAYME376Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): JAN 20 1998 Your favorite Barney video: counting Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: i love watching barney and i am learning to count with barney raelyn boulter - 05/23/00 03:41:48 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): feb 27/98 Your favorite Barney video: barney on parade Your favorite Barney song: baby bop hop Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Any suggestions for my page: more interactive stuff Other: things that move Comments: Jesus Macias - 05/23/00 03:00:33 My Email:Precious2382 @ aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04--09-96 Your favorite Barney video: all the videos Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop and b.j Any suggestions for my page: it's all great Comments: I LOVE YOU AND I WATCH YOUR SHOW EVERY DAY. YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!! ZACHARY THOMAS - 05/23/00 02:37:03 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 05/04/1998 Your favorite Barney video: GOOD CLEAN FUN Your favorite Barney song: MS. MARY MACK Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: SCOOTER Comments: Kyle Cerretti - 05/23/00 01:41:55 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-19-98 Your favorite Barney video: Live in New York City Your favorite Barney song: Nicker Bocker Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Winkster Any suggestions for my page: play the theme song Comments: Tatum DeLey - 05/23/00 01:23:53 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-26-98 Your favorite Barney video: Adventure Bus Your favorite Barney song: Raindrops/Gumdrops Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Stella Comments: shannon michelle braessler - 05/22/00 23:09:10 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): december 19,1997 Your favorite Barney video: adventure bus Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: cathy Comments: kyle owen braessler - 05/22/00 23:07:04 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): october 19,1996 Your favorite Barney video: rock with barney Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: robert Comments: Cody Bozman - 05/22/00 21:51:27 My Email:tyler9993103@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02-08-99 Your favorite Barney video: barney in concert Your favorite Barney song: sally the camel Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: luci Comments: My son is 15 months old and loves your show. He is really learning alot from Barney. I love that it is a positive influence on young kids Lea - 05/22/00 20:49:23 My Email:missmommadrama@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): May 23 Your favorite Barney video: camping with barney Your favorite Barney song: Mr. knicker Bocker Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Any suggestions for my page: Great site! Comments: i LOVE THIS SITE! kEEP UP THE GOOR WORK! AND TELL BARNEY i SAID HI! :) Kainoa McDonald - 05/22/00 03:00:11 My Email:ptmcdonald@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 3/27/96 Your favorite Barney video: Back to school with Barney Your favorite Barney song: the weather song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Lucy Comments: Keola McDonald - 05/22/00 02:52:38 My Email:ptmcdonald@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/16/94 Your favorite Barney video: Rock with Barney Your favorite Barney song: Barney and the Backyard Gang Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Lucy Comments: Noelle Bowers - 05/22/00 01:18:33 My Email:bnnjb@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/25/98 Comments: alicia monique cisneros - 05/22/00 01:06:30 My Email:hunnypie36Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/09/98 Your favorite Barney video: all of the videos Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: story teller stella Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: how do i get tickets to barneys musical in sand diego. want front sets in 2001. jillian - 05/22/00 00:32:54 My Email:Averyjdavis@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4/14/96 Your favorite Barney video: waiting for santa Your favorite Barney song: abc Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tasha Comments: DANIEL MATOS - 05/21/00 23:09:06 My Email:DANIEL71276@CS.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7-12-98 Your favorite Barney video: THE WATCH Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: THE CHIPMUNK Any suggestions for my page: MORE COLORS Comments: I WANT TO BE IN BARNEY'S SHOW ONE DAY Kiana Alexis - 05/21/00 21:28:49 My Email:KevDenKia@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5/13/98 Your favorite Barney video: Sing and Dance with Barney Your favorite Barney song: Green Grass Grows All Around Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Scooter Comments: Whitney - 05/21/00 20:45:32 My Email:widdles86@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 23 86 Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: bj Comments: MICHAEL - 05/21/00 19:42:51 My URL:http://RUGRATBOY90 My Email:BARNEY.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): SEPTBER17 Your favorite Barney video: CAMPWANNA RANNAROND Your favorite Barney song: THEMESONG Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: TOSHA Any suggestions for my page: NO Comments: Miranda - 05/21/00 18:09:56 My Email:Barneyfan97@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/16/97 Your favorite Barney video: Barney and Me Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Any suggestions for my page: Barney animations Other: Balloons Comments: Please write and send me pictures!!! Thanks Hunter Shires - 05/21/00 17:04:16 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): sept4 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Sean Any suggestions for my page: Coloring Place Comments: derek and dylan - 05/21/00 16:41:14 My Email:boys r us 713Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 13 Your favorite Barney video: sing and dance with barney Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: scooter McNutty Comments: rachael and klarice - 05/21/00 16:21:42 My Email:onnico@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 07/7/94 12/28/98 Comments: michael ream, jr - 05/21/00 16:06:56 My Email:kmream@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 7, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: waiting for santa Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tina Comments: breanna kraft - 05/21/00 15:19:58 My Email:kra049@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7./02/97 Your favorite Barney video: barney in concert Your favorite Barney song: the barney song Comments: tyffanie ann berry - 05/21/00 15:19:03 My Email:dinksie@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 3,1998 Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: kevin Comments: vincent hall - 05/21/00 13:17:51 My Email:wch0527@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/20/97 Your favorite Barney video: sing and dance Comments: Adriana - 05/21/00 04:30:21 My Email:sunshine 654333Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/29/85 Your favorite Barney video: sing a long Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: I could like to see you on person with my cousin gabriel. katie kuhns - 05/21/00 04:10:01 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11\24\97 Your favorite Barney video: BARN YARD Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: THEM ALL Comments: MY LITTLE GIRL IS 2 AND SHE LOVES BARNEY & THEM ALL SO KEEP UP THE WORK. LOVE BBJPK jimboe higgins - 05/21/00 02:33:31 My Email:sssscc11@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): august 12 Your favorite Barney video: campsite Your favorite Barney song: i love you Any suggestions for my page: dont be anti christ Comments: why are you anti christ Seth - 05/21/00 00:09:28 My Email:www.sharleyandjesus@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6/20/97 