Hello. I am a member of the 2001 class in a small town in Northwest Iowa that does not need to be named. To sum up what I am doing this year. I am a part time High School Senior. I am also a part time Post Secondary College Student, and I am a part time employee at a place called K-Mart.
In the Fall of 2001 I plan to be attending North Iowa Community College (NIACC) in Mason City. I still have plans to work at K-Mart part time. I want to major in Computer Science. I used to want to minor in Communications, but right now I am not so sure. After 2 years I am not sure what my plans are for the future. I might go to another college, or I might go out and find myself a job.
My plans are not set in stone, but that's my idea of what my life is going to be like after I graduate from high school.
As of right now I am just trying to get through my senior year with a positive attitude.
Class of 2001 Rulz!! What makes Class of 2001 so Cool? We are cool because we are the first class to graduate in the MILLENIUM!! |