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Once upon a time, in a village in the old country,  there lived three wicked witches of the other  direction. These three witches hated the town's most  beautiful maiden, because they were so ugly and she  was so very beautiful.
FredsHouse is here to show kids of all ages  that fun and learning are best when they are taken  together.
The witches used to churn their cauldron, quoting the  three witches in William Shakespeare's Macbeth:
If you are a parent or a teacher, I hope you are  still a kid at heart, as you will find things here  that will interest you as well. You are welcome to  read the Statement of  Purpose and Usage for FredsHouse, though  for real kids this is optional!
"Double double, toil and trouble, fire burn and  cauldron bubble. In the poisoned entrails throw, wool  of bat and tongue of dog, eye of newt and toe of  frog. Double double, toil and trouble, fire burn and  cauldron bubble."
On a more fun note, take a look at Puzzle Page One. Puzzle Pages are a feature of  FredsHouse that will be expanding...
This was how they cast their nasty spells. And now  they were out to get the beautiful maiden of whom  they were so jealous.

You may want to bookmark this site (save it in  favorites, please!) as it provides many links to  wonderful sites, that further link to wonderful  sites, and so on... So, you could get lost and not be  able to find your way back.
But she was too pure to be susceptible to their  spells and incantations. So they devised a plan to  ensure that the beautiful maiden would be miserable  for the rest of her life. They cast a spell upon the  village's most evil landlord and put a very wicked  idea into his head.
Many of these sites are filled with useful  information, such as where to find free SAT  preparation on the web (look under Educational Links).
He desired to marry the beautiful maiden, but could  not win her favor. Now, with the plan given him by  the three wicked witches of the other direction, he  could force her to accept his hand in marriage, or  else he would evict every man, woman and child in the village.
There are also free fun things for younger children  -- check out:
Carlos'  Coloring Book
MamMaw K's  Kidz Site

  Reva's World!
He called everyone in the village to the public  square and made his announcement. The beautiful  maiden would have a chance to get out of marrying  him. After all, he was a fair man! In three days  time, he would present her with a bag of 100 marbles,  all of which would be white except for one, which  would be red. If she could pull the red one out of  the bag, she would not have to marry him. If destiny wanted her to  escape marriage with him, destiny would ensure that  she would draw the red marble. But if she drew a  white marble she would have to marry him, or he would  evict her father and mother!
FredsHouse tries very hard to come up with  free resources and links for kids (and  their parents and teachers). This is one central  tenet of the site.

An exciting feature of FredsHouse is The Instant Dictionary. Words used throughout the site are highlighted and  linked to their definitions in The Instant  Dictionary, so that just going through the site  will automatically build vocabulary skills.
That night the beautiful maiden could not fall  asleep, but tossed and turned in her bed. The next  night she tossed and turned and finally fell asleep  for a while. In her dreams her guardian angel  revealed the truth of her situation to her. The  landlord had no intention of letting her have even  the one in a hundred chance he had announced to the  entire population of the village. He would place only  white marbles into the bag! Now she really was in  trouble.
Fred's Instant  Encyclopedia will link highlighted entries  to a website that Fred feels will provide the most  resources on that subject, so that going through  FredsHouse will be even more educational! Be  sure to use links provided at the other sites in  addition to Fred's own links, so that you can access  even more resources.

All day the next day she thought about her predicament, trying to  figure out a way to outwit the evil landlord's plan.  That night, the last before tomorrow when she would  have to draw the marble, she tossed and turned, and,  finally, came upon a plan of her own. She would not  have to marry the evil landlord after all.
Assuming you have bookmarked FredsHouse into  your favorites, please feel free to explore links to  some "veerrry interrresting" places around the web:
Puzzle Links
Magic Links

Educational Links

Games Links

Optical Illusion Links

Sports Links
Can you figure out what her plan was?
Or do you need  to

read the answer?

(Note: If you chose to avoid Educational Links  you have missed out onBradford's Robotic Telescope, an automatic telescope you can control and  view the results on your screen, via the Internet!)
For more puzzles, take a look at Fred's Puzzle Page One and Fred's Puzzle Links! To  test your reasoning skills, try taking Fred's Logic Test.

Want to play games on-line? Use Fred's Game Links to play  all kinds of games, mostly without having to download software!
Fred has developed a "tool kit" for those interested  in developing web pages. This can be found at the Web Page Tool Kit for  FredsHouse. If you would like to visit a fun  graphics and animated images site, which includes a  nice tutorial on HTML (HyperText Markup Language),  try Denton's Dimensions.

More bewitchment, myth, legend and fantasy can be  found by using Fred's Folklore, Fairy Tales and Mythology links.

FredsHouse for kids of all ages the world  over.

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The Little Triangle  Movie!

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