| The Cape Town Trip | People in Lotte's life | The stuff Carlo listens to |

July 2, 2001: It has been quite a while since we last posted some news. However, we have got some fresh pictures, including two that Lotte has drawn herself! SHe is also learning to play on the computer. Maybe in a few years she will some content to this page by herself!

At the big band rehersal weekend First drawing of a human being

First drawing of an animal (butterfly)

April 10, 2000: Wow! No news for six months. Did nothing happen? Not quite, Carlo became prof and the family moved to Bussum. Lotte has adapted well. She likes the home and the garden. On the picture here she looks quite confident, with all the boxes with her stuff ready and packed for the big move. She is now in her parrot phase: we have to watch our language.
Snapshots of our new home: the front; the living room.

What do you want?

October 13, 1999: NEWSFLASH! Beware! Lotte is now roaming free, walking a little wobbly, but secure and unsupported!

Checking out her daddy

August 19, 1999: 9140 grams, and 73 cm! She is growing into a tall blonde... Speaking English too ("Hi!"). It will not be long before she will walking. She can stand an amazing (and breathtaking) 15 seconds without support. She likes to play with the kids at daycare, beaming as the other kids pay attention to her. She really liked the South African Holiday, although she could do without the flying...

Ostrich jockey

April 9, 1999: Lotte has now grown to 7300 gram, and she is beginning to get real tall: 66,7 cm. Today she performed an amazing feat, she knibbled her big toe! For a couple of weeks, she rolls over from stomach to back, if she really wants to. From back to stomach is, however, more difficult for her. Smiling is her big hobby, and today she swam together with other babies, and had a ball. Will she like daycare?

February 19, 1999: At February 4, Lotte was 5640 grams, 61,5 cm long. She's laughs as well as cries. Neighbours think Lotte takes after her father, shopkeepers think she takes after her mother. Do they know who is buying all the baby-stuff for Lotte? Helena and her company have a new e-mail address. Drop a line at

With her uncle Peter?

January 18, 1998: A new year for us and Lotte. At January 14, Lotte was 4740 grams, growing quite well. January 16 was her first sleep-over at grandfather's house. She did not mind, in fact, she was very quiet and satisfied.She laughs quite a bit and loves to play. Parents are very happy.


December 17, 1998: After a month, Lotte is now 3820 grams. She is officially doing well. In the first week, she suffered from colic. That has stopped now. No more onions for Helena!

December 11, 1998: So much has happened
Many friends and family members have met Lotte. It seems Lotte has Carlo's nose. Well, it looks better on her than on her daddy. She is doing quite well. She has already visited Leiden and Rotterdam, and is very popular. Below we have new pictures! On a new page we show pictures of Lotte and important people she is meeting.

November 15, 1998: She's here and she's lovely!!
After a long labor, it was a fantastic Sunday-morning at 8:27 when Lotte came (was brought seems more appropriate) in this world. She is is beatiful and she is doing well. Soon we will have pictures. She weighted 3200 gram, and was about 52 cm long. She drinks very well and makes here parents as happy and as proud as can be!

November 2, 1998: Still not there.
Expecting has become waiting.!

October 22, 1998: Nursery is finished.
If s/he knew how wonderful his/er room is, s/he would come right away!

October 6, 1998: Helena is very pregnant now.
Just a few weeks to go. With the nursery almost finished, Carlo knows nothing better to do than to set up the family homepage, so everyone interested will in a few weeks time be able to see the lovely pictures

3 days old
October and expectant?

(Photo art) (links area) (e-mail)

Photo art

"Age 10 months, 27 days: Walking with her car. 2 days later she started to walk alone!"

"Age 8 months, 16 days: I like Raspberries!"

"Age 2 months, 12 days: Growing well!"

"Season's greetings 1998 from Lotte, Helena and Carlo"

"Day 4: Happy Lotte and Helena"

"Day 4: Bathing"

"Day 3: Lotte sleeping"

"Day 1: Lotte's arrives home"

"Day 1: Lotte's first nappy"

"I always thought water was unbreakable"

Links area

Academic homepage Carlo Schuengel ?
Ibala Handpainted Arts ?

Big Fun Band Homepage


Helena's e-mail

? 1998;1999;2000;2001

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