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs video Your favorite Barney song: "I love you" Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Ms. Etta Comments: Devin Rawls - 05/20/00 22:50:23 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): June 14 Your favorite Barney video: D.R. Barney Your favorite Barney song: Boom-boom aint it great to be crazy Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: cathy Comments: I like the pictures on your page! Andrew Knapik - 05/20/00 22:32:07 My Email:Mack27@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 13 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in Concert Your favorite Barney song: "Me and My Teddy" Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: Alyssa Nicole Slicko - 05/20/00 21:24:11 My URL:http://www.barney and friends My Email:Angelgirl6011@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): January 27 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Puzzle Fun Your favorite Barney song: The Baby Bop song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Any suggestions for my page: no suggestions Other: Thanx Comments: I love you barney love Alyssa sammy jo werth - 05/20/00 21:05:52 My Email:cwerth7402@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/23/98 Your favorite Barney video: barney live! Your favorite Barney song: no more monkeys jumping on the bed! Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: kathy Any suggestions for my page: keep up the good work! Comments: we love barney at our house! jessica thomas - 05/20/00 20:38:44 My Email:thomass167@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): june,19 1995 Your favorite Barney video: barneys birthday Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: minn Comments: John - 05/20/00 20:35:26 My Email:Not giving awayYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): WHY SHOULD I TELL?? Your favorite Barney video: DON'T HAVE ONE Your favorite Barney song: I Hate You, You Hate Me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: None Any suggestions for my page: Take it down Other: Barney sucks Comments: BARNEY IS DEMENTED SO ARE YOU! YOU AND BARNEY SUCK DICK! BARNEY IS A BASTARD! abbie - 05/20/00 20:08:59 My URL: My Email:butterfly101597@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): October 15 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Great Adventure Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: katelyn Stander - 05/20/00 17:59:28 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6 /07/97 Your favorite Barney video: imagination island Your favorite Barney song: john,jacob......... Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: shawn Comments: i love you barney ALLI - 05/20/00 17:21:09 My Email:LILSANDWEL@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03-17-1998 Your favorite Barney video: IN NEW YORK Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: MOTHER GOOSE Any suggestions for my page: NO Comments: IM 2 YEARS OLD AND I LOVE BARNEY HAILIE AKERS - 05/20/00 16:30:38 My Email:HAIRDONANA@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): FEB.19,1999 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY SONGS Your favorite Barney song: LOOK THROUGH THE WINDOW Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BARNEY Comments: Anthony Archie jr. - 05/20/00 15:01:51 My Email:Tasha1690@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): January 6 1990 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Go's To School Your favorite Barney song: Clean Up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tasha Comments: i love barney its so cool you are the best! Alyssa Ondo - 05/20/00 00:19:21 My Email:Lilbuzz357@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/12/96 Your favorite Barney video: Barney's Great Adventure Your favorite Barney song: I Love You! Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mother Goose Comments: I have tons of Barney stuff. My mommy and daddy took me to see you live,Barney's Musical Castle in Rosemont,IL. It was a great show, I can't wait to go again. I love you :o) Angelica Peterson - 05/19/00 01:52:09 My Email:jellybeansmom1@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): March 11,1998 Your favorite Barney video: Nursery Rhymes Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mother Goose Comments: I love you Barney. I have some of your movies, plush toys and shoe with you on them. Emily Boyd - 05/19/00 01:36:27 My Email:emilymadison123@gateway.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-14-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: I Love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Cathy Comments: Imani Combs - 05/19/00 00:05:46 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): September 18, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: More Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Any suggestions for my page: More songs, pictures to color, and other people ,such as, B.J. and Baby Bop Other: No Comments: I am 19 months and I am already been made a fan of yours. I love you shows as well as your movies. And most of all,Barney, I LOVE YOU!!!!!! From: Imani Combs Imani Combs - 05/18/00 23:59:18 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): September 18, 1998 Comments: katie - 05/18/00 23:22:36 My Email:10/25/1998Your favorite Barney video: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: baby bop Any suggestions for my page: animate barnry Comments: Peyton Brewer - 05/18/00 21:11:06 My Email:Peytonbrewer@cs.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 26, 1998 Your favorite Barney song: I love you song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Comments: LAUREN CRISP - 05/18/00 19:42:59 My Email:FCRISPIII@AOL.COMComments: HEAVEN TALLEY - 05/18/00 19:31:59 Comments: savanna - 05/18/00 17:25:36 My Email:Farmrrose@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9/11/98 Your favorite Barney video: ANY Your favorite Barney song: any Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: any Comments: STEPHANIE BARRIOS - 05/18/00 02:57:55 My Email:ESOB@98Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12-13-1998 Your favorite Barney video: SING ALONG Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BARNEY Any suggestions for my page: NO Comments: I LOVE YOU BARNEY Samantha Y. Young - 05/18/00 01:52:43 My Email:degey@color-country.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): april 25 Your favorite Barney song: i love you, you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: the story telling lady Comments: Deborah Barnes - 05/18/00 01:46:34 My Email:amancok@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): july 29, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: sharing Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all the kids Any suggestions for my page: i want some pictures i can print to color Comments: Ethan Tomah - 05/17/00 13:32:08 My Email:jrt10173@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03/19/1999 Your favorite Barney video: More songs Your favorite Barney song: I love you Comments: ANASTASIA - 05/17/00 13:22:05 My Email:AMPJDF@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/31/96 Your favorite Barney video: MOTHER GOOSE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: SHAWN Any suggestions for my page: IT'S ALL A-OK Comments: Julia Bugler - 05/17/00 08:30:39 My Email:satsawc@iafrica.