That is Vanessa A., Kristi, and Me waiting in line at the Batman Ride in Magic Mountain.
That is Kristi, Me, and Vanessa A. Kristi is actually on my back. We were waiting in line for a ride at Magic Mountain.
This is a picture of my sister (Stephanie) and I at her Drill Team Banquet my junior year.
This is a pic of Me, Christina, and Shannon in Chemistry the last week of our junior year. 6/00
This is Vanessa A., Kristi, Me, and Julianne in Drama the last week of my junior year. 6/00
This is Kristi, Vanessa A, and I waiting for the buses for magic mountain my junior year.
This is Vanessa A, Kristi, Keane, Me, and Amber waiting in line for a ride at magic mountain my junior year.