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aka:nutling, nutty, ling, lil nut, lil one, may, squirrely(larry's name for me), squirrel person, nut nut,
and assorted variations, but u can call me "princess mayling" =Ş really..heehee
b-day: nov. 7th, 1980-that makes me a scorpio
school: UBC(university of british columbia)
height: for those politically correct folks: i'm vertically challenged, but i think i'm around 5'4 with heels..heehee =Ş
favourite colours: pink, yellow, orange, red, white, black, silver, and almost every colour of the rainbow=) i luv colour.
nationality:chinese-canadian(altho i'm not very much the former)
languages: english mainly but i can make a horrible attempt at french and cantonese too =)
fav foods: sushi(especially salmon sushi/sashimi..yumeeee), tortellini w/ alfredo(and just pasta in general), viet subs, soggy french fries that still taste like potato(not the dried up crispy kind), potatoes, chicken, salads, bagels w/ lotsa cream cheese, lichee/taro jelly cups, and ice cream(not all together tho cuz that's just gross)! i'm a carbohydrate addict, but hey! i don't believe in weird diets.
fav drinks(non-alcoholic): bubbletea, tetley milk tea, hot chocolate, anything strawberry banana, smoothies(favourably strawberry banana.heehee), iced mochaccinos, pink grapefruit juice and chocolate milk =)
stuff i like to do: tennis, listening to music, working on my web page, singing(lalala), reading, watching tv when there really isn't anything else to do, watching movies with my dearest edwen =), just doing nothing with my dearest edwen =), shopping, working out, writing, thinking, hanging out with friends. talking on the phone, laughing, smiling, hiking, going to the beach =)
what i watch: don't watch tv often but I like "friends(funny!)", "that 70s show(HILARIOUS!)", "entertainment tonight(entertaining. =Ş duh)", "jeopardy(brain exercise..heehee)", "oprah(inspirational)", "the simpsons"(especially wonderful w/ my hunni), "street cents"(canadian and cool!), and of course the BCTV News Hour!
fav reads: the list is always growing! The Vancouver Sun(the daily paper), wuthering heights, to kill a mockingbird, joy luck club, the giver, and especially any CANADIAN LIT!!!(see below)
My Canadian lit favs: The Cure for Death by Lightening(dergatz), Cat's Eye(atwood), The Wars(findley),
As For Me and My House, Anne of Green Gables(montgomery), and Wild Geese(ostenso)
fav mags: InStyle, Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, and my brother's computer mags,
and of course reader's digest(it's a lot better than u think =Ş)
fav music: Westlife, UK pop!, matchbox20, dave matthews band, Jewel, Celine Dion, savage garden, new radicals, bands, songs w/ lotsa piano, rock/pop, chantal kreviazuk, backstreet boys, nsync, ekin cheng, robert miles, verbpipe's :"freshmen", ben folds five's "brick", cranberries, old stuff, stuff by andrew lloyd webber. songs that express lotsa emotion, sad songs, happy songs, love songs. Stuff that the RADIO STATIONS do not OVERPLAY! The Christian music sampler CD I got last year reallly really rocks too! =) That stuff is sounds so good and it just gives me a "supergood feeling" heehee! =)
fav movies: Edward Scissorhands, Love Story, and Ever After, (extremely moving)drama,
(extremely funny)comedies, and of course romance
other stuff i like: hello kitty, tweety, precious moments, winnie the pooh, forever friends, sailormoon, my lil hammie, dogs, cows, trees, poetry, hearts, roses @-->--'--,---, sunshine, slip dresses, pretty tank tops, cardigans, my mavi jeans, my unlisted shoes, my nine west slip ons, summer showers, scented candles, and everything else cute, sweet, romantic, or beautiful =) and of course I LOVE YOU, Edwen! "you're too good to be true.." =)![]()
coke or pepsi: DEFINATELY PEPSI =Ş
results for all the thespark.com tests: CURIOUS? come see!
fav actress: drew barrymore-she's superduperly cool! I just luv her!, and i also think julia roberts is a beautiful person(inner and outer)
actress I find most annoying and fake: Jennifer Love Hewitt(gag)
singer I find most superficial: Britney Spears("i'm not that innocent"?????)
the better browser: IE version 5.00(if you don't have it..um..u don't know wut ur missing! you could be seeing more..feeling more...=Ş)
stuff that scares/disgusts/annoys me: GOSSIPS(grrr..), spiders(eek!), lighters(I think it's all those "don't play w/ fire" warnings i got as a kid), smoking(YUCK!!!!), migraines(owie), snoops(myob), stalkers(get a life), obsessed peeps, peeps who do disgusting(lewd) things in public, perverts, pedophiles, rapists, snobs, self-centered peeps, racists, backstabbers, gossips, pEoPle wHo WrIte LIke tHiS, compulsive liars, people who just want to make others feel bad, people who actually think it's cool to be stupid, really bad grammer/spelling mistakes, excessive use of foul language, and having absolutely nothing to do!
fave scents: clinique happy, gap blue, L'eau d'Issey(gift from my boyfriend),and similar scents. nothing beats the smell of "clean". floral or fruity isn't too bad either =)
fav beauty products: a combo ofpantene pro-v shampoo(i hate the new scent),herbal essence shampoo/conditioner, loreal kids shampoo-watermelon, and thermasilk leave on conditioner for my hair =)-mostly cuz they smell so nice-heehee!, clean and clear foaming facial cleanser for sensitive skin, biore moisturizer, biore facewashes, and biore facial cleansing cloths =Ş AND OF COURSE SUNBLOCK! And for those who crave soft hands: Neutragena NORWEIGEN FORMULA HANDCREAM is verryyyyy good!(i'm not kidding).
worst makeup brand(in my opinion): COVERGIRL-it sucks..great advertisinng, crappy products. Almay, Max Factor, Revlon, and Loreal are the best. hey..and did anyone notice how makeup ads are SO computer edited these days?
*last words*: life is how you see it! Three things that come in handy once in a while:
1) creativity 2) a sense of humour and 3) an open mind. And don't take anything for granted! Also remember that life is way too short not to believe in love and most importantly, yourself. <3
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