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 29 May 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Exercise Circus Your favorite Barney song: There is a wiggle in my toe Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tasha Comments: I love Barney soo much but I dont have cable so I have a few Videos which my mom plays for me. I just love to do the exercises like barney amd all his friends nicholas raunio - 05/17/00 03:57:00 My URL: My Email:beanhead29@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/24/91 Your favorite Barney video: when I grow up Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: michael Any suggestions for my page: add shockwave Comments: emma - 05/17/00 01:31:35 My Email:delaneycdel@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-29-97 Your favorite Barney video: sensational day Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: jason Any suggestions for my page: coloring pages to print Comments: we love barney - 05/17/00 00:55:24 Comments: NATALIA OCASIO - 05/17/00 00:19:07 My Email:YOLIIBER@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCTOBER 25 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY'S BIRTHDAY Your favorite Barney song: bARNEY IS A DINOSOUR Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: NICOLE Any suggestions for my page: pICTURES OF BARNEY'S FRIENDS Comments: I LOVE YOU AND I LIKE YOU AND I HAVE A TOY OF YOU. I HAVE THE MOVIE OF YOU AND I LIKE YOU. ERICA WOOTTEN - 05/16/00 23:26:09 My Email:DOLLYSPECIALD20Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/02/97 Your favorite Barney video: IT'S TIME FOR COUNTING Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: MICHEAL Any suggestions for my page: NONE Other: I LOVE BARNEY Comments: jayland mccall - 05/16/00 21:40:34 My Email:steph1002@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): june9,1998 Your favorite Barney video: ohbrotherohsister Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: jason Comments: hunter Owsley - 05/16/00 21:13:10 My Email:Lintroll@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-10-98 Your favorite Barney video: ABC Your favorite Barney song: If you happy and you know it Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Sawn Comments: I love you!!!!!!!!!! Nicole Sullivan - 05/16/00 17:51:14 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4/11/95 Your favorite Barney video: Great Advencher Your favorite Barney song: clean up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Comments: Adress-1104 hayes Nofolk NE,68701 - 05/16/00 13:38:42 Comments: essence - 05/16/00 04:34:32 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/20/97 Your favorite Barney video: sing and dance Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: KAITLYN STEFFICH - 05/16/00 02:26:53 My Email:CLSTEFFICH@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): JULY 24, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY'S GREAT ADVENTURE Your favorite Barney song: POP GOES THE WEASEL Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: HANNAH Comments: MY DAUGHTER LOVES BARNEY, SHE WATCHES BARNEY'S GREAT ADVENTURE ALL DAY LONG. SHE LOVES ALL THE SONGS. SHE IS OBSESSED AND SHE ISN'T EVEN 2 YET Chelsea - 05/16/00 02:05:18 My Email:ChelseaGran@AOL.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02-04-95 Your favorite Barney video: The Great Adventure Your favorite Barney song: Theme Song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Comments: Have you ever seen a goose with a wiggle in it's tail? I Love You Barney! We would love to see you in Kansas City Missouri sometime. Please come see us. KELLIE - 05/16/00 01:26:11 My URL:DON'T HAVE ONE My Email:DON'T HAVE ONEYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/2/98 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY'S CENCATIONAL DAY Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU, YOU LOVE ME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BABY BOP Any suggestions for my page: I THINK IT'S BARNEYREFEIC Other: DON'T REALLY HAVE ANY OTHER THINGS. Comments: I THINK YOUR TV SHOWS AND MOVIES ARE GREAT! I'D REALLY LIKE TO HAVE SOME MORE OF THEM! LOVE YOUR BEST FRIEND KELLI KELLIE - 05/16/00 01:23:52 My URL:DON'T HAVE ONE My Email:DON'T HAVE ONEYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/2/98 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY'S CENCATIONAL DAY Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU, YOU LOVE ME Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BABY BOP Any suggestions for my page: I THINK IT'S BARNEYREFEIC Other: DON'T REALLY HAVE ANY OTHER THINGS. Comments: I THINK YOUR TV SHOWS AND MOVIES ARE GREAT! I'D REALLY LIKE TO HAVE SOME MORE OF THEM! LOVE YOUR BEST FRIEND KELLI nicholas colon - 05/15/00 21:49:58 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-14-96 Your favorite Barney video: allf them Your favorite Barney song: all of them Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: all of them Comments: Melanie May Sollows - 05/15/00 19:07:51 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): March 29, 1996 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Movie Your favorite Barney song: I Love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: cody Any suggestions for my page: coloring pictures Comments: - 05/15/00 17:58:17 Comments: Adriana Duarte - 05/15/00 01:15:33 My Email:crazylanie@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): December 5, 2000 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: "I Love You" Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: everyone Comments: Michell - 05/15/00 00:45:10 My Email:nanbak5@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/01/98 Your favorite Barney song: "I love you" Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Mother Goose Comments: HEATHER - 05/14/00 23:33:49 Comments: Jacque - 05/14/00 17:15:39 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04\05 Comments: vanessa - 05/14/00 16:02:40 My URL: My Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/30/97 Comments: Mina - 05/14/00 13:06:32 My Email:kwanglai hot mail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): November 3 Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Chip Comments: Alyssa Baker - 05/14/00 04:44:27 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-22-98 Your favorite Barney video: barneys 1st. movie Your favorite Barney song: the elephant Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Hanna Comments: Taylor - 05/14/00 02:23:33 My Email:JygglyPuff4@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 27, 1995 Your favorite Barney video: Sing and Dance w/Barney Your favorite Barney song: my Teddy Bear Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Comments: Hunter Owsley - 05/14/00 01:22:58 My Email:10-10-98Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): ABC Your favorite Barney video: If you Happy and yoiu know it Your favorite Barney song: Shawn Comments: Cameron & Corey - 05/14/00 01:05:07 My Email:www.greentrees1@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1/6/96 & 11/9/97 Your favorite Barney video: campfire songs Your favorite Barney song: I Love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Comments: WE LOVE BARNEY MOVIES !!!!!!! - 05/13/00 23:03:36 My Email:srebrumm@merr.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 10, 1996 Your favorite Barney video: A Circus One Your favorite Barney song: I Love You(You Love Me) Comments: Hello. My sister came to a Barney website for me since I love BARNEY! Jessie R. - 05/13/00 22:42:49 My Email:Srubens89@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/08/94 Your favorite Barney video: ?colorful egg Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: mother goose Any suggestions for my page: could I hear, I love you song Other: song, I like to eat apples and banana'ss Comments: Barney is very nice and fun. I love watching you on tv. your my best character. from, Jessie duane - 05/13/00 21:25:55 My Email:SimonMomsommersYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): december Your favorite Barney video: halloween Your favorite Barney song: days song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: the kids Any suggestions for my page: nope Comments: i love barney - 05/13/00 19:58:46 Comments: KALIN B. - 05/13/00 18:26:56 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCTOBER 22, 1996 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY SONGS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: KIM Comments: Austin Davis - 05/13/00 14:11:32 My Email:muffin7058@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 6/19/87 Your favorite Barney video: Nursery Rhymes Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Jason Comments: Haleigh Harmon - 05/13/00 14:09:43 My Email:crazycooker@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/23/87 Your favorite Barney video: Manners Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Jason Comments: lady - 05/13/00 07:07:52 My Email:Ladyelle21@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12/30/98 Your favorite Barney video: barney sing and dance Comments: 16 month old daughter loves it justina - 05/13/00 03:51:56 My Email:scottyray@oh.freei.