Click this foot to learn some astonishing facts about this
remarkable creation we call our foot. Learn some amaizing facts,as well as answers to questions like,
How many bones are in your foot? or "How many joints are in your toes ? and more!
CLICK on these little toes to enjoy
the BEAUTIFUL tender toes of some
wonderful children that are NOT ashaimed to show their love for their toes.
PICTURES of Kid's and their BARE FEET,a FOOT or Their TOES
WELL HERE IT IS ! The page with the pictures of these wonderful kids
and their beautiful bare feet. Included here are pictures of bare feet,
Bare toes and more bare toes! Contribute a picture of your bare toes
and receive a "Special Certificate " .
Come on Kid's,
Kick off those shoes,
Pull off those socks,
and BARE your TOES !!!
An Amaizing story about this
young child I met in a park one
day. You won't believe the fun
we had,or the pictures I was
able to take. Hope you enjoy !
Send a picture of your (or a friends) Bare Toes to add to this site.
Emailto: bare_your_toes@yahoo.com

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