
Well, I don't think that I am that interesting of a person, but I do have a few hobbies. They include:

I am a big fan of Star Trek, mostly TNG (The Next Generation), but I also like DS9 (Deep Space 9) and the original series. I do not prefer Voyager as much though.

Go to the Star Trek Archive

I am a large Major League Baseball fan. My favorite team is the Chicago Cubs.

I used to collect baseball cards a lot and I have over 20,000 of them. I will probably end up selling them all, but if you are looking for something specific email me at


and I'll see if I have it to trade or sell to you. I will tell you that I keep all of my cards in near mint condition.

Currently, I have been spending a majority of my time finding and listen to music. I enjoy the Alt Rock, Punk, Rock, and Grunge genres the most, but I always point out that each genre can offer good music (yes even country). I have little time for it now, but my MP3.com station entitled The One & Only Alternative has a wide variety of bands to check out and music to stream or to download at your leisure.
I know I will probably get beat up for this eventually but . . .
My favorite television shows are:
Dawson's Creek

I have finally decided on my all time favorite movie. It has two great actors, Tommy Lee Jones and Wesley Snipes. You have probably already guessed it: US Marshalls.

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