the class that never was

The truth is, there really was no 1S05B before we came into the picture. We kinda used to be 1S56A, but since the half of the class taking bio/chem came along...okay okay. shall stop speaking like they're the extras. But, just for the record, 1S05B is made up of 11 people taking phys/lit and 15 taking bio/chem. we're the mixed up class. *grin*. but even so, there's no war and the spirit's there, and i must say, we're happening sia...

class party 7/11 at bryanne's place. DD exceeds SS!

Arief, Zai and Nick

Marabelle, Mingfang, Rebecca & Nigel

class outing at east coast. ok, so not alot of people turned up...

I of course belong to the physics/lit half of the class lah. So I shall here give them some credit and talk about us! hehe...well since we're a smaller bunch, we're pretty close. We have a nice black book (on to vol.2 already) that we pass around during lectures and when the teacher's not looking or during breaks..etc etc, that we write lyrics, poems, impressions, thoughts, stupid pictures..etc etc...real nice..must get hold of it and scan some of it soon. Think we're a damn cool bunch, because we're the science students that cannot let go of I think it's great how we're all bonded by a common love for the depth of language and the mysteries of the mind. These things we can share...and in it we grow together!
(photo: sharon liu and belinda painfully missed)

We are all in the gutter,
but some of us are looking at stars.
-Oscar Wilde

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