The Truths

Many have argued with me on the validity of these truths, but in the context of my so-called life, they have held truth a majority of the time. Without further ado . . .

My 3 Truths About Women I Like:
(Quotations from my favorite band Our Lady Peace)

1) Boyfriend - If she has a boyfriend, I have found that I am too nice a guy to make a first move to try to break anything up. I would feel awful if I did so aka screwed from the start.

If Only My Hands Weren't Tied

2) Not Interested - I have found that no matter how hard I've tried, if a women is not interested, she is not going to change her mind. This truth was a long lession in futility for me resulting in yet another aka screwed from the start.

I Remember All The Feelings And The Day They Stopped
And finally . . .
3) Little Brother/Puppie Dog Syndrome - I quote, "Curtis I could never feel about you like that. You are just like a little brother (or puppie dog may be substituted) to me." aka extremely screwed and in the friends zone for life. Don't know what the "Friends Zone" is? Ask me or God (David) and one of us will do a demonstration for you.

But I'm really not that different, you just made me think so
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