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): may 26, 1996 Comments: i really love all the songs and videos. my favorite person is baby bop. KEYSHA KELLY - 05/13/00 00:55:10 My Email:KELLY40906@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-23-1998 Your favorite Barney video: SING WITH BARNEY Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: ALL THE KIDS Any suggestions for my page: HAVE BARNEY SINGING Comments: HI MY NAME IS KEYSHA AND I LOVE BARNEY WHICH SHE IS ONLY 17 MONTHS OLD AND SHE LOVES BARNEY SHE CALLS HIM BAREY BECAUSE SHE CAN NOT SAY BARNEY EVER TIME SHE SEES BARNEY SHE SCREAMS WITH EXCITEMENT KEEP UP THE SHOWS BARNEY HAS BEEN A BIG PART OF BOTH OF Y DAUGHTERS LIFE WITHOUT BARNEY WE COULD NOT HAVE GOT A LOT OF THINGS DONE BECAUSE HE WAS JUST LIKE A BABYSITTER FOR ME SO THANKS PAULA Hunter Owsley - 05/13/00 00:23:03 My Email:Lintroll.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10-10-98 Your favorite Barney video: ABC Your favorite Barney song: If you Happy and You Know it Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Any suggestions for my page: more songs Other: I love you Comments: allison carubba - 05/12/00 23:49:14 My Email:c2carubba@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06/15/98 Your favorite Barney video: camp wannarunaround Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: booker t bookworm Comments: angel nebre - 05/12/00 20:48:24 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): november 13 1987 Your favorite Barney video: great adventure Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Any suggestions for my page: music video Other: duet w/emienm Comments: i watch your show everyday i love you love angel nebre Loren Fox - 05/12/00 18:53:33 My Email:FOXMDVL594@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03/26/99 Your favorite Barney video: any one my big sister is watching Your favorite Barney song: Mr. Sun Comments: - 05/12/00 15:45:56 Comments: Ashley Ann Franke - 05/12/00 03:20:59 My Email:Lil Red4693@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04/06/93 Your favorite Barney song: Clean Up/The Family song Comments: BRIANNA - 05/12/00 02:04:40 My Email:RJA302@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-15-98 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY IN CONCERT Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: TINA Comments: Quotenia D. Lewis& MaKayla D. Lewis - 05/12/00 01:38:19 My Email:www.towanno_lewis@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Quotenia 8/14/97 MaKayla 1/20/00 Your favorite Barney video: barney manners Your favorite Barney song: barney's theme song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tina Any suggestions for my page: play the I Love You Song?? thank you Comments: I think that you are a great role model for the children!! So keep up the good work!!!! Kayla prosser - 05/12/00 01:31:11 My Email:tweetyt900@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Feb.9th Your favorite Barney video: great atventures Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: - 05/11/00 17:57:57 Comments: alexa mead - 05/11/00 15:27:53 My Email:kmead001@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 1-3-97 Your favorite Barney video: bus one Your favorite Barney song: i love you Comments: Andrew Hunsberger - 05/11/00 13:06:03 My Email:hunsberger@centurytel.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): May 21, 1997 Your favorite Barney song: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Elmo Comments: Robert Ashford - 05/11/00 05:49:10 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06/06/93 Your favorite Barney video: Cowboy Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J. Any suggestions for my page: No Comments: Barney is a great friend to have. Robert KAYLIN BROOKE EDWARDS - 05/11/00 00:09:02 My Email:LSKEDWARDSYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/23/97 Your favorite Barney video: TALENT SHOW Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: THE KIDS Comments: I LOVE YOU BARNEY. TYRANNI MATHEWS - 05/10/00 23:23:34 My Email:TINYCM23Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): APRIL 12,1996 Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BABY BOP Comments: Lauren May Piotrowski - 05/10/00 22:50:48 My Email:UddComments: brian.,iy7u - 05/10/00 14:10:21 Comments: Nathan - 05/10/00 04:21:40 My Email:RTC!KAT@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): May 12, 1997 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Christmas Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: Me and my mom really like Barney, so do my brothers and sister even though they won't admit it. CARLI BAKER - 05/10/00 03:58:39 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/26/98 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY LIVE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Comments: CARLI BAKER - 05/10/00 03:57:54 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/26/98 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY LIVE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Comments: devan - 05/10/00 02:34:41 My Email:tralvsric@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 8-8-97 Your favorite Barney video: bedtime w/ barney Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: min Comments: Jacob Ovak - 05/10/00 00:53:28 My Email:kamieo@gte.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/17/93 Your favorite Barney video: camping Your favorite Barney song: Ilove You Comments: gabriel rendon - 05/10/00 00:50:04 My Email:omeg26@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02-21-98 Your favorite Barney video: a,b,c Your favorite Barney song: on the run Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Comments: i love barney Danny - 05/09/00 22:37:05 My Email:dkane180@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 9/21/95 Your favorite Barney video: Live In New York City Your favorite Barney song: I love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Robert Comments: Karina Alejandra - 05/09/00 20:01:19 My Email:yuyita99@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04-05-99 Your favorite Barney video: I love you Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: B.J. Comments: Nice to visit you Barney !!! Sam Murr - 05/08/00 20:43:10 My Email:aeaglegrl00@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04/28 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in Concert Your favorite Barney song: I love you, you love me we're a happy family. Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Everybody Any suggestions for my page: it is Cute Comments: I love Barney he is my favorite Dinosaur. I watch him before i go to bed and when i Want to Watch barney. I watch him all the time. i love him Lydia and Chelsea - 05/08/00 17:05:35 My Email:aholderfield@gateway.