The RJC canoeing team is just about the greatest. (of course, Hwa Chong and NJ come in a close second) But that's besides the point. Though training is tough, the the whole school thinks that we are mad, (maybe we are) but we all share a common dream and a commitment to the team, which we will continue to pursue. We see ourselves as a cut above the rest, possessing exceptional discipline and of course, strength. (HAHA) It all does pay off ultimately, when we see that trophy in our hands.
Actually we girls don't think alot of the guys team, because when guys start becoming strong and muscular, they seem to start thinking that they own the world. They are mad in a cute way, they actually seem to enjoy doing pushups and pullups (and making a big display of it too) Never once have we heard them cheer us on when we are doing pushups. (during punishments or when we do not warm up together)
The girls team basically rocks.
(of course, we are stable on the water) 
Become so wrapped up in something, that you forget to be afraid.
Visit the canoeists photo album!
1. We were the champions for the year 2000, and will (hopefully) continue to be so for 2001 as well.
2. We are the girls who can do the most no. of standard pushups in the school, as well as the girls with the nice tanned legs. (HAHA)
3. We are nice and united and we cheer the boys and each other on all the time.
But they do carry the doubles crafts for us back to shore, and they do have wonderful abs, thus, despite their mcp-ness, poser-ness, horny-ness and unstoppable fragging addiction, we love them anyway.
4. Lastly, we are all damn chio.
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