"When you shake your family tree, there are bound to be a few nuts."
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Henry Pancake (1866-1950) was the son of Isaac and Nancy (Ratliff) Pancake and the husband of Susan Jane (Bentley).  He is buried in Sugar Creek Cemetery, Lawrence Co., Ohio.
Picture from Austin Pancake.
Rev. Clell O'Donald and Maude Ruth (Delong) Pancake.  Clell (1900-1985) was the son of Henry and Susan (Bentley) Pancake.  Maude (Delong) Pancake (1907-1989) was the daughter of Isaac and Nellie (Tufts) Delong.  Both Clell and Maude are buried at Sugar Creek Cemetery in Ohio.
Pictures from Austin Pancake and daughter, Beverly Pancake.
Clell and Maude (Delong) Pancake's children:
Francis O'Donald
Alberta Ruth Robert Golden
Harold Austin Verna Opal
<< Alberta, Austin, and Verna
Maude R. (Delong) Pancake and son, Harold Austin >>
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