St. Patrick School
Cobalt, Ontario, Canada

Postcard Project 2001/2002

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St. Patrick School #120

Hello from Cobalt, Ontario, Canada

The town of Cobalt was founded in 1903 with the discovery of silver rich veins in our area. Legend has it that Fred Larose, who was working as a blacksmith for the railroad, threw a hammer at a fox. He missed, but when he went to get his hammer he discovered a rock rich with silver ore. He like many others went on to open a mine. At one time there were over 100 mines in our area. Our town boasted a population of over 20,000 people. There was an opera house, a trolley car system, our own Stock Exchange, theatres, etc.

Now the population of Cobalt is 1500 people. There are no longer any mines in our area because of the low price of silver. We exist on tourism and a lot of spirit.

The town is located latitude 47 degrees N and longitude 79 degrees W. We are found off Hwy 11, on Hwy. 11B in an area called the James Bay Frontier. You can find us 6 hours north of the capital city of the province of Ontario - Toronto. We are located in the Cambrian Shield area. The major types of trees in our area are popular and birch and confirous trees. We experience a long winter (from Nov. to Apr.). Our summers are accompanied by black flies and mosquitoes.

The Provincial emblems are: flower- white trillium, bird-common loon, mineral - amethyst, tree - Eastern White Pine.

Visit our St.Patrick School homepage to learn more about our great little school.

Pictures printed with permission by the former Mayor of Cobalt, Mr. Hank Lafleur.

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