The Britt Family Home Page
It all began in July, 1988 when Julie was hired onto Steve's software development team at Hewlett-Packard.  We became instant friends and were nearly inseparable for almost 10 years.  And then it happened - on April 26, 1997 Julie and Steve were married...
We formed a blended family including Julie's two dogs (Brandy and Alex) and Steve's two cats (Bonnie and Clyde).
We spent our first two years travelling, hiking, playing softball and basketball, becoming season ticket holders for theatre and sports events alike, and watching movies, movies, and more movies.  But it felt like something was missing.  The dogs and cats all got along too well and we needed something to stir things up a bit.
And then came Jessica...
Jessica Nicole was born on August 8, 1999 at 9:59 PM.  Since then our offices have become shrines to Jessica, and instead of watching movies our entertainment comes from watching Jessica learn and play.  We've also become experts at packing the car to the gills for a 2-hour outing!  We miss her when we're at work, talk about her when she's asleep, and dream about her when we're asleep.  Jessica has always been full of laughter and quick to smile, and has brought us more joy than we ever imagined possible.  Every day seems better than the one before!

This web site is dedicated to Jessica, the light of our lives, who has changed and expanded our universe in such a short time.
The first year in review
The second year in review
The first 6 months
The first half - walking and talking
The second 6 months
The second half - running and running!
Special events and occasions
Special events and occasions
The magical first birthday party
The second birthday party
The beginning of the third year
Special occasions
The family grows....