Old School Cheats
Here are many old PC cheats that I know for all the computer gamers who like to play the old stuff:
Doom and Doom 2
- IDKFA = Very happy ammo refill
- IDDQD = God Mode
- IDDT = Secret Areas On The Map
Duke Nukem 3D
- DNCOORDS = shows your position on the map
- DNSHOWMAP = Shows all the map
- DNIVENTORY = gives all items
- DNKEYS = gives all keys
- DNUNLOCK = opens all doors on present level
- DNCLIP = no clipping mode
- DNMONSTERS = kills all monsters on present level
- DNMAJOR = infinite jet-pack fuel
- DNSTUFF = receive all weapons, full ammo, and items
- DNKROZ or DNCORNHOLIO = god mode
- DNITEMS = receive all key cards
- DNSCOTTY## = game and level warp
- DNHYPER = receive steroids
- DNRATE = game frame rate
- DNVIEW = view from behind Duke
- DNSKILL# = change skill level to #
- DNDEBUGG = shows lots of debugging info
- DNCASHMAN = throw money when space bar is pressed
- DNALLEN = displays "buy major stryker" message
- DNBETA = displays "pirates suck" message
- DNCOSMO = displays "register cosmo" message
Enter Quake then go into options to type in these cheats
- GOD = turn god mode on or off
- FLY = flying time
- IMPULSE 9 = get all weapons and ammo
- IMPULSE 11 = get a rune
- IMPULSE 255 = quad damage
- NOCLIP = you can go through walls
- NOTARGET = monsters wont attack unless provoked
- MAP E#M# = level warp (E = episode; M = map)
- GIVE S # = gives you # shells
- GIVE N # = gives you # nails
- GIVE R # = give you # rockets
- GIVE C # = give you # cells
- 1-999 GIVE H # = ups your health #
- GIVE # = gives you weapon #
- CROSSHAIR 1 = on screen crosshair
- R_FULLBRIGHT 1 = removes shadows
Press enter and type in these codes any time
- CORWIN OF AMBER = enables
- SALLY SHEARS = see the entire map
- POT OF GOLD = get lumber and gold
- IRON FORGE = best weapons
- HURRY UP GUYS = speed training and building
- THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE = invincible
Warcraft II
- GLITTERING PRIZES = get lumber and gold
- MAKE IT SO = speed training and building
- UNITE THE CLANS = instant victory
- HATCHET, AXE, or SAW = big increase in lumber
harvesting skills
- YOU PITIFUL WORM = instant defeat
- NEVER A WINNER = removes victory sequence and lets you
continue playing
- IT IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE = all of your units
invulnerable, except to a direct catapult hit, and will inflict 255 points of
damage on each enemy they hit
- SHOWPATH = see the entire map
- UCLA = displays "go bruins" on the screen
- NOGLUES = disable magical traps
- VALDEZ = adds 5,000 oil to your resources
- EVERY LITTLE THING SHE DOES = upgrades your magic
users will all spells
- THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE = jump to finale movie
- DECK ME OUT = immediately upgrades all
- FASTDEMO = makes warcraft 2 demo fight scenes between
games pop up faster
- DAY = displays FIEF on the screen
- SPYCOB = gives oil
- NETPROF = makes a laser show in the background
- ALLOWSYNC = allows you to surrender during multiplayer
- TITLE = enable or disable cheat codes during a
multiplayer game
Can't find the code you're looking for here,
then go to
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