Hi!  Welcome to my page!!  As you can already tell, I love Barbie!!  I have a million of them!!  Well, maybe not a million, but a whole bunch!! :o)  I am only 5 years old, so my Mommy is helping me do this!  So, if there's any mistakes, it's her fault! hee hee

My Virtual Birthstone

I just won my first award!! Thank you Donna, from Alphabet Soup!! Be sure and visit Alphabet Soup, it is wonderful!!!
Thank You Donna!

I've won my 2nd award! Thak you KatieBug!! Be sure and check out her site, it is GREAT!!

KatieBug's Award

Well, I like lots of different things!  Barbie, of course is my absolute favorite thing in the whole wide world!  My Mommy and I will be scanning all of my Barbies and I will have a photo album of all of them!!  I can't wait!!!  But I also love Blue's Clues, too!  Blue is such a cute doggie!!  And Steve is pretty neat too! :o)  And another one of my favorite things are The Rugrats!!!  I really like Angelica, although, she can be a little stinker sometimes!  I watch Nick Jr. and Nickelodeon all day, every day!


Thanks Beckie and Tina!
Click on the cute little Angelica Angel to adopt one of your own!!

My friend Emily sent me this Tigger Angel! Tigger is my absolute favorite!!

Beckie and Tina's Touch of Heaven

I love it when my Mommy reads!  I try to read, but I can't just yet!  But I'm going to school this year, so I'll be reading in no time!  I have lots of favorite books!  Mommy reads my "Little Toddlers Bible" every night to me and my sister before we go to sleep!  I just love hearing stories about Jesus!  Another one of my favorite books is "Charlotte's Web".  Mommy has read the whole thing to us!  I just love little Wilbur and Charlotte!

Well, that's about all for now!  Be sure and check out my little sister, Mikela's page!  Mommy is working on a graphic set for her right now!  Mommy made all this Barbie stuff for my page!  Isn't it neat.  And the neatest part is, that the Barbie is actually mine!!  Mommy scanned it!  She's an angel Barbie, except she just doesn't have her wings on, cause I kinda misplaced them.  Oh, and don't forget to check out my Webring Page.  It's got all the webrings I belong to on it!   :o)

Click Here For More Info!!
Please go visit Ted E. Bears to see how you can help make our Enchanted Forest Drug Free!!!

Mikela's Little Spot on the Web
         Webrings I Belong To
I just love getting mail! :o)

~Jodie's Little Heaven~

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