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 08/26 and 07/07 Your favorite Barney video: christmas with barney Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tina Any suggestions for my page: it's great Comments: Autumn Yinger - 05/08/00 15:46:59 My Email:yingthing04331@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 12-16-97 Your favorite Barney video: Sing and Dance Your favorite Barney song: I Love you Comments: pauly - 05/08/00 13:30:57 My Email:ker1031Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): feb 4 19998 Your favorite Barney video: rhyme time with barney Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: sEAN Any suggestions for my page: WE LOVEIT!!!!!!!!! Comments: WE LOVE BARNEY SO MUCH WE WOULD LIKE HIM TO SLEEP OVER OUR HOUSE LOVE PAULY! tabatha shiflett - 05/08/00 01:23:57 My Email:bigamam7@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): june 5, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: i am counting Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tommy Any suggestions for my page: it was really neat Comments: Katie Horne - 05/08/00 00:47:46 My Email:LadyMac574@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7-2-98 Your favorite Barney video: Lets play school Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: ?? Comments: Edison Carraman - 05/07/00 22:16:08 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 25,1998 Your favorite Barney video: All around The World With Stella Your favorite Barney song: All Comments: Huda rehman - 05/07/00 20:56:28 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): 05-30-95 Your favorite Barney video: barney's birthday Your favorite Barney song: I love u,u love me we are happy famiy Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: tina and sister Any suggestions for my page: good job Other: col Comments: I love to see that barney.and i watch barney everyday. and i have a question for barney.can i ask u .....i guess yeah .... Are u real barney ???? please answer me back ....... thank you so much ... i really like ur web page. Amy Martinez - 05/07/00 01:11:49 My Email:chrmjoseph@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 09/08/94 Your favorite Barney video: Halloween Party Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: Nicolette - 05/06/00 20:37:58 My Email:www.MOMMY401@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): November,29 1997 Your favorite Barney video: Barney in concert Your favorite Barney song: Me and my teddy Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tina Comments: - 05/06/00 18:30:26 Comments: Bryan Lam Hong Kai - 05/06/00 15:37:42 My Birthday (so I can send you a card): 14 January 1999 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Musical ScrapBook Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Min Any suggestions for my page: Nil Other: Nil Comments: Hope to have a Live Concert in SINGAPORE. delaney - 05/06/00 12:55:44 My Email:pennjustinYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): nov.10 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: back yard gang Any suggestions for my page: keep up the good work Comments: thomas traevon hayes - 05/06/00 12:27:40 My Email:tammi2hayes@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): october 16,1998 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: theme song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: loves barney! Comments: my nickname is trae, and i love barney!! ERICA PAGE - 05/05/00 13:21:06 My Email:PAGETEPMAN @AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): JULY 28 1998 Your favorite Barney video: ALL OF THEM Your favorite Barney song: THEME SONG Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BROTHERS Comments: I LOVE YOU BARNEY Brianna S. Jones - 05/05/00 00:17:54 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): April 3, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Let's play school Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tasha Any suggestions for my page: Have Barney & the Gang perform a song & dance when you click on the page. Comments: I'm 2 years old and Love Barney. I Love to hop with Baby Bop. Can I be on your show? jacob brown - 05/04/00 00:42:03 My Email:michele 8898@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): march 6 Your favorite Barney video: sing & dance with Barney Your favorite Barney song: on our way to grandpas farm Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: hannah Any suggestions for my page: none Comments: I love Barney!! All the songs I know by heart! I am only 2 so my mom is sending this fo me!! Crystal - 05/03/00 14:04:06 My Email:Bongobabe3@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 20,2000 Your favorite Barney video: Barneys Adverture Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Babybop Any suggestions for my page: nope u are kewl Other: I love you barney Comments: This is going to sound a little crazy but im a 17 year girl and im in love with barney i dont miss a barney show or movie i love barney Macey Wiebe - 05/03/00 02:20:21 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): July 98 Your favorite Barney video: All of them! Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Tosha Comments: Crystal - 05/03/00 00:08:40 My Email:I Love BarneyYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Agust 26, Your favorite Barney video: Anyone Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Robert Any suggestions for my page: I watch Barney Other: Love Crystal Comments: Dear Barney i'm 13 years old and i still watch you on tv right after school Love Crystal Georgi & Teresa Sutton - 05/02/00 21:56:37 My Email:jadahoo95@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06-14-97 Your favorite Barney video: Sing Along with Barney Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Robert Any suggestions for my page: It is a cool page Barney Comments: We love you Barney. Please send us a nice birthday card. We are twins who like to watch your show every morning in PBS. Thank you Barney and remember We love you. P.S. Please send us a Barney poster.Sorry, I wrote 06-14-00 as our birthday. Our birthday was 06-14-97, OK? Georgi & Teresa Sutton - 05/02/00 21:55:05 My Email:jadahoo95@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06-14-00 Your favorite Barney video: Sing Along with Barney Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Robert Any suggestions for my page: It is a cool page Barney Comments: We love you Barney. Please send us a nice birthday card. We are twins who like to watch your show every morning in PBS. Thank you Barney and remember We love you. P.S. Please send us a Barney poster. Georgi & Teresa Sutton - 05/02/00 21:48:09 Comments: Audrey Armstrong - 05/02/00 20:43:08 My Email:TXBASSMAN2@AOL.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): April 8 Your favorite Barney video: The Barney Movie Your favorite Barney song: I Like To Eat, Eat, Eat... Comments: rossano - 05/01/00 05:47:39 My Email:sassychick165757@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): jan 5,1998 Your favorite Barney video: chrstmas Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: bj Any suggestions for my page: add activities Comments: Lizzie Waeltz - 04/30/00 22:30:49 My Email:msdaisy51@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): August 13th 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: Here kitty kitty. Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Michael Any suggestions for my page: I like it, and i like the music. Other: keep it comming Comments: Dear Barney. I like Barney, because he teaches me to sing, and to play fair, and to use my imagination. and i really like Baby Bop. Thank you Barney. Love Elizabeth (Lizzie) Waeltz emily - 04/30/00 22:19:21 My Email:msedward@warwick.netYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01/28/99 Your favorite Barney video: songs & dance Your favorite Barney song: stomp your feet Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: micheal Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: I LOVE BARNEY Tyler Zdrowski - 04/30/00 21:12:13 My Email:www.zdrowski@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03-28-98 Your favorite Barney video: barney,s campfire sing along Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Franklin Any suggestions for my page: more antimation Comments: I love to watch Barney , please send any messages or items on Barney thanx alot.... love Tyler Siara COnnella - 04/30/00 19:41:39 My Email:rcconjnella@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 04/16/96 Your favorite Barney video: all of them Your favorite Barney song: