
Alright, I know I know..

butterflies? clouds? so what! I was feeling girly.

O.k. for those of you who do not know me, I'm Jessica Storms. Call me Jess, Jessie, Viola Goddess, Viola Chick, it doesn't matter I'm very humble and will answer to just about anything. ;) Here's a little information about myself: I am 18 years old, I live in Tampa Florida a.k.a. the seventh circle of hell, I just joined the United States Air Force (I leave for basic training in exactly 1 week!), I hate lima beans, I like parasailing, I can't cook, I play the Viola, and well that's about it. Oh yeah, visit some of my Favorite Sites. And while you're here you might as well take a peek at some Pictures!
The Code...

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