<BGSOUND SRC="holeniuworld.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
This is me (again)
"Well, if that was love, this was something so much bigger and deeper than the other feeling seemed. The mere dancing of her blood in tune with his...But no! Real love, great love, the love that poets sang, and privileged and tortured beings lived and died of, that love had its own superior expressiveness, and the sure command of its means. The petty arts of coquetry were no farther from it than the numbness of the untaught girl. Great love was wise, strong, powerful, like genius, like any other dominant form of human power. It knew itself, and what it wanted, and how to attain its ends.
Not great love, then...
But just the common humble average of human love was hers. And it had come to her so newly, so overwhelmingly, with a face so grave, a touch so startling, that she had stood there petrified, humbled at the first look of its eyes..."
And here I am again. In the middle of the night and unable to sleep. Seems like the "ME" keeps changing huh? Should be a good sign, shows that i'm still developing. haha~

Life lately has been good I must say. Despite the training and the mugging and the stress, I guess I've learnt to count my blessings. And now everyday
is precious, no matter what. Don't wanna ask anymore questions, actually have got most of them figured out. Feel kinda older and definitely mellowed. (not coz i figured out the questions) Just realised that they are not important anymore. Yeap, they really don't matter anymore..in fact, they never should have.
Always had this dream to go to the moon. I saw the planets Jupiter and Saturn through a real powerful telescope during an astronomy camp way back in sec 3. or was it 4? anyway..it was incredible. jupiter looked like a big round sweet with orange/brownish swirls around it. the power of the beauty just hit me BHAM! and i realised that this is the real thing, not just what you see in books, but the real thing..in the sky, i was seeing it with my own eyes. and it was just amazing..the whole weight of the truth just hit me, that this universe is so big, bigger than anything i could ever imagine, and that God created everything so beautifully and so perfectly. It's a wonderful feeling to be amazed. Since then i've never looked at the sky the same way again. It's just above us, every day, every night, yet, we seldom lift our heads to see what is different everyday, yet still as beautiful. (oh no i sense myself beginning to embark on a cheesy journey) ANYWAY, "think of that!" (quote unquote george tesman hahaha) imagine seeing the earth from a detached spot, say the moon. Imagine seeing the earth-rise, the earth-set. It'd be more incredible than seeing jupiter through the telescope coz imagine how big the earth would look from the moon! Wouldn't that be amazing?
The stars are beautiful because of a flower that cannot be seen.
Someday I would like to stand on the moon, look down through a quarter million miles of space, and say, "There certainly is a beautiful earth out tonight."
-Lt. Col. William H. Rankin
As I get nearer to the end of jc years, I'm beginning to appreciate my good, close, older friends more and more. Realised that so many people we know now, acquaintances, or even people we'd deem as friends; many of them are not gonna play a big part in our life in future. In fact, when we leave school, we might never see them again. Beginning to realise that it's not the opinions of people we might call 'friends', and whether somebody likes u or not that matters..coz if the person judges you that way, that person probably doesn't matter anyway. What matters are the people who love you simply because of how long you've been together and because of everything you've shared. And whether they  like you or not is not even an issue at all. As i write this i'm starting to  think of my gang...having quite a warm feeling. hee~ though all of us have changed so much, and though we can get so irritated at each other, so pissed, but ultimately, in the crowd, it's the familiarity in the eyes and the knowing that in their midst I can truly be myself and be loved, that will draw me to them despite everything else.

And now as I write this I'm starting to think of God and how He is just like that...even greater. Friendship is such a great form of love that it has to come from God himself.
"For Love is patient and Love is kind...Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never dies/ And though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing."
[1 Corinthians 13: 4,8,2]