(This picture combined from two and manipulated slightly)
See other pictures from our August 2007 vacation at Shutterfly (select album, no cost to View Pictures).
Here's a wonderful close-up of Max taken by Larry Kaplan at the end of the 2006 Greenwich Village Little League season.
Max turns Twelve in November 2008 and his brother Abe turns Nine in February 2009!
Max has uploaded three free games for your playing pleasure:
Here's my friend's website.
It is our sincere belief that this website, still available under the old Geocities neighborhood URL http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Dell/8909/index.html, is the oldest, continuously maintained website held by a human from before birth (this sonogram was first posted in late May of 1996), and belongs in the Guinness Book of World Records!
Some of the earliest material includes the famous "The Pregnancy Trilogy" written before Max's birth by his father, Barry Drogin, and this archive of pictures from Max's first year!
Max's brother Abe has a small archive from his first year as well.
These pages currently maintained by Max and Barry Drogin.
Last updated: September 30, 2008