Texas TAKS Test Preparation Games

Math Games for Grades 2 - 5

Separate games for each grade

Each game has over 100 questions (with answers) based on the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills requirements.

These question/answers also appear in an accompanying teacher reference 
booklet with the TAKS objective and TEKS expectation numbers for each question.
Question format and materials are modeled after TAKS tests. 
These include four answer alternatives, bubble answer grids, and Mathematics Charts.

Order Numbers

     For 2nd grade:         TAKS math 2
     For 3rd grade:         TAKS math 3
     For 4th grade:         TAKS math 4
     For 5th grade:         TAKS math 5

For more information or to place an order, use the link at the bottom of the home page.

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