clean up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby Bop Comments: Siara COnnella - 04/30/00 19:40:38 Comments: Siara COnnella - 04/30/00 19:40:25 Comments: brendan - 04/30/00 05:13:24 My Email:sgangrel@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 23 of febuary Your favorite Barney video: barneys night before christmas Your favorite Barney song: I like all of them Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Any suggestions for my page: no Comments: i reckon your show is the best show in the world DYLAN - 04/30/00 02:00:52 My Email:KMA1447@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 2/12/98 Your favorite Barney video: CHRISTMAS Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Comments: I LOVE BARNEY!!!!!!!!!!!! - 04/30/00 00:30:32 Comments: Someone - 04/29/00 22:33:13 Your favorite Barney video: Don't remember Your favorite Barney song: don't have one Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: don't have one Comments: Hey I used to like barney when I was a little girl but hey, that was before. Now I think that Barney is Gay!!!!!!! he sucks and he only likes to harrass little kids on his show!!! Ashlyn - 04/29/00 22:22:52 My Email:huffkidzYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): November 7 Your favorite Barney video: Lets Pretend with Barney Your favorite Barney song: i love you you love me Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Baby bop Any suggestions for my page: i think your young Other: ilove you Comments: i love you barney because you teach me stuff like songs and most of you tought me not to litter or cross the road with out looking. Jarmaine Tinsley - 04/29/00 22:10:11 My Email:Crunchball1Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): Feb. 25 Your favorite Barney video: everyone Your favorite Barney song: I love You! Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Comments: Jarmaine's Barney Arron James Hyman - 04/29/00 19:58:54 My Email:Amber SissYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Dec.27,97 Your favorite Barney video: Great Avanture Your favorite Barney song: I love You Comments: Christina Richardson - 04/29/00 18:50:25 My Email:Silverpooh13@Aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 5-8-98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney & the back yard gang Your favorite Barney song: Down by the Bay Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Comments: I really love your show & movies - 04/29/00 16:29:46 Comments: kaitlyn - 04/29/00 14:58:09 Comments: Joseph Messer - 04/29/00 13:55:38 My Email:Amber SissYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): Jan.10,2000 Your favorite Barney video: Bareny's rhyme and time Your favorite Barney song: clean up Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: don't know Comments: Ilove Bareny Keiziya - 04/29/00 01:54:09 My Email:Klm710@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 10/22/98 Your favorite Barney video: Barney Songs Your favorite Barney song: Barney Theme Song Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney!!! Any suggestions for my page: no Other: no Comments: I love barney! I have all his movies. Jenna - 04/29/00 01:36:36 My Email:msdonnaperry@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 03-18-98 Your favorite Barney song: I love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Barney Comments: chelsey bryant - 04/29/00 00:56:23 My Email:ronandrenh@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): march 9,1992 Your favorite Barney video: mother goose Your favorite Barney song: baba black sheep Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: mother goose Comments: Brandy Wommack - 04/29/00 00:53:12 My Email:JamesTeresatjhb@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11-13-97 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: I Love You Comments: ALEXIS - 04/28/00 22:00:55 My Email:SAMMY0875@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): MAY 29, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEYS GREAT ADVENTURE Your favorite Barney song: RAINDROPS GUMDROPS ? Comments: mikaela - 04/28/00 22:00:00 My Email:mai_pikachu@hotmail.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 4/14/1996 Your favori Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: Kathy Any suggestions for my page: no Other: I love Barney!!!!!!! Comments: - 02/13/00 00:26:41 Comments: Sandra Hanna - 02/12/00 18:35:37 My Email:g.hanna@sympatico.caYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02/23/1998 Your favorite Barney video: all Your favorite Barney song: all Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: n/a Any suggestions for my page: beatiful page Comments: it is a great page, our daughter really likes it, you did a great job. Sandra's parents Addison Dunham - 02/12/00 11:37:10 My Email:DEEMnNMBSC@AOLYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01/04/98 Your favorite Barney video: CAMP WANNARUNARUOND Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: HANNAH Comments: Hermione and Melissa - 02/11/00 20:39:49 My Email:infocell@btinternet.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 01/24/1998 Your favorite Barney video: Song Time Your favorite Barney song: Pat a Cake Comments: Greetings from England! Great Page, my twin daughters loved it. Kayla Renee Safford - 02/11/00 01:29:14 My Email:Jenn225679@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 02-21-97 Your favorite Barney video: Barney songs Your favorite Barney song: Clean up Comments: frankie barbone - 02/10/00 11:29:55 My Email:DBarbone@webtv.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7/1//97 Your favorite Barney video: adventure bus Your favorite Barney song: jingle joe Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: hannah Comments: Lindsey - 02/10/00 02:25:20 My Email:mfraley@calpha.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): April 2, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: Sing-A-Long Your favorite Barney song: If Lemon Drops Were Gum Drops... Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: BJ Comments: brittany - 02/09/00 19:58:20 Comments: kaila - 02/09/00 01:44:20 My Email:hopeless76@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 06-15-98 Your favorite Barney video: barney and friends Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: barney Comments: my daughter really enjoyed it...thanks PEYTON L. - 09/21/99 23:44:01 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): MAY 5, 1998 Your favorite Barney video: GOOD CLEAN FUN Your favorite Barney song: IF ALL THE RAIN DROPS WERE LEMON DROPS.... Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: MS ETTA Any suggestions for my page: PICK AND CHOOSE SONGS Comments: WE LOVE YOU BARNEY THANKYOU FOR PROVIDING LEARNING ENTERTAINMENT Ethan - 03/31/99 18:21:40 My Email:Juluh@aol.comYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): December 16 Your favorite Barney video: All of them Your favorite Barney song: Sea Medley Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: I like all of the kids Comments: I like your page cousin Kara. Thanks for making it! Andy - 03/25/99 23:07:37 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): October Your favorite Barney video: Barney Live! In New York City! and Barney In Concert Your favorite Barney song: all of them
Comments: Please call me at 591-4473
Comments: i love barney and his friends.
Comments: paula rodrigzuez - 07/18/00 02:01:32 My Email:soledad987Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): 7-26-98 Your favorite Barney video: mother goose rhymes Your favorite Barney song: i love you Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: hanna mrs etta
Comments: we love barney
Comments: i love to watch barney all day
Comments: HE IS SO SWEET
Comments: Breanna is my little sister so i am doing this for her~
Comments: please email me some thing
Comments: i am a big fan of barney
Comments: I love Barney. People say I'm a baby but i don't care what they said because of what Barney said on the show!
Comments: I am doing this page for my niece
Comments: We love you barney!!!!
Comments: I Like You Very Much. Christopher
Comments:We love you, barney Love, Christian cody castlen - 07/14/00 00:49:30
Comments: I love you Barney! Barney I saw your concert when it was B.J.'s birthday. I had a good time. You are my best friend Barney. Love, Allison Kuhn
I would like to invite you to come visit us at Net Buddies, a place where friends from all over the world can share and grow,but the children come first.We are completely against child pornography,please help us protect our children.
These roses are a gift for your page (if ya wanna put em there lol).
Comments:< ALICIA MAYLE - 07/12/00 00:14:38 My Email:TWO4K4@AOL.COMYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): OCT 24,1997 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEYS GREAT ADVENTURE Your favorite Barney song: I LOVE YOU Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: MARRISSA
Comments: Great Barney page! My 2 year old adores Barney and she loves to hearind Barney tapes,video, ect but clothes are hard to find. Thank you.
Comments: i think barney is a good show for kids to watch
Comments: I love watching Barney, I watch him Everyday.
Comments: I hope Jissell can recieve a free barney tape cause she lost hers and cant find it no more. Her mom is to busie right now, but for now she loves your page.
Comments: NONE
Comments: n,d ggb ut sjn d Translated from baby to grownup "Could you send me some cool stuff, My b-days coming and I hope Barney could be there." Love Devin.
Comments: Thank you so much for your web page it was great!!
Comments: I really like barney
Comments: I LOVE BARNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comments: Barbey ur the best!!!!!
Comments: My daughter loves Barney every morning she lays in front of the tv and watches an episode. She is not even 1 yet.
XAVIER MCALLISTER - 07/05/00 01:32:08 My Email:TJHALNAZZ@AOLYour Birthday (so I can send you a card): 11/29/94 Your favorite Barney video: BARNEY GREAT ADVENTURE Your favorite Barney song: BARNEY'S GETTING IN THE WATER Your favorite person on Barney besides Barney, Baby Bop, and B.J.: TASHA Any suggestions for my page: ACCEPT PICTURES FROM YOUR FANS TO DISPLAY
Comments: Barney I Love you.
Comments: i really like barney i have liked him from the time i was 6 months old. all my tapes are so old half of them wont even play anymore without all these lines through them. i need to get some new ones but i like the ones i have thank you for making these mov es
Comments: Our family loves your shows. Your videos are laid out so nice that we can learn something new Sincerely, Nichole Madison (Trentons Mother)
Comments: Ryan loves to si
Comments: i really love this web site... i think you have a great site for kids. barney, your the best...
Comments: put more games and barney should talk
Comments: my best wishes for your hard work
Comments: i love the barney show it is so fun to watch and it keeps me satisfied i like it because it is a great show for kids and its very fun and learning.
Comments: Your cool!
Comments: My daughter watches your movies all the time...she learns so much from your shows!! Thank you so much Barney!!!!
Comments: your a cute dino BARNEY
Comments: your a cut dino
Comments: We love the music!
Comments: Lisa is almost 2 and she loves you Barney..Her brother Paul is now 11 and had joined the Barney Fan Club when he was little...We all love Barney.
Comments: barney you are my star i sleep with you every night i love you too.
Comments: i love your show barney!! it teaches me how to share and how to use my imagination! thank you!
Comments: I Love Barney!!
Comments: Please e-mail me. I am just learning how to use the computer and I would love it if I could receive e-mails from you so I can learn how to receive and send them. Thank you.
Comments: I LOVe BARNEY!!
Comments: Your page is great and I love it!
Comments: Great page. My children loved it.
Comments: i love Barney..........
Comments: I love you barney. I am 8 years old and have autism and you are the greatest.
Comments: We saw the show Barney's magical castle in chicago il. do you have any more shows coming to chicago? my daughter loves barney we even went to universal studios in florida to see him.
Comments: Please send me a cute b' day card Austin Davis 15146 Green Circle Northport, Al 35476
Comments: I entered this for my two yr. daughter. she loves Barney and all of his shows. Not to mention Barney has taught her a lot. Thank you for making a site so now my daughter can see him when ever she wants
Comments: please send me any free offer.
Comments: i love to watch you sing and dance.i like the games you play to. i join in have helped me to learn to count and learn my colors and i am only 4 please e-mail me
Comments: i love barney i watch it everyday
Comments: Kayla grew up on Barney and so did her older cousin Mike
Comments: I love Barney! He is my favorite friend, ever since I started watching t.v.. I went to see him live. It was the best ever! Hope he comes back to my town soon.
Comments: I love Barney! He is my favorite friend, ever since I started watching television. I went to his live show. It was the best ever!!! Hope it comes back to my town again.
Comments: You are my favorite B.J. I love you and i want to meet you I want you to write me back so I can talk to you and tell you the movie I watched of you that day
Comments: We love you Barney!!$$%^^**** From all the children at Nellie James Daycare in Greensboro, North Carolina
Comments: THis is a great site! My son Jason is almost 2 and he loved it! Thanks for providing a site for kids!
Comments: Barney my daughter loves your videos. She think's Barney is everything to her. She wanted to tell you hi and she loves you.
Comments: i love you barney.
Comments: She really is crazy about Barney. She sleeps with the barney pellow everynight
Comments: Tres love Barney . He has different names for each video. Thank-you Barney for keeping imagination alive .
Comments: I love Barney and watch it everyday. Then I go ride my bike. I pretend like you Barney in homeliving center at school. I love you Barney. Love, Madeline
Comments: more music and video clips
Comments: Chris loves the music on this page I think it's a nice touch!
Comments: Barney is the coolest dinosaur ever
Comments: none
Comments: I Love you Barney!!!!
Comments: i love your show
Comments: I love you Barney!! And i want to say i love BJ and Baby Bop too!!! I have a ton of your movies and I love to sing with you!!!
Comments: I love Barney! He is so cool! I wish I could be one of the kids on his show!
Comments: I love you barney
Comments: I just love barney
Comments: I Love You Barney
Comments: I love you, Barney, B.J. and Baby Bop. I will watch you on tv every morning.
Comments: YOUR PAGE fucking SUCKS, barney sucks cock, and so does everyone who likes him.
Comments: I like you page too much, I live in Mexico and I see the Barney show here in Mexico every day, and I"ll loved if you can send me a pict of Barney for hold in my room. Thank you.
Comments: i love your show and like to watch it all day long
Comments: Thank you so much for having this on line. My Mom and I can now enjoy the computer together.
Comments: Daena and Daena's Mammy visited your Barney site. We think it's Great! Well Done.
Comments: I just have one thing to say,Barney SUCKS! And so does your page!I just came here to get pictures of Barney to shoot at with my .22 Long Rifle. But none were sutable. I say this once again, Barney SUCKS!
Comments: I love Barney!!!!!
Comments: i see you every morning a thru ou the day. i like when you sing and when you jump up and appear.
Comments: i luv u barney! love laura
Comments: Barney can rot in hell for all I care. I couldn't give a shit less about what happns to that purple abomination. Barney can lick my nice, big cock, not that I would let him! FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY FUCK YOU BARNEY
Comments: Barney is my best friend!
Comments: well i'm madison mother and i would say she loves your show she's one and half and can't get enough of you and the gang she watchs every morning on channel 18 thANKS FOR MAKING A GREAT KIDS SHOW
Comments: Thanks Barney, keep up the good work, I love You!
Comments: I love Barney and Baby Bop and B.J. I learned how to share from Barney and his Friends. I am 4 years old and I love to watch Barney and friends.
Comments: I am actually Ciera's mom she is only 2 years old. She loves this show very much. All she ever wants to watch is Barney.
Comments: barney is my best friend and hero
Comments: Thanks.
Comments: i love watching barney and i am learning to count with barney
Comments: My son is 15 months old and loves your show. He is really learning alot from Barney. I love that it is a positive influence on young kids
Comments: how do i get tickets to barneys musical in sand diego. want front sets in 2001.
Comments: Please write and send me pictures!!! Thanks
Comments: I could like to see you on person with my cousin gabriel.
Comments: why are you anti christ
Comments: I like the pictures on your page!
Comments: I love you barney love Alyssa
Comments: we love barney at our house!
Comments: i love barney its so cool you are the best!
Comments: I have tons of Barney stuff. My mommy and daddy took me to see you live,Barney's Musical Castle in Rosemont,IL. It was a great show, I can't wait to go again. I love you :o)
Comments: I love you Barney. I have some of your movies, plush toys and shoe with you on them.
Comments: I am 19 months and I am already been made a fan of yours. I love you shows as well as your movies. And most of all,Barney, I LOVE YOU!!!!!! From: Imani Combs
Comments: I love Barney soo much but I dont have cable so I have a few Videos which my mom plays for me. I just love to do the exercises like barney amd all his friends
Comments: I love you!!!!!!!!!!
Comments: Adress-1104 hayes Nofolk NE,68701
Comments: Have you ever seen a goose with a wiggle in it's tail? I Love You Barney! We would love to see you in Kansas City Missouri sometime. Please come see us.
Comments: WE LOVE BARNEY MOVIES !!!!!!!
Comments: Hello. My sister came to a Barney website for me since I love BARNEY!
Comments: Barney is very nice and fun. I love watching you on tv. your my best character. from, Jessie
Comments: 16 month old daughter loves it
Comments: i really love all the songs and videos. my favorite person is baby bop.
Comments: i watch your show everyday i love you love angel nebre
Comments: I think that you are a great role model for the children!! So keep up the good work!!!!
Comments: Barney is a great friend to have. Robert
Comments: Me and my mom really like Barney, so do my brothers and sister even though they won't admit it.
Comments: Nice to visit you Barney !!!
Comments: I love Barney he is my favorite Dinosaur. I watch him before i go to bed and when i Want to Watch barney. I watch him all the time. i love him
Comments: I love to see that barney.and i watch barney everyday. and i have a question for barney.can i ask u .....i guess yeah .... Are u real barney ???? please answer me back ....... thank you so much ... i really like ur web page.
Comments: Hope to have a Live Concert in SINGAPORE.
Comments: my nickname is trae, and i love barney!!
Comments: I'm 2 years old and Love Barney. I Love to hop with Baby Bop. Can I be on your show?
Comments: I love Barney!! All the songs I know by heart! I am only 2 so my mom is sending this fo me!!
Comments: This is going to sound a little crazy but im a 17 year girl and im in love with barney i dont miss a barney show or movie i love barney
Comments: Dear Barney i'm 13 years old and i still watch you on tv right after school Love Crystal
Comments: We love you Barney. Please send us a nice birthday card. We are twins who like to watch your show every morning in PBS. Thank you Barney and remember We love you. P.S. Please send us a Barney poster.Sorry, I wrote 06-14-00 as our birthday. Our birthday was 06-14-97, OK?
Comments: We love you Barney. Please send us a nice birthday card. We are twins who like to watch your show every morning in PBS. Thank you Barney and remember We love you. P.S. Please send us a Barney poster.
Comments: Dear Barney. I like Barney, because he teaches me to sing, and to play fair, and to use my imagination. and i really like Baby Bop. Thank you Barney. Love Elizabeth (Lizzie) Waeltz
Comments: I love to watch Barney , please send any messages or items on Barney thanx alot.... love Tyler
Comments: i reckon your show is the best show in the world
Comments: I LOVE BARNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Comments: Hey I used to like barney when I was a little girl but hey, that was before. Now I think that Barney is Gay!!!!!!! he sucks and he only likes to harrass little kids on his show!!!
Comments: i love you barney because you teach me stuff like songs and most of you tought me not to litter or cross the road with out looking.
Comments: Jarmaine's Barney
Comments: I really love your show & movies
Comments: Ilove Bareny
Comments: I love barney! I have all his movies.
Comments: it is a great page, our daughter really likes it, you did a great job. Sandra's parents
Comments: Greetings from England! Great Page, my twin daughters loved it.
Comments: my daughter really enjoyed it...thanks
Comments: I like your page cousin Kara. Thanks for making it! Andy - 03/25/99 23:07:37 Your Birthday (so I can send you a card): October Your favorite Barney video: Barney Live! In New York City! and Barney In Concert Your favorite Barney